Running a game in the era of the Internet is hard. Even assuming your players have enough self-control not to read every splatbook ever written (spoiler: they don't), you have to weave your storytelling around plot holes large enough to pass the Renraku Arcology.
I am lazy. Ergo, I will fab some modern-day setting in the style of D20 Modern or GURPS, and let players commit crimes without the benefit of chrome or magic. Only the bad guys get those, and they'll hopefully be terrifying in the way that finding your unarmed captive has a submachinegun in his wrist can be.
Can anyone suggest what rules tweaks might serve to account for the absence of cybernetics, magic, technomancers, and wi-fi that works properly? I'm a little rusty on the rules, and would not be opposed to upgrading to SR5.