May 5 2016, 11:52 PM
Tanya pauses. She has been seriously contemplating darting Bethan and relieving her of all of her jewelry, but this sounds better. Plus, she can always dart her later if she wants to. She sits back down and takes the tea pot up, offering some to Bethan before pouring some out and adding milk and lemon. “I am interested in you, Bethan. And in what you are doing. I am bloody well embarrassed to have been fooled. So, I would be quite interested in hearing what you are authorized to tell me.”
May 6 2016, 12:04 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 0214; Seattle Center, Downtown Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
"Authorized. You make it sound so bureaucratic. All right, where to start? I know you and I have been no more than passing acquaintances, but you always fascinated me. In our circles, I have come to believe there are two types of people. Those that find some pursuit that gives their spoiled, opulent existence meaning. And the rest. And ever since I first met you, I have had the distinct feeling that, like me, you were a part of the former group. I'll admit it was never more than a gut feeling - perhaps just something I could sense, or arrogantly thought I could sense, by virtue of having sacrificed so much for my own meaningful pursuit. But observing you from some safe distance, I could see no evidence of what your pursuit might be - just the usual round of parties, affairs, expensive hobbies, and charities more about being seen than being useful. So, still convinced there was something far more to you, I concluded that whatever made you special had to be something you kept secret from the world."
May 6 2016, 04:56 AM
Tanya is definitely interested and listens to what Bethan has to say. When she breaks to sip at some tea, Tanya interjects. “Alright, now I am embarrassed on two accounts. I had no idea that you were more than either of us pretended to be. Affairs, parties, expensive hobbies, and charities were the norm. I am more impressed with you all the time, Bethan. But I am afraid my meaningful pursuit is not very lofty. I do it for the excitement and the money. I have often wished that I could be part of something greater, which is why, I suppose, I personally fund several people at university and some street clinics and orphanages. Maybe I am hoping that these things make me a better person in some way.”
She pauses to let Bethan comment.
May 7 2016, 10:53 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 0214; Seattle Center, Downtown Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
"Well, I admit that I am perhaps overly cynical about the motives of our class's charitable endeavors. And better to do good for the wrong reasons than not at all. I am no doubt too quick to judge, and I do applaud the good you've done. But I am more gratified that I sensed correctly your desire to be a part of something greater than merely excitement and money, which I don't imagine you lack for in any case. If I've been misinformed about your financial situation, you have not been about mine, and I could, in the right situation, remedy any problems you may have in that regard. As for excitement, oh Tanya my dear, I can offer you excitement. Certainly more than can be had pilfering baubles. And probably more than you want."
May 7 2016, 04:56 PM
Tanya laughs, "Cousin Jeremy is pretty much a piker when it comes to my allowance, but taking baubles and the odd contract work for.......friends keeps me living quite well. However, I would never say no to more money without hearing what I would have to do to get it. And you may know lots about me, but I do not know that I could find TOO much excitement. So, are we still interviewing here or have we gone on to something else?"
May 7 2016, 10:41 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 0215; Seattle Center, Downtown Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
"The people I answer to doubted neither my theory about your pursuits nor my guesses about what your skills might be. On the first point I am tonight vindicated, and on the second pleasantly surprised. It's nice to prove a theory, and better to find that you've underestimated someone you had hoped to admire. And perhaps rely upon."
She sipped her tea.
"No, the test they insisted upon was one of character. Would you rob me, even after I sought your friendship and was offered yours?" She smiled thinly. "Apparently so."
Her voice had remained light, but her eyes were sad.
"However, the test is merely data. The final call has been made mine. So I will simply put it to you. I am involved in something that does great good in the world. I hope, in fact, existential good. It is certainly exciting. And very dangerous. It requires discretion unto death, absolute commitment, and, at times, significant sacrifice. If this is more than you are interested in, I will bid you farewell with a variety of tedious but rather disquieting and thoroughly credible threats about your fate should you ever discuss this conversation. If, on the other hand, such a lifestyle evolution is something you'd consider exploring, then I would offer you the bauble you worked so hard for in exchange for taking another test."
May 8 2016, 01:12 AM
Tanya feels badly about how she has treated Bethan, but she has had years of dealing with this feeling. She has had to feign friendship many times to people she was planning on robbing. There is still a place in her soul where that bothers her, but she has buried that. Or at least she tells herself that. "Bethan, I am very sorry for my actions. I really have nothing to say for myself other than that. Greed and the challenge were my motivation."
