Jan 18 2016, 12:53 PM
Hi Folks,
i already cross checked the question, if a power focus e.g. helps a mystic adept to roll for the attribute boost-power, and somebody already said that it should work, but is this a houserule or canon?
Jan 18 2016, 06:18 PM
By the rules a power focus aids in any roll that includes the magic attribute but (at least in SR4) it specifies that it helps the magician's magic attribute rolls. Says nothing about adept or mystic adept. So at least for SR4, it won't help them. SR5 makes no such distinction so any character with a magic attribute can benefit from them. So if you are playing SR5, enjoy your attribute boost.
Jan 18 2016, 06:34 PM
If your strictly concerned with the use of the word 'magician', adepts can't use any Foci, not even Weapon Foci. SR4 Anniversary Edition page 199
A focus must be bound to a magician before it can be of any assistance to him.
So no Foci for Adepts, at all...
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jan 18 2016, 06:51 PM
A Power Focus will aid anyone with a Magic Rating that rolls a power/spell/ability that includes their magic Attribute in the roll.
Power Foci are not extremely useful for an Adept, but they can get some minor uses out of them.
Jan 18 2016, 08:43 PM
That's how I play it, damn inexact terminology and inattentive editors.
Jan 18 2016, 09:27 PM
Well he did ask for clarification on house rule or cannon. Strictly by the rules as written in 4th, yeah no foci for adepts/mystic adepts. Do I think anyone actually plays this close to the rules? No. Or at least not for long.
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