Aug 25 2015, 12:00 PM
Georgia dig uncovers unknown writingNot sure on the language it is but the temple is in Barsaive...
Black Mamba
Aug 25 2015, 02:37 PM
That is incredibly interesting.
Aug 25 2015, 09:16 PM
with regards to Earthdawn-era geography, Grakliani hill would be on the southern edge of the Dragon Moutains, which would be technically just outside of the Barsaive province. Still quite close, and there likely would have been exchange between neighbouring regions. But that would mean the place never had been under Theran rule and thud did not benefit from their Kaer building techniques.
About the inscription, they "only" dates back to the 7th century, which is not that old (at that point, the Egyptians had already went through twenty dynasties of pharaohs and had stopped building pyramids for almost a millenia ; the Minoan civilization had already flourished and disappeared, and the heydays of the Mesopotamian and Phoenician empire were already behind them. Whoever was writing that language lived on the outskirt of a vivid world.