OK, yes, I'm an old timer. Not a lot of street cred but almost no notoriety either, so just as it should be. So, that being said I am in need of some assistance on possibly bringing an old (and LOONNNGGG used) house rule into 5th edition, if it's even possible.
Ever since 1st or possibly 2nd ed (can't remember which one) I've been using a house rule that was distributed in a collection for reworking Initiative. It reworked the Initiative Passes to work closer together while still allowing the really fast to shine but still allowing the slower characters to go, without the artificial feeling 'everybody gets a pass, even if you rolled a 1, before anyone gets a second action' mess brought in in 3rd.
Basically, every extra die to initiative you would reduce the number you subtract to get your second action/pass and gives you +1 Initiative score. Everyone rolls 1d6 for initiative. As follows:
Normal bloke: 1d6 + initiative, -10 for second action/pass (if at all)
Wired Reflexes lvl 1, Boosted Reflexes lvl 1, etc: 1d6 + initiative (+1 from Wired lvl 1) score and subtracts -8 from his total to get a second action/pass
Would have been : +2 initiative, 2d6+initiative and subtracts -10 to get a second action/pass
Wired lvl 2: 1d6 + initiative (+2 from Wired lvl 2) score and subtracts -7 from his total to get a second action/pass
Would have been : +4 initiative, 3d6+initiative and subtracts -10 to get a second action/pass
Wired lvl 3: 1d6 + initiative (+3 from Wired lvl 3) score and subtracts -6 from his total to get a second action/pass
Would have been : +6 initiative, 4d6+initiative and subtracts -10 to get a second action/pass
Move by wire lvl 4: 1d6 + initiative (+4 from MbW lvl 4) score and subtracts -5 from his total to get a second action/pass (don't even know if this is possible in 5th)
Would have been : +8 initiative, 5d6+initiative and subtracts -10 to get a second action/pass (IIRC)
I added Lightning Reflexes add +1 to initiative and subtracts -9 to get a second pass/action but could just as well use -8.
Anyway, I have several other games going on right now (all different systems) and can't seem to wrap my head around getting this to work in 5th. I don't think it will work as is because of how the score is so heavily tied in with interrupts and the like, but I still like the concept of it (and 20+ years of it working beautifully) over the current option or the variant in Run & Gun.
Any help is definitely appreciated. Also, any other long-in-the-tooth runners remember the supplement this came from? I remember the layout and each section had a single word centered on the page for a chapter heading. Dunno. IIRC, it predates TSS but not sure. Maybe from the ShadowRN days?
Anywho, thanks chummers.