She pauses, not sure if that is the answer Bethan is looking for, then continues. "I could be very interested in such a cause. It is not the stealing that drives me, it is the excitement and danger. It is the planning and execution. I would enjoy something different and challenging. I am a bit disturbed about the discretion unto death, part in one measure. My closest friend and companion knows everything about me and I do not know if I could keep this secret from her. Could we discuss bringing her in on this? If so, I would gladly undergo another test."
May 9 2016, 10:03 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 0215; Seattle Center, Downtown Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
"Something tells me that with a little effort and motivation you could keep a secret from your shadow. But yes, we could discuss it. Later. There is no time now. And that decision would not be mine. For the time being you would be oathbound to tell no one. Later, no promises, but I'm an open minded person. And I wouldn't say you would 'undergo' a test. This would be something of great importance we would need your assistance with. Entrusting you with such a responsibility would, in fact, be a great gamble on our part. But that is how much faith I have. In myself. That I am right about you. Would you have me continue? With all that that would imply?"
May 10 2016, 06:00 AM
Tanya considers the offer. "I am intrigued. If you have any information at all about my work, then you know that I never form a plan that is meant to result in death to innocents, or usually anyone, for that matter. Some deaths are unavoidable, but part of the challenge is to get in and leave without being detected and thus avoiding that issue. If we can agree on that and on being able to discuss bringing Monique in on this at a later date, then we have a deal.
May 10 2016, 11:25 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 0217; Seattle Center, Downtown Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
"I can assure you there is no intention in this to harm innocents in any way. Quite the opposite. Sadly, those goals do not go unopposed, and you should prepare yourself for that. And yes, we can discuss your friend later. Though you may change your mind, if you love this person. There will be a cargo. It will change hands. It will be well guarded by both parties. You and some others must obtain that cargo. Intact. Doing so is of greater importance than your life or the lives of any or all of those others. From this moment, you are under threat. For that reason, I can share no further details. Other than that your enemies are Seattle arms of the Yakuza and the Seoulpa Rings. And they employ many agents. So go. Prepare yourself as best you can. Be ready. And guard yourself well. I or someone I trust will be in touch. Soon."
May 11 2016, 05:55 AM
Tanya nods and rises from the table. She bends over to reach for the bracelet that was promised her, slipping it into her arm and closing the compartment. She smiles at Bethan and leaves the apartment. As she descends in the elevator, she sends messages out. >>Ni Ni, love. I have the bracelet after all. Were you able to check on the buyer? If he is legit, I can turn it over when and where the buyer's agent requests. Get back to me.<< The second is to Monique. >>I am on the way back to the motel and will take a cab from there in a few hours. Very strange night and it might get stranger.<< She slips into an alley and changes back into the tourist clothes and molds her body and face to that of the tourist woman before returning to the motel and laying on the bed for a few hours, thinking and waiting for the time to tick down to when she can return home. There is a lot to think about.
May 16 2016, 08:47 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 0243; Notel Motel, Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex
Ni Ni came back: <<Are you all right? What's going on? Reached out to the buyer and got this back: [Some things are best held onto. But if it's money you prefer, then that's what you'll receive.] Then they attached documentation verifying ownership, but not pedigree or provenance. So selling for the gem and artisan value will be easy. But I suspect discerning the true value, much less getting it, will take some doing.>>
May 16 2016, 02:13 PM
Tanya nods to herself. >>Thanks, dear. I thought it would be something like that. I guess I will keep it for now, at least until another buyer comes along with a great offer. Let me know what I owe you for your time, dear. It was an interesting night. Thank you for being there for me, as always.<< She sends a scond message to Cora Lee to let her know that the codes had worked perfectly and that her fee would be coming. Finally, Tanya tries to get a bit of sleep before morning.
As the sun rises, she leaves the room and walks to where she can hail a cab to get her back into the downtown district. A quick dodge into a public restroom and she emerges as herself before catching a second cab to take her to her hotel and home. Monique is already up and has breakfast almost ready when Tanya enters the suite. After a hot shower, Tanya has some breakfast and shows Monique the bracelet as she tells her that the original buyer had backed out and it might take a while to find another.
