Let's keep this to mechanics and not opinions on story/setting content. (There is a thread for that already)
1) Stealth and Attack Dongles have a listed price of "(Rating)2 X $3000" which is either an editing error and it should be "Rating X $3000" or is a really silly way of writing "Rating X $6000." Which is it?
2) What does the MMRI (AKA: Man Machine Resonance Interface) echo do that the Mind Over Machine echo doesn't already do? They both seem to provide the benefits of a Control Rig equal to their rating. Why do we have two echos for the exact same thing?
3) In order to get allies with you in a Foundation you need to use the Hitchhiker cyberprogram and they have to be in the Host with you when you activate the foundation portal. How exactly are player supposed to be getting non-hackers into a Host system? Are they supposed to be using Stealth Dongles on their commlinks to hack their own entry marks? I had figured the program would let the hitchickes ride along as observers (not personas) on a hack, and allow access to the Foundations too, but that's not really what the book says.
4) The Odd Mod rules imply you can Hardwire Cyberdeck Modules into devices that aren't cyberdecks, but only one. (This is a good thing in my book, as it makes it possible to add military electronics hardening to anything with electronic, making them more resistant to matrix attacks.)
5) It's implied that Dongles fit into a universal data slot, but that they only work on Commlinks. You couldn't stick them into a deck right? (Otherwise you could get a high end Sleaze dongle in your deck and configure it with Sleaze as the lower rating because the dongle would be handling things.)
6) A few of the new Commlinks come with built in Dongles. Does this mean they can still take another normal dongle? Could you stick an attack module in an EVOTECH HIMITSU for example?