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Full Version: Playing a cheesy fantasy/horror adventure as a video game
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I went through some of my stuff lately and and found a very cheesy adventure that I wrote almost 20 years ago for the "The Dark Eye" fantasy setting (which was/is huge here in germany). Well, I never got to play it and my SR group would be open to try it as a fun diversion. I thought it could be fun to somehow integrate it into our Shadowrun campaign. While it would be possible to do it as an astral or resonance quest, I kind of like to option to play it a a video-game-gone-rogue in a UV host. The backstory would be that a contact of our Technomancer was good friends with an AI who somehow got lost inside that video game, which fits pretty well because in the adventure the father of one of the players gets lost an it's basically about trying to locate him.

I post this here because I'd like some input on how to handle the rules for this. Basically, I'd like the chars to use their real-world attributes and skills (Let's say the game analyses you and puts you inside a character that's mostly you) and then maybe give them a "Class" (Fighter / Mage / Rogue etc.) that fit's their role in the real world and gives them equipment, spells and maybe some boni.

The adventure is mostly about exploration and riddle-solving which doesn't need any dice but there are a few small fights and a big boss-fight with a twist at the end. I don't want to make this thing very lethal for the real-world characters so I'm thinking about some kind of hitpoint mechanic. It also shouldn't be cakewalk either, maybe the death of the virtual character could lead to heavy biofeedback?

So the question here is: Has anyone done something like this or has some other interesting input on this?
As a player, I would not like that at all.

It makes it an dull episode with nothing to do with the game.

I'd rather ask the GM to play it as a one-shot maybe in a med-fan setting.

But well just my 2cts.
puzzle solving can be fun, but not everyone will or can think the same way you do and what might seem like an obvious solution to you in what they should do might not to someone else.
If the adventure was written for a different system, I would say using that system would probably be easiest. It's typically easier to approximate a character's abilities (and just let the players use character knowledge that might not otherwise be available in the other game) than it is to change another game's mechanics to fit your current game. It's kinda like the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon where kids from our world took a bad roller coaster ride and ended up in a different world. If you pre-generate the characters in the other system, you should be able to work it out. If this is just a fun, one time thing, it shouldn't matter much anyway. The only issue might be if a player didn't know the other system well.
I've thought about doing a Shadowrun mission where players are assigned to mess with an AR game. (Like Miracle Shooter from SR4) The players get hired to knock a top seated player off the high score list by some other (wealthy) player or by bookies looking to make a buck on tournament betting. Possibly someone of importance lost a child to a freak AR game accident (He jumped into traffic to avoid an AR fireball spell) and blames their opponent and isn't above hiring Shadowruners for an Eye for an Eye kind of thing? Or maybe the players are hired to be body guards? There are a lot of ways to get players involved.

I thought it might be interested to do it as AR because it would allow the mission to take place both in the matrix/game space and in the real world. I pictured at least one character being in the game while the other players follow in meat body, and possibly a hacker distorts the system too. The player(s) need to defeat the virtual opponents and traps, but everyone including the players has to deal with real world threats. This can be mixed, with other physical players getting involved, or a malfunctioning/hacked/sprite altered/etc part of the game throwing dataspikes at the devices of even non-players.

You could do something similar here, with your existing fantasy game and plot as the story in the AR game.

Interesting ideas might include an AI or Technomancer having gotten into the game and messing with things, or a local crime group of some kind realizing that some section of a neighborhood is an important part of the AR game and using it to take advantage of distracted AR players.

Miracle Shooter is never defined exactly in Shadowrun, so it could be some kind of Fantasy world with guns hybrid, like the original Quake game or the Bunkers and Badasses DLC for Borderlands. Street Samurai and Gun Bunnies might actually be very good at it. Spellcasting, on the other hand, would probably not work in the game like it does in "real life" and may need to be covered by the computer or impersonation skill.

Inspirational bit stolen from another thread on Miracle Shooter:
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