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Full Version: Shifters n' aging
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Okay, so I've hit a slight snag when it comes to shifters. I'm usually not too fussy about player backstories as long as they make an iota of sense, but it's gotten me thinking regardless. This brings me to two schools of thought:

Player A says his fox shifter is about 2+ years old; recently awakened but mature as far as the animal is concerned (grew up in the wild, got caught for SCIENCE!)

Player B says his tiger shifter is over 20, and grew at the same rate a human did (abandoned by animal parent, raised in an orphanage etc)

I remember reading somewhere that shifters grow at the same rate as their animal equivalent, but age slower than said animal equivalent...but I can't find that text anywhere.

It would be fantastic if someone could point me in the right direction D: (should the text actually exist and I'm not imagining things nyahnyah.gif )
Runner's Companion, page 86: "Shapeshifter characters mature at the same rate as their parent species, but have longer lifespans, comparable to orks." Parent species being the type of animal, since they are not metahuman.

Without doing some research, I could believe the Fox shifter being about 2 years old and mature. The tiger, sure, if it's really middle-aged (IIRC from having looked into tigers, it's about 4 years).
Hmmm alright. So there hasn't been any updates to shifters in 5th ed yet?

Anyway thanks! smile.gif
all we have is a core book, a small PDF about guns, and a preview of the equipment book at the atm.

none of those would be the place to look for information about shifters.
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