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Full Version: GenCon 2014: Meet & Greet?
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I'm putting together my schedule and I want to make sure I leave a block for this. Are we still doing this this year? Wednesday evening again?
I'm in, if so.
Sounds good to me. My first convention as a GM; first time at Gencon, and only my 3rd convention EVER.
There is nothing official planned and I haven't heard a non-official plan for it.

GenCon SR GMs have a meeting on Wednesday evening. Please refer to the convention guidelines for time and location (located in the shared Dropbox/SRM Documents).
Chirping crickets in this motherfucker. Where's the usual clamor of pre-Gencon runners?
So I'm thinking about the TGI Friday "endless appetizer" promotion, and I see that there's a Friday's about a half mile from the Indy convention center (lobby of the Fairfield Inn, I think it is). I'm thinking it might make for a pretty cool meet-and-greet (for here, Shadowrun in general, some RPG.netters I know, whatever) to just claim a big table and sit there for as long as we want to, scarfing on potato skins or boneless buffalo bites.

$10 for endless appetizer plates, there's a bar there for those who're interested, and as long as we leave a nice ass type when we're done, everyone wins, right?

I get in early enough Wednesday I can swing by for lunch and just see if they're doing the promotion, and then try to spread the word, I guess...but no one else seems to have a plan, so what do y'all think?
I'm intrigued. The half mile is a bit tough, but if it's on a day that's not otherwise overbooked (Wednesday?) that hike shouldn't be an issue for me. I do imagine that distance is enough to dissuade all but the most HARD CORE SHADOWRUN FANS.
QUOTE (nezumi @ Jul 29 2014, 09:30 AM) *
I'm intrigued. The half mile is a bit tough, but if it's on a day that's not otherwise overbooked (Wednesday?) that hike shouldn't be an issue for me. I do imagine that distance is enough to dissuade all but the most HARD CORE SHADOWRUN FANS.

Or they can take a taxi.
Keep in mind that measurements from the convention center are often kind of wonky (it can really make a big difference based on where they measure from on the convention center, for instance).

This TGI Friday's is the one in the lobby of the Fairfield Inn and stuff, right up there on 501 W Washington.
It's really not that bad of a trek from the Convention Center to that TGIF, especially if you're leaving from the exit nearest the new Marriott (name escapes me atm). I'm down with going there, btw. smile.gif
The Fairfield Inn is attached to the new Marriott, that's across the street from the convention center. It's half a mile from one end of the convention center to the other.

Despite having stayed at the Fairfield almost every year I've gone, I've never poked my nose into that TGI Jack Daniels. I'm fine with breaking that streak this year.
Just a heads up, there's a Shadowrun GM meeting at 5 PM, and then a general CGL/Agent Meeting at 9 PM, probably for an hour or so. I imagine the BT Agents will have a meeting in between there somewhere.

So we have a start time for this or anything?
I've been aiming for about 5:00, and then hanging out for however long we can/want to (as long as folks keep chipping in money towards an ever-growing tip pile in the center of the table, I think they'll be okay with us squatting for a while).
Ok, I'll let Ray know so he can pass it along to the Shadowrun GMs. They'll be done between 6 and 7, likely, and will have a couple hours before the 9:00 meeting. I should be there as well. smile.gif
Also, since this is your shindig I'll leave it to you Rusty, but you may wanna go post over on the SR Forums as well. smile.gif
Yeah, I'm postin' all kinds of places (I've just been largely avoiding the SR forum since it's been up and down for me lately, sometimes timing out).

I'll get the table space under "Rusty," so if anyone's gonna swing by, I'll see ya then!
Thanks for setting this up Critias!
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