Mar 21 2014, 10:08 PM
So, I am attempting the somewhat idiotic feat of converting some old characters and runs to 5e. Specifically looking at Divided Assets, and several offering from Prime Runners (Juan Jesus Diaz, Erik Vernon Dreyfus[both as presented and as a matured version of the ppresentational, Hoodlum Priest, Samuel Lamptey, Sherlock, Frank Marshall Wendall, and Corey Martin). That was more than I thought.
I'm also attempting to turn vault 106(the clone vauIt, I may have the number wrong) into a run. May do a hand full of other vaults if I can work on the drive to do so.
My question is, does anyone else have any of these already in fourth/fifth edition write ups?
Mar 21 2014, 11:11 PM
The Vaults are a good idea, some creepy things going down in them.
Mar 21 2014, 11:45 PM
Mar 22 2014, 01:41 PM
The vaults also seem ideal as a straight up black sites. I was also thinking of making Vault-Tec as a AA corp. Specializing in building construction, chemical, cybertechnology, and psychology research.
Mar 22 2014, 04:15 PM
I came to this thread expecting something about the Ancients gang.
Happy Trees
Mar 22 2014, 05:06 PM
I came to this thread expecting a Cthulhu crossover. You're not the only one disappoint.
Mar 22 2014, 05:08 PM
QUOTE (Bigity @ Mar 22 2014, 11:15 AM)

I came to this thread expecting something about the Ancients gang.
Hell, I was wondering who thought they needed reviving!
Mar 22 2014, 11:25 PM
Good to see I'm not the only one who was thinking of the Go-Gang...
Mar 23 2014, 12:05 AM
Nope, you sure aren't.
Mar 23 2014, 02:44 AM
I humbly apologize for the confusion chummers. I have never run a game before, and none of my previous games dealt with the elf gang. I bego your forgiveness.
Mar 23 2014, 03:01 AM
I was thinking of a Cthulhu version of the Go-gang...but what the heck. Not sure if they're "Just another gang" anymore, at least not in our Seattle, as Rickson started teaching them insurgency tactics after befriending the Boss Chica.
Mar 23 2014, 07:58 PM
So, I am running into an issue upgrading Samuel Lamptey (Prime Runners p.40-41) to sr5e. Essentially, he dies. Body index doesn't exist anymore and 5e doesn't have the reduced essence bonus for lesser used option. He now has an essence value of -2.8. I keep seeing a reference to attribute bonus cap, but I can't see the reference to it. If some one could point out the 5e page for this, I would appreciate it. Also, does said cap apply to temporary bonuses from things such as the adrenaline pump?
Mar 23 2014, 08:58 PM
The maximum Augmented bonus to any stat is +4. The exception to this rule is Wired Ref + Reaction Enhancers running wirelessly, but that is the sole exception IIRC. Although its worth noting that Initiative can gain its own +4 if anything boosts the static value directly as well as a + to Intuition and Reflexes.
Mar 24 2014, 02:40 AM
QUOTE (Moirdryd @ Mar 23 2014, 03:58 PM)

The maximum Augmented bonus to any stat is +4. The exception to this rule is Wired Ref + Reaction Enhancers running wirelessly, but that is the sole exception IIRC. Although its worth noting that Initiative can gain its own +4 if anything boosts the static value directly as well as a + to Intuition and Reflexes.
Not that I am doubting you, kind sir, but can you give the page reference? Either way, that might be enough to save poor Lamptey's life.
Mar 24 2014, 11:07 PM
PG94, second column second paragraph beginning with "Keep in mind".
Mar 25 2014, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (MADness @ Mar 23 2014, 03:58 PM)

So, I am running into an issue upgrading Samuel Lamptey (Prime Runners p.40-41) to sr5e. Essentially, he dies. Body index doesn't exist anymore and 5e doesn't have the reduced essence bonus for lesser used option. He now has an essence value of -2.8.
I'm not familiar with the source material you're referring to, but two possible options off the top of my head: Use better grades of 'ware (probably betaware at a minimum, if he's using up that much essence), or if you like going over the top, make him a cyberzombie.
Mar 25 2014, 06:54 PM
QUOTE (Sponge @ Mar 25 2014, 12:16 PM)

I'm not familiar with the source material you're referring to, but two possible options off the top of my head: Use better grades of 'ware (probably betaware at a minimum, if he's using up that much essence), or if you like going over the top, make him a cyberzombie.
Prime Runners was a first/second edition fluff book. It had a bunch of characters and their stat blocks, plus suggested hooks and uses (maybe not entirely fluff). It's one of the few older books I have in hardcopy. Lamptey is a linebacker for the Seahawks. While I can see them installing beta cyber in him, making a zombie doesn't make sense. Though, the limit on stat bonuses (thank you Moirdryd) help the issue some what. He can drop a few bits of gear that are kinda useless now.
So, upon looking at it, the Adrenaline pump is useless. It is situational at best, and cost more than almost all other options while also have a "drain" effect. The only one more expensive is suprathyroid, and that is static, and cost less essence. The only real advantage is it gives a point per level to willpower, but only after you fail a test you would want it for.
Mar 25 2014, 08:19 PM
QUOTE (psychophipps @ Mar 22 2014, 10:01 PM)

