Ah, no, sorry. It took me 800 Karma to get everything together.

Lets see
At character creationMagic 5-6
Spellcasting 6 with 12 Spells
Power focus 4 (with restricted gear quality and 100k in ¥)
Mentor spirit 2 (quality)
Specialisation 2 (would recommend it to buy it with Karma)
Willpower/Drain Attribute 4+
Ingame8-12 Karma and 40k-60k times x ¥ for x sustaining foci for drain attributes (and other spells, if necessary, like increased reflexes). Ask your GM before on how he handles focus addiction.
25-35 Karma to increase magic back to the old value if you use bioware for drain reduction. If you go that way, use a cyberhand to get a nanohive 6 in the cyberhand together with neocortical/limbic nanites, universal nantidotes, neurostun immunity, O cells and one nano swarm of your choise to make you immune to most B/C-Weapons.
Around 60-100k ¥ for trauma damper and factory
50-200 Karma for force 6-9 ally spirit. Depending on how abusive you want to treat your ally that ally spirit gives +force to all spellcasting tests and can sustain an infinite number of spells with a force not higher than the force of your ally spirit (so drain attribute, willpower, invisibility, combat sense ...). Pretty sure you will get evil eyes from your co-players, the GM and the ally spirit.
13-60 Karma for initiation 1+ with centering metamagic (giving more drain dices according to your initiate rank - you will feel the effect with a grade of 3 or higher)
Actual costs can vary wiedly depending on houserules, rule abuse, and your actual build.