May 21 2016, 08:56 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 0800 Gates Undersound Hotel, Seattle Metroplex
After breakfast, Tanya sits on one of the couches in the living room and watches the fish go by in the water outside her window and contemplates her choices and opportunities. Bethan had seemed quite sincere in her warning that Tanya was now under observation, both from whoever Bethan is working with and then also the other side, whoever any of them might be. She resolves to be far more cautious until she can figure out what is going on. Fortunately, she has nothing really scheduled for today, so she can stay inside. Nodding to herself, Tanya goes to the special room and opens the complex lock. Entering, she sits in front of the control panel and wakes it up, bringing up the various systems in the room, then sitting back to see if anything happens.
May 31 2016, 05:57 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1130 Gates Undersound Hotel, Seattle Metroplex
At 1130, Tanya confirms that a table in the dining room will be available for her at 1200 and leaves the secure room to get ready for lunch. She goes to her room and dresses in a very nice pantsuit in light greens and sensible flats before she leaves the apartment for the private elevator to the lobby. She greets the security guard at the elevator and walks to the entrance to the ramp leading down to the dining room. Some genius had designed the restaurant so that it sits on the bottom of Puget Sound at the end of a quarter mile of moving walkway that moves its passengers along a transparent tube linking the hotel with the restaurant, allowing the guests to look out at the ocean about them. The restaurant itself is also made of the same transparent material and the ever-changing view provides for a truly unique dining experience. Tanya checks in with the maître 'd and is shown to a table that affords a great view of the water outside. The specialty of the restaurant is seafood and Tanya orders from that menu, selecting a nice wine to accompany the meal. As a special resident of the hotel, she is provided with a table that allows her to eat in relative privacy, one of the true perks of living at the here.
Tanya carefully goes over yet again what Bethan had told her, which is precious little, and decides to continue to live her life as she normally would. After completing the leisure meal, Tanya signs the chit and personally thanks all who helped serve the meal, leaving cash tips as is her style. Rising, she leaves the restaurant for the lobby and heads to the front door. A light rain has begun to fall and she asks for and receives an umbrella from the coat check girl before stepping onto the street for a walk. She has no destination other than to get some fresh air. That is the only real disadvantage of her rather unique living space........she cannot just open a window or patio door to let air into the suite.
Jun 3 2016, 02:09 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1230, Pier 67, Seattle Waterfront, Seattle Metroplex
Tanya walks down the Seattle waterfront without any real purpose. The noise of the gulls and the sound of the waves against the stone wharf are oddly soothing. She smells the sea air and likes it, wondering if what she is getting into will take her away from her adopted home. The rain picks up and the wind throws a mix of fresh water and sea spray at Tanya as she ventures out onto one of the piers. Near the end she finds two men braving the rain to fish, casting their lines off the side to try to catch an evening's meal from the schooling fish below. She asks them how their luck is and they respond that it could be better, but they do have a couple of fish each. She turns from them and continues down to the end of the pier and takes a seat on a crate there, looking out on the Sound and the vast ocean beyond.
Jul 18 2016, 09:10 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1231, Pier 67, Seattle Waterfront, Seattle Metroplex
Tanya's headware picked up an incoming call. It was tagged from Bethan. <<Time to get very busy. This will be a tough job on an extremely tight deadline. Go with all haste to the place where we first met on this my latest visit to Seattle. Be ready to work. You'll be met by someone you recognize, but not by me."
Jul 19 2016, 03:22 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1232, Pier 67, Seattle Waterfront, Seattle Metroplex
Tanya does not respond to the call, but stands from her position on the crate and walks back up the pier. She is already sending a message to have a cab pick her up at the street. A light drizzle is coming in from the Sound and Tanya unfurls the borrowed umbrella as she walks. The cab is waiting for her as expected and she slides in, giving the driver the address of the Aztechnology Pyramid. Settling back, she opens the confidential channel to Monique and sends her a message. >>Cherie, I am on the move, working a hunch for now. Please remain available to drop equipment off if I call for it. Ciao.<< Tanya pulls up the file on her 'link that contains the camera footage from when she met Bethan and locates the exact spot on the pavement.
The cab pulls up to the grand entrance to the Pyramid and Tanya steps out after paying and leaving a good tip, unfurling the umbrella before walking to the spot she has determined is the place she had met Bethan. The umbrella protects her neat pantsuit from the light drizzle as she waits and she takes the opportunity to pull up the Pyramid's AR business locator in front of her and pretends to be looking it over, as if she is deciding where to shop or eat.
