Hi there!
I have read in the excellent "matrix guide thread" about the maximum of the matrix initiative. Its said that it would be "10+5d6 initiative rating (the max you can have in the Matrix)"
Now, I wondered about that because the Matrix book states that the bonus from DNI, response increase and hot ASIST could be max. +10 reaction and 5d6. Wouldn't it be possible to add the base reaction / ini to the total bonus because those are not coming from the cyberdeck enhancements?
for example:
response time 3 = +6 reaction and +3 dice ini
pure DNI + hot assist = +2 reaction and 1 die ini
reality filter = +2 reaction and 1 die ini
Total +10 reaction and 5 dice
At this time the bonus points are capped at maximum.
If my decker has INT = 6 (using pure DNI) + cellebral Booster (2) and hase 1d6 base INI
would he then the reaction 18 + 6d6,
or stick with the 10 + 5d6?