I don't know... I had a Zeppelin (SR4A) with a Standard Cruise time of 480 Hours, and a Station Keeping time of 960 Hours, both of which extended out with SunCell technology for long duration operations. You do need to re-supply from time to time, but that is easily taken care of through drone re-supply shipments.
Luftschiffbau Zeppelin H&W Classique IVzThe Luftschiffbau Zeppelin H&W Classique IVz is in a class all by itself. Measuring an impressive one hundred and ten meters (358 Feet) in length, it is a shameless display of decadence and wealth. A yacht of this size usually has six decks (two lower, 2 Main, and 2 Upper Decks). Typically, a yacht of this size includes the following accommodations and amenities:
The Lower deck possesses an exterior atmospheric platform at the stern; Six guest cabins with en-suite bath or shower rooms aft, a medical centre, and the engine room amidships. Additionally, the Drone maintenance facility and Drone Rack is located here. The two Main decks share a sheltered exterior deck aft leading into the main salon, dining room and galley. There is an entrance amidships, next to the owner's tandem suites, located forward. In addition, there is a Sim-Deck enhanced cinema with an expansive Simsense library, a playroom, and additional living areas such as a separate bar, secondary dining room, private sitting rooms and a library. Also included are several jacuzzi, sauna and steam rooms, along with an enclosed Swimming Pool and Plunge Pool (with an optional wave-maker). In addition, there is a small PMV bay located here that stores up to a dozen PMV’s for ready use.
The Upper decks boasts an exterior deck aft, often used for outdoor dining, a second salon (often called the sky lounge) a wet bar inside and outside, a sixth stateroom will be amidships if it is not on the lower deck or part of the owner's suite, a fully equipped gym (may also be on the lower deck or part of the owner's suite), and a Command/Communications Facility and Bridge. There is a Sun deck on the roof of the upper deck, which also features a Jacuzzi and a helicopter landing platform.
An entertainment package that includes all of the best SimSense feeds throughout the world, Large AR and VR entertainment hookups, and a complete satellite and modern communications array.
Additional Facilities aboard the yacht include an atmospheric processing plant that extracts the water from the atmosphere and purifies it for consumption. There are several large holding tanks to store the output. In addition, this processor provides an additional source for the gasses that fill the zeppelin, to minimize the loading and storage of atmospheric gasses. There is also a very large food and perishable storage facility, to reduce re-supply functions.
This Super Yacht is the brainchild of designer Roman Abramovich, and brings together two of the most influential companies in Zeppelin and Yacht design and construction. In the year 2066, Luftschiffbau Zeppelin, in partnership with Harland & Wolfe, introduced the Classicque IVz Air Yacht. It was an immediate success with the Rich and Famous throughout the world. The most Interesting thing about this Yacht is that it may be customized to the individual’s own tastes and requirements. It is the ultimate in Luxury Living. But wait, THERE’S MORE. With the Classique IVz, you never have to worry about being without power ever again, as it has been equipped with the latest in state-of-the-art SunCell Technologies systems that allow it to stay in the air almost indefinitely.
Std. Upgrades: Lighter than Air (Includes Level 2 Improved takeoff and Landing), Luxury Accommodations and Amenities (Yacht).
Base Operational Time: 480 Hours (At Cruising Speeds) to 960 Hours (Station-Keeping). Sun Cell technologies extend this time out dramatically.
Operational Ceiling: 5,000 Meters (16,250 Feet)
Lifestyle Costs: Luxury
Handling -3
Accel 5/10
Speed 30
Pilot 1
Body 36
Armor 16 (Improved to 18)
Sensor 6
Basic Upgrades: (33/36)
• Additional Fuel Cells: 3 (Provides Base Operational Time), Slots: 3, Cost: 3,000¥
• Improved Economy (Double Operational Time), Slots: 1, Cost: 1,500¥
• Suncell Power Systems (Double Operation Time in Daylight, Recharge Time is 2 Hours per Hour of Operation), Slots: 1, Cost: 18,000¥
• Improved Sensor Array (30 Points of Sensors), Slots: 1, Cost: 1,000¥
o See Sensor List for Actual Sensors Installed
• Enhanced Image Screens, Slots: 1, Cost: 3,600¥
• Improved Armor, Standard, Rating 18, Slots: 1, Cost: 3,600¥
• Standard Weapon Mounts: 4 (Normal, Fixed, Remote), Slots: 4, Cost: 6,000¥
o Each Affixed with a Laser System (+16 Dice Defense), Cost: 120,000¥
• Missile Defense System, Slots: 1, Cost: 10,000¥
• Lock-On Countermeasures (-3 Active Targeting Bonus Dice), Slots: 1, Cost: 5,000¥
• Large Drone Landing Rack, Slots: 6, Cost: 20,000¥
• Special Machinery (Drone Bay attached to Drone Rack, Holds up to 12 Large Drones, with a Maintenance Area to Service the Drones/Shop), Slots: 2, Cost: 5,000¥
• Special Machinery (PMV Bay, Holds up to 12 PMV’s/Shop), Slots: 1, Cost: 5,000¥
• Special Machinery (Hacking Command Center/Facility), Slots: 1, Cost: 100,000¥
• Special Machinery (Cloud Scoops to Harvest/Purify Water/Shop), Slots: 1, Cost: 5,000¥
• Special Machinery (Food & Perishable Warehousing/Shop), Slots: 1, Cost: 5,000¥
• Satellite Communications Array, Slots: 1, Cost: 500
• Signature Masking 2 (Reduce Sensors by 2 for Detection), Slots: 2, Cost: 4,000¥
• Gridlink Hookup for Docking Port to Recharge Fuel Cells. Slots: 1, Cost: 750¥
• Interior Cameras. Slots: 1, Cost: 3,600¥
• Winch with Receiving Bay (Shop), Slots: 1, Cost: 5,000¥
• Extra Entry/Egress Points (Cargo Bays, and Emergency Exits), Slots: 1, Cost: 5,000¥
If you were willing to add an additional 3 Extra Fuel Tanks (3 remaining open slots) your base operational time would go from 480 Cruise/960 Station-keeping Hours (20/40 Days) to an Expanded 840 Cruise/1680 Station-keeping Hours (35/70 Days).