Jul 19 2016, 08:59 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1240, Aztechnology Pyramid, Seattle Center, Seattle Metroplex
Sensing an approaching presence, Tanya glanced up and saw Lance approaching. He was looking past her, but almost on a collision course. Still without looking at her, he started talking the moment he was in earshot. "Your matrix presence..." ...he was alongside her now, and her skills were sharp enough to recognize his own light fingers as he put something in her pocket in passing..."...absolutely compromised. Go..." he was past her shoulder when he went silent and crumpled to the ground. As a pool of dark red widened around his head, Tanya spotted at least two Japanese men moving through the crowd towards her in different directions.
Jul 19 2016, 01:51 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1240, Aztechnology Pyramid, Seattle Center, Seattle Metroplex
The Aztechnology Pyramid has three sets of main entrance doors. The largest, and busiest, are directly in front of Tanya, with another, only slightly smaller bank of doors to the left and right. Tanya begins walking to the left set of doors, but cannot seem to make up her mind, changing directions every few feet in a seemingly random manner. At the same time, she opens the compartment on her arm and removes two of the tiny drones hidden there. One she places on her shoulder looking to her rear and the other she sends into the air above her with instructions to stay a couple of feet above her head and scan around. She sends a quick message to her maid. >>Comms compromised. Going dark. I will contact you later. Bold.<< The code word bold tells Monique that something very bad is happening and that she should go to the safe room and lock herself in as well as to alert the hotel security staff to be alert for people pretending to be coming to visit. After sending the message, Tanya goes wireless off on all of her implants, relying on their normal functionality alone. The drones will continue to send their sensor feeds to her but her ability to control them has gone away. She believes that neither of the two men she saw was the man who took Lance out, so there must be a shooter hidden someplace else, hence the random movements. At the same time, she is trying to make sure that the two men are following her and not just shoppers who happen to be going in her direction. As she moves and her drones watch to her rear and around her, she spares a thought for Lance. His talented fingers had been good for more than picking pockets.
Jul 20 2016, 10:11 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1240, Aztechnology Pyramid, Seattle Center, Seattle Metroplex
The feeds from Tanya's drones went dead almost immediately as they both dropped dead to the ground, but she didn't need them to know that the two, no it was at least three, yakuza were after her as they closed within striking distance while pulling small devices from under their coats.
Somewhere in her wake a woman started screaming, followed by others.
Jul 21 2016, 06:20 AM
Tanya notes the loss of the feeds and grimaces at the cost of the lost flying drone while being thankful that the other was sitting on her shoulder. The thrill of the impending action courses through her mind as she changes direction to go directly at one of the men. She moves her left hand off away from her body to disguise the whip falling from her finger, but without wireless, this takes a slight action of flicking her right hand. The reach given to her by the weapon means she can strike while still a bit away, and she does.
Jul 21 2016, 10:04 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1240, Aztechnology Pyramid, Seattle Center, Seattle Metroplex
Tanya did a masterful job of limiting the arc on her weapon so avoid lopping off any of the innocent and unsuspecting limbs in vicinity, but still managed to shear through her first attacker's neck quite nicely. As a thin line of blood started to appear across the front of the startled man's neck, Tanya spied over his shoulder two Knight-Errant officers at a soydog stand not ten meters away. Their backs were to her and despite the crazed gesticulations of the soydog purveyor watching the melee, they did not turn around.
Then, before the hapless yakuza's head could slide off his shoulders, the other two Japanese men were thrusting hand-held shockers at her.
Jul 24 2016, 03:12 AM
Tanya is glad that she took all those gymnastics and ballet classes as she attempts to dodge the two remaining attackers. Even as the first man's now headless torso begins to crumble to the ground, the other two close in and attempt to bring some sort of hand-held taser device to bear. The attack is so close that she can hear the slight crackle of the stun weapons as she dodges them..........this time. The rush of adrenaline is almost intoxicating as she gracefully moves to keep her attackers in front of her while presenting a moving target for the hidden marksman that has to be observing her. She slings the whip around and is grateful that the crowd is dispersing in panic so she can stop worrying too much about hitting a bystander. Part of her brain recognizes that the KE and Azzie security men that should be swarming the place are patently ignoring the entire show, probably paid to look the other way by whoever is controlling her assailants. The initial observation that these are likely Yakuza hard men seems to be correct and she resolves to have a word with someone about that. But right now the world is narrowed to herself and the two remaining assailants as she focuses on the battle. Her supple hand flicks and a strand of incredibly sharp wire hurtles invisibly to its second target.
