I have a couple of Matrix questions that my GM and I have been discussing…
Let’s assume that a Decker is Running Silently on a host and Patrol IC spots her…
1. Does she know she’s been spotted?
2. Assuming no MARKS on the Decker, if she crashes the Patrol IC, is she still spotted by the Host?
Let’s change the scenario so that a Spider is on the Host too. The Patrol IC doesn’t spot our Decker, but the Spider does.
1. Is she also spotted by the Host?
2. Will she still be spotted by the Host (assuming that the answer to #1 is yes) if she crashes the Spider?
I think I know the answers to all of these questions; I just want to verify my information.
Here is what I think…
Q1A1: No she has no idea she has been spotted (until IC slaps her).
Q1A2: Yes she is still spotted by the Host until she successfully completes a Hide action.
Q2A1: No the Spider is not the Host and therefore does not automatically share this data. The Spider can take an action (simple?) to share the spotting data. (I have no reference for the second part of this answer, but it makes logical sense.)
Q2A2: She will only be spotted by the Host at all if the Spider takes the time to share the spotting data, once that has happened (if it is possible) then crashing the Spider will have no effect on the Host spotting the Decker.
Can anyone confirm or deny my thoughts on this? If you happen to know page references that would be Awesome!