Just Jonny
May 8 2004, 12:01 AM
I recently heard online that the Great Eastern dragon Vestrivian was killed in the Earthdawn adventure, Barsaive at War. Can anyone either confirm or deny?
If he is dead, what then was the corrupted Great Eastern dragon that the IEs were so freaked out about in the Aztlan sourcebook? And why the hell would the Azzies be so pro-Horror, if they aren't led by one?
May 8 2004, 12:48 AM
AFAIK he dissapeared inside of a massive Horror Cloud and wasn't seen after. Don't know if they found a body though.
May 8 2004, 01:39 AM
Vestrivan was a western dragon.
In any event, the Aztlan vs Amazonia seems to be an extension of the big fight between feathered serpent factions on the proper usage of blood magic. One side believing in caution because some forms of blood magic attracted horrors and the other believing that all forms of blood magic use were legitimate.
There has been evidence that there is a horror corrupted great feathered serpent involved with Aztlan. The only proof of the great Eastern however remains with the Aztlan sourcebook.
May 14 2004, 11:12 AM
there was a description in the astral quest part of SotF which described a corrupt eastern in relation to Amazonia/Aztlan, i believe.
May 14 2004, 01:29 PM
The reference in SotF points to a corrupted great feathered serpent not a corrupted great eastern dragon.
May 14 2004, 07:34 PM
It does doesn't it?
May 18 2004, 11:58 PM
ah. whoops.
May 19 2004, 01:04 PM
QUOTE (Just Jonny) |
I recently heard online that the Great Eastern dragon Vestrivian was killed in the Earthdawn adventure, Barsaive at War. Can anyone either confirm or deny? |
Yes. In Chapter Eight, he "sacrifices his own life to stop the Horror Cloud." (p.121)
MK Ultra
Jan 3 2006, 06:45 PM
I allways liked the idea of Vestrivan being the man himselfe, Juan Azcapotzalco CEO of Aztechnology (Thoug this one presumably died in 64 according to SoLA)
Vestrivans corps was not found or was it?
Jan 4 2006, 08:01 AM
the SoTF section was describing dragons that are constantly opposing eachother making a type of balance of powers. Examples given were Lung/Ryumyo, Rhonabwy/Sea Dragon, and Hualpa/corrupted feathered serpent. Still no more clues beyond that though. Clue nazis.
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