Jul 26 2016, 06:54 AM
The Yakuza hard man is grinning as he advances with his companion; the small taser device flicking on as he maneuvers for a strike. He is still grinning as the nearly invisible wire encircle his torso from under his right armpit to just below his chin. As Tanya tugs on the whip, the monofilament cuts through flesh and bone alike and the head and right shoulder slide away from the rest of the body. The assailant does not even have time to realize he is dead and the smile is still on his face as it hits the paving stones at his feet. The rest of the body begins to fall as Tanya skips about, trying to stay ahead of the third attacker, who hesitates only a moment at the horrific death of his second companion. He is apparently more afraid of failing his employers than he is of dying at the hands of his target. Tanya keeps moving, not staying in any place or position long so as to give some problems to the sniper she is sure is taking aim at her.
Jul 27 2016, 11:02 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1240, Aztechnology Pyramid, Seattle Center, Seattle Metroplex
The third man died as readily as the first two - three dead in three seconds, the last expiring almost before knew the first had.
There was a blinding moment of peace as Tanya existed in the center of a triangle of blood pools as hundreds of colorfully-dressed shoppers exploded away from her in every direction like a human fireworks display.
The temptation to stop moving with the death of her last foe was compelling, but she stayed in motion as something silent tickled past her ear and another something tugged through a loose fold of her sleeve.
Then there was a Suzuki racing bike beside her, and astride it was a waifish figure whose helmet failed to contain long dusty blond hair. With one hand she revved her engine, with the other she flipped up her visor, nodded at something directly above Tanya's head, then fixed her with the most striking green eyes the noblewoman had ever seen.
Jul 28 2016, 03:37 AM
Adrenaline, pumping, Tanya takes no time to revel in her survival and keeps moving, twisting to look for another attacker to emerge from the crowd of fleeing shoppers. She senses more than feels the passage of two bullets as they slip into the place she had just occupied, barely recognizing that she would have to do some repairs on a very expensive jacket, not to mention the cleaning bill for removing the blood. The sound of the Suzuki approaching has her moving to fling out her whip, but her mind is moving faster than her wrist and something tells her that the rider of the bike poses no threat.............for now. A flick of the wrist and the whip recoils into its nesting place in her finger as she makes an acrobatic move that might leave some circus performers jealous, ending up on the back of the bike behind the woman. "1000 Y if you get me away from here."
A quick nod and the girl slams the visor back down and sends the bike roaring off and away from the plaza. The startled KE officers eating their hot dogs do not even have time to turn to see the bike disappear down the road before its driver has them mixed in the traffic and out of sight. Tanya keeps her head down and against the driver's back as she changes her facial features and the color of her pant suit.
Jul 30 2016, 06:50 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1240, Aztechnology Pyramid, Seattle Center, Seattle Metroplex
The bike was off like a shot. Literally. Tanya was unaware a bike could possibly go so fast as they zigzagged around obstacles, through traffic, and between people, all of whom seemed completely oblivious to their passage.
Tanya glanced at the hot dog-eating pawns as they took off, and as she played the final image back in her mind, studying their faces, she realized they had been anything but startled. No, they had been aware of the whole thing. They had simply chosen to pay more attention to their meal than to the mayhem going down a stone's throw away.
Jul 31 2016, 05:47 AM
Tanya puts the faces of the policemen in her photographic memory as the bike tears away from the plaza. She will have a chat with one of the KE rankers she knows at a later time about his people being on the Yak payroll. During the ride she changes more than her face and the color of her clothing. Her hair lengthens and turns from is normal auburn to a honey blonde, her breasts shrink a bit and the color of her cyber eyes changes from a brown to a deep blue. Before they go too far, she looks far different than the woman who got on the bike. She keeps a good grip on the driver, but has had so much experience riding behind the demon that is Monique that she does not hold on too tightly and leans into the turns. The girl driving the bike seems very able to get the most from her machine and Tanya lets her do her thing, wondering if the bike and driver are a plant from her hidden foes or a potential ally. Bethan had warned her that things would go fast and dangerous once they started, and she had not been kidding.
