So not every adventure or campaign or mission needs a BBEG, right?
I'm looking to build a series of missions in which not every opponent is a gun wielding 1-million nuyen SAM
or a fully initiated Drake mage flinging mana balls all over the place.
and sad to say magic is my weak point now in SR3 (I've even managed to get my head round decking)
So I require the help of DS ... the BATMAN of the hospitality industry,
the magic user that is cool under pressure, brooks no insult to his staff, and can evacuate 100 people from the Towering Inferno in under a minute.
he is the James Bond of the kitchen, the Metahuman equivalent of Dunkelzahn if he had a day job.
the caveat is obviously, this is NOT a runner, he has no combat experience and NO combat (overtly) spells
and he has the backing of Corporate Security just a call away
So ... Ideas please ?