I was thinking of a Cthulhu version of the Go-gang...but what the heck. Not sure if they're "Just another gang" anymore, at least not in our Seattle, as Rickson started teaching them insurgency tactics after befriending the Boss Chica.
Am I the only one who thinks that a cthulu-esque go-gang would be awesome? Perhaps a toxic or twisted totem worshipped by the group, leadership is awakened (or the whole gang is).
As for the conversions, if he is a major leaguer you can easily expect him to be using betaware, possibly even a few choice pieces of delta ware if he is a star player (don't have a copy of prime runners anymore so can't look up his fluff), nothing ridiculous though I would say for delta since unless you are really connected there isn't a whole lot you can get.
Mar 25 2014, 10:16 PM
Deltaware makes sense in the 5e era. It wasn't around until later (my SSC 2e has it iirc, though). He was a major investment (6-7 figure salary, plus millions for legal considering titanium bone lacing), so delta may work. I notice in my 5e book that bioware has the cybergrades system. IIRC, that's new. Bioware had two grades, cultured and regular, right? Any word on if/why the change?
Mar 25 2014, 10:35 PM
QUOTE (MADness @ Mar 25 2014, 02:54 PM)

Prime Runners was a first/second edition fluff book. It had a bunch of characters and their stat blocks, plus suggested hooks and uses (maybe not entirely fluff). It's one of the few older books I have in hardcopy. Lamptey is a linebacker for the Seahawks. While I can see them installing beta cyber in him, making a zombie doesn't make sense.
True - if you want to keep him as an active player. On the other hand, a disgraced former linebacker, forced out of the sport and into signing up for a corporate paycheck....

4th and 5th editions both have the standard cyberware grades for bioware. The basic/cultured categorization exists as well, but in 5th edition it's an academic distinction (so far).
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Mar 26 2014, 12:17 AM
QUOTE (MADness @ Mar 25 2014, 03:16 PM)

Deltaware makes sense in the 5e era. It wasn't around until later (my SSC 2e has it iirc, though). He was a major investment (6-7 figure salary, plus millions for legal considering titanium bone lacing), so delta may work. I notice in my 5e book that bioware has the cybergrades system. IIRC, that's new. Bioware had two grades, cultured and regular, right? Any word on if/why the change?
SR4 had Bio Grades too...
Mar 26 2014, 01:14 AM
The SR5 distinction is currently what type of Bioware it is. You have Regular vat grown implant into anyone stuff and then you have Cultured Bioware which is custom Gene-matched (thats the two lists in the book). It now conforms to the same grades as Cyberware. I suppose the reason for it is 'simple' book keeping by having both Augments options use the same gradient system.
Mar 26 2014, 01:17 PM
QUOTE (Sponge @ Mar 25 2014, 04:35 PM)

True - if you want to keep him as an active player. On the other hand, a disgraced former linebacker, forced out of the sport and into signing up for a corporate paycheck....

4th and 5th editions both have the standard cyberware grades for bioware. The basic/cultured categorization exists as well, but in 5th edition it's an academic distinction (so far).
I thought fourth only had two grades for beware? I guess I was wrong. My apologies. Doesn't make as much sense to me (how does one improve on cultured bioware when it is already based on your own genes?) Thank you though, I can use that to keep things a little more reasonable.
Side note: Does anyone else change the grade modifiers into a two step? (80%, 60%, 40% of essence)
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Mar 26 2014, 01:23 PM
QUOTE (MADness @ Mar 26 2014, 06:17 AM)

I thought fourth only had two grades for beware? I guess I was wrong. My apologies. Doesn't make as much sense to me (how does one improve on cultured bioware when it is already based on your own genes?) Thank you though, I can use that to keep things a little more reasonable.
Side note: Does anyone else change the grade modifiers into a two step? (80%, 60%, 40% of essence)
We keep the Grades as Listed.
Mar 26 2014, 03:42 PM
QUOTE (Moirdryd @ Mar 25 2014, 08:14 PM)

The SR5 distinction is currently what type of Bioware it is. You have Regular vat grown implant into anyone stuff and then you have Cultured Bioware which is custom Gene-matched (thats the two lists in the book). It now conforms to the same grades as Cyberware. I suppose the reason for it is 'simple' book keeping by having both Augments options use the same gradient system.
QUOTE (MADness @ Mar 26 2014, 08:17 AM)

I thought fourth only had two grades for beware? I guess I was wrong. My apologies. Doesn't make as much sense to me (how does one improve on cultured bioware when it is already based on your own genes?) Thank you though, I can use that to keep things a little more reasonable.
Side note: Does anyone else change the grade modifiers into a two step? (80%, 60%, 40% of essence)
This is how it was in 4th Ed also. There was standard and cultured, which all could be Standard grade (second-hand in Standard bioware options) through Delta.
Mar 26 2014, 04:58 PM
QUOTE (MADness @ Mar 26 2014, 08:17 AM)

how does one improve on cultured bioware when it is already based on your own genes?
Cultured bioware need not be exclusively based on the individual's own unmodified cells, it merely needs to be customized to the individual's genome (typically through cloning some tissue from their body as a basis). So one can imagine that there's alternative methods to incorporating any extra bits with greater and lesser essence impact.
Mar 26 2014, 06:19 PM
Fair enough. I need to think about things more than I do.
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