Aug 4 2016, 02:31 PM
Spriggan laughed aloud at the wildness, joy and terror of their breakneck flight through the lunchtime traffic of Downtown. Steering her bike in the general direction of the University District she kept it up for long enough that any longer would seriously begin to push their luck. Pulling in to a small side street she left the engine idling while she turned back to her passenger, frowning at the change in appearance…good job she’d been wearing her trid face when she’d been in the plaza or she would never have found Lady T…
Lifting her visor she knew the soft glow from her skin would give her an ethereal vision at odds with the feral smile that exposed her sharp lower incisors…doing her best Cockney accent she said
“Where to now m’lady?”
Aug 4 2016, 11:22 PM
The exhilaration of the ride sends sparks of excitement throughout Tanya’s body. THIS is how life should be lived; on the edge and at full speed. She bends her body in perfect sync with the driver’s, mentally urging her to even greater performance. It is a small disappointment when the bike pulls into a side street, but that disappointment is completely wiped away by the face that looks out at her from the helmet. Tanya's British accent is unmistakeable as she says, “I do not know who you are, and I only think I know what you are, but that was one of the greatest rides I have had on a bike. My compliments and thank you. I owe you 1000Y, so how do you want to collect? “
She pauses than remembers something and reaches into her pocket to pull out what had been dropped there. “Let me see if this gives me any idea of where to go. If you have the time, I might ask you for a lift. By any chance do you do any skydiving?”
Aug 4 2016, 11:39 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1250, University District, Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
Even as beautiful young (?) elf started to answer, Tanya was already accessing the data carrier on her headware. It was a video presntation - part rough, handheld recording, part graphic displays. Tanya's image link overlaid the biker girl's face with the presentation, allowing her to watch both simultaneously.
The part of her attention that was on the video saw Lady Bethan scurrying around her suite gathering things and stuffing them into an expensive designer bag. The view was apparently a device on a tabletop programmed to track her movement around the room. She spoke as she packed. <<Things are moving at rather a brisk pace now, darling, and there's little time to explain. Some people who have been chosen in much the same way as yourself have been tasked with a very dangerous mission. Failure will mean not only their deaths, but also potentially catastrophic consequences for...well...for a lot of people. We've just learned that their opposition is employing a team of five extremely capable deckers to overwatch the target. With this team in place, their virtual superiority will be overwhelming, greatly narrowing our primary team's odds of success.>> As Bethan spoke, maps, bulding schematics, photos of a luxury villa, and a series of facial images were flashing on the screen. Then she was there again facing the camera, now still, bag on her shoulder. <<We've provided their location, plans to the house, and pictures of the five deckers. We're also sending someone to help you, a dryad named Spriggan, but I am not privy to how she'll make contact. The two of you will need to neutralize the team of deckers immediately. We still are not certain of the exact deadline, but it could be anytime from dusk this evening. Don't use the matrix at all until the job is done, for obvious reasons. Finally, and Tanya, this is most important - you must involve no one else in this endeavor. Not in any way. Not even if there would be no chance of their discovery. I cannot explain, but this is critical. It must be just yourself and Spriggan. Once it is done, go to ground and you'll be contacted.>> And the image went dark in time for Tanya to pay full attention to most of what her elfin companion was saying.
Aug 5 2016, 05:26 AM
Tanya smiles at the Elf and hands her the data chip. "So now I know what and who you are. I like the name and thank you for helping me. Here, you should see this. I will wait until you are finished, but I would like to return home to get my equipment and maybe my bike. Afterwards, we have work to do. Do you know where we can go to lay low for a couple of hours so we can plan?"
Aug 5 2016, 04:05 PM
Ensuring that her ‘link was firmly wifi disabled Spriggan powered it up and slotted the chip, browsing the AR display in a matter of moments until she snorted in disgust, her accent was no longer Cockney but never the less clearly marked her as being from over the pond…
“Dryad? I’m no dandelion muncher! Let’s get out of here before the shit starts getting slung in our direction. I’m not sure about you going home, sounds like hitting known haunts might not be in our best interests, can you get someone to bring you whatever it is you need? Ah frag it, we’re not even meant to communicate and she said not to bring anyone else in to this…well I guess we can go there if we really must but I wouldn’t recommend it… fun times!”
And her grin grew even more feral if possible
Aug 6 2016, 08:12 AM
Tanya looks at Spriggan. "Well, if not a Dryad, then what? If you don't mind, that is. And I have only part of my equipment with me and am thinking I can use my go-bag. Of course, I could just buy more. I know where I can pick most of it up. Here, go to this address and we can do some shopping. There are any number of no-tells around where we can rest up and plan a bit. The villa is on Lake Washington and is probably secured, but there will be a way inside. I really think we should put our cards all on the bloody table and see what we can each add to this. Shopping, then planning. I am ready when you are, Spriggan." Tanya makes another change and colors the pant suit red to conceal most of the blood that the gangers had contributed to her wardrobe.
Aug 7 2016, 06:54 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1315, Bargain Basement Redmond District, Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
Spriggan sets the destination address into the Gridguide and sets off for the Bargain Basement. The mall is really a misnomer, as it is simply a collection of drek buildings and canvas shelters that house a bazaar of black market activities. After parking the bike, the pair make their way through the convoluted byways of this black market paradise. Tanya's first stop is at Pier 7 Imports, a shop specializing in clothing. The only thing really special is that you can find knockoffs of any sort of designer label known. Tanya is interested in getting out of the pantsuit she is wearing and picks up two pairs of Lehi Straub jeans for only half what she would have paid for the real thing. A cheap sweat shirt that touts the local Blood Bowl team, The Seattle Slaughter, and some walking shoes completes the ensemble. She stops at a burn barrel and adds the pantsuit to the flames. The cost of the clothing would have fed many of the people down here for months, but it is a potential liability now.
Feeling more human and looking more like the locals, Tanya leads Spriggan to where Carrie Sing has a small shop. She is still in the face she took on as they left the plaza, but Carrie is not enough of a friend that it would help to be known as who she is. Carrie is a purveyor of false SINs and is very good at what she does. Tanya approaches the slight woman and bargains for an R4 SIN, complete with a short history and licenses for various cyberware listed implants. Sing does not bat an eye at the list of implants as she is used to 'wared clients coming for new IDs. As it happens, Carrie has a fresh-made SIN in the name of Amanda Keyes that fits the bill. A couple of photos later and Tanya is now Amanda. She quickly reads the bio and commits it to her photographic memory before moving on, now 20K Y poorer. Next stop is Vince Fox, where Tanya, now Amanda, hopes to purchase the rest of her list. The man knows just about everyone in the business and is a genius at getting what his clients a premium price, of course. Amanda approaches the man in his shop, which is a bit on the large size for the type of business he does. Here, the list includes a Chameleon Suit with some specific mods, a ballistic mask, and a selection of B&E items. The cost is stiff, but Amanda puts out the credits, paying only half down for the suit and mask when she is told that it will take an hour to get them ready. Vince even sells her a go-bag to carry everything in. Amanda and Spriggan stop at one of small food shacks in the tumbledown area to grab a spot of lunch and wait for the equipment to be gathered. When they return, they find that Vince has indeed lived up to his claim and has everything ready to go. Amanda pays the balance due and the women leave the area, returning to the bike. The last stop is a small booth near the exit where Amanda picks up three burner 'links, sticking them in her pockets.
Amanda slips the go-bag straps over her shoulders and climbs on the bike behind Spriggan and they roar off.
Aug 8 2016, 02:42 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1423, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle, Seattle Metroplex QUOTE (Mercy @ Aug 6 2016, 09:12 AM)

"Well, if not a Dryad, then what? If you don't mind, that is… I am ready when you are, Spriggan."
Spriggan laughed, literally music to the ears “I’m a changeling, probably in the traditional rather than modern sense…fae touched and all that…I’ll show you later when I get this helmet off…!”
The joint they chose to crash in went beyond non-descript to something that almost actively caused the eyes to fall off it…perfect for a couple of people looking to stay out of sight for a few hours. Spriggan didn’t seem to worry about letting Lady T stump up the cash for the room, after the outlays of the last hour it was clearly less than pocket change, the joys and perils of celebrity!
