Basically, Silk Road was an online eBay type thing for anything and everything without restriction, meaning drugs were the bulk of its trade. It was hosted on the darknet, meaning conventional search engines and browsers couldn't find it. My question is whether such a thing could exist in Shadowrun.
The first question is, can a host exist outside the Grid and stay that way? Sure there's Jackpoint, the Denver Data Haven, etc, but the corps allow those to exist because they find shadowrunners useful. I'm sure if the Grid Overwatch Division or the Feds or really anyone powerful REALLY wanted Jackpoint offline, it could be done. So that's a maybe.
Failing that, there are ways around. Firstly, there's making your own internet. It'd have to be basic, but seeing as a commlink in 2075 has more power than the entire world in 1998, it seems feasible. It'd definitely be enough for a few storefronts.
Secondly, there's hiding in an existing construct. Remember those articles about how ISIS was using the PS4's chat features to communicate? Stuff like that. Have a store set up in a free to play MMO, or hijack a Stuffer Shack host to piggyback your signal. Use a front business. Hell, AA or AAA corps can just sell off their premises. I can see Universal Omnitech and other biotech corps being in on this.
Some other thoughts:
Border crossing would be more of an issue since North America is now something like 13 different countries. I'd imagine dealers would stick to their own borders, meaning the Seattle dealers would just sell to Seattle, the CAS dealers would just sell to the CAS, etc. This might affect availability some. For instance, peyote would be easy to find in the PCC (where it's probably legal anyway) but hard as nails to find in Seattle.
I'd also say there's a 50% markup, just because this would definitely knock down the Availability a ton, maybe completely. More if it's not drugs you're seeking (expect 300%+ markups for milspec battle armor, Panther cannons, rare cyber, and so forth).