Dumping the bike helmet on the ratty bed Spriggan freed her hair from the tight twist and ran her fingers through the curls… “See?” and she showed Lady T the small horns on her forehead, small and sharp like those on a kid goat maybe… “Touched”
In the dim room the glow from her skin was palpable, but it was her
Glamour that filled the room with an indefinable presence…
“As to
what I can do, make mischief is probably what most people would tell you! I’ve got Mab’s gifts, I can make people see things, sometimes make them do things they otherwise wouldn’t…if it comes to a pinch I can defend myself but don’t mistake me for a fighter! So, we have to deal with a cabal of deckers…I’d like to say that doesn’t sound too hard but it depends what she meant by
deal with…?”
Aug 9 2016, 04:02 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1425, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle, Seattle Metrople
Tanya reaches part way to Spriggan's head then stops. "May I touch?" She listens to the changeling's explanation of her abilities. "So you are mostly an illusionist? We can make good use of that for certain. My specialties are getting into places and taking things. I am sure that a group of deckers will have some sort of protection around. I am sure that the instructions are fairly with the deckers so that they cannot interfere with the main event. How we do that is up to us. I would prefer to not have to kill them, but we are apparently playing against people with no compunctions. Although, to be honest, it did seem that the team at the Azzie plaza was trying to subdue me, not kill me. Just not sure what would have happened to me if I had been taken."
"OK, let's sit down and look at the information we have. I have located the address, but the floor plans and maps are invaluable and I need to commit them to memory, along with the faces here. How is your memory?" Tanya takes the time to focus on the maps and diagrams, putting them into her memory to bring up when needed. She does not rely solely on her prodigious memory, but also studies them. When she is finished, she looks at Spriggan. "So how can you help us get into the house?"
Aug 12 2016, 05:59 AM
"Hmmmm. We could just almost walk in if your illusions can cloak us against electronic detection as well as redirecting direct visual surveillance. It would help if I could listen to someone there speak, as I can give a pretty good mimicry of different voices, which can certainly help keep people focused on areas where we are not.
Aug 13 2016, 05:40 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1625, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle, Seattle Metrople
After studying the floor plans and photos of the villa, Amanda and Spriggan hit on a plan of action that includes using the changeling's magic to conceal them and the thief's abilities to gain access to the building. Amanda puts together a short list of supplies she would like to have and leave the somewhat specious comfort of the no-tell and head off. The first stop is a cycle shop advertised as "Redmond's Finest Motorcycle Showcase", where Amanda pays cash for a used Mirage. Some extra cash goes to ensuring that the bike is clear of any wants, warrants, or other entanglements. Before buying it, Amanda runs her bug detector across the bike to be sure there are no unwanted tags or other spyware gadgets on it. The bike is serviceable but not so new as to attract any undue attention. The next stop is at a small industrial park on the way to the lake. Here, Amanda walks into a small building with a sign indicting it is the location of "Garrett's Fine Shoes". The company sells shoes of many different types, but that is only a front. The real business is conducted in the back, behind a hidden wall, where Margot Fines designs and sells nano devices to those that know what to ask for. Margot and Tanya are good friends, but Amanda is armed with the two things necessary to pick anything up here.................the code word to get into the back and cash. She picks up three applications of Smart Corrosives; one for glass and two for metal. She also picks up both applications of Universal Sealant that Margot has available. Amanda knows that Ms Fines has additional stocks in the rear that she would make available to Tanya, but does not break her cover to ask for them. She secretes the small squirt-gun like applicators in her various smuggling compartments, making sure that they fit in with the other items there.
Back in the outer shop, Amanda picks up a good pair of sneakers in her size before leaving. Once back on the street, she and Spriggan head off on the bikes for the lake and their target.
Aug 14 2016, 06:45 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1800, Target Villa, Seattle, Seattle Metrople
The girls do a drive-by pass of the villa to get a view of the exterior and Amanda is gratified to see that the photos she was provided seem to be accurate, which gives her good reason to believe that the interior floor plans she has memorized are also accurate. She is pleased to note that a large "For Sale (SOLD!) - Model Home" sign is stuck in the ground of the neatly manicured front lawn. She smiles as she considers the implications of sign: first, there are likely to be no wild security systems on a home that is only just occupied and second, that there might be no real outdoor surveillance from anyone guarding the deckers. They drive to a small public park within walking distance of the house and park the bikes in the lot before moving off into the wooded area near the lake, hand in hand so as to appear to be nothing more than a pair of lovers on an evening stroll. Once in the cover of the woods, Amanda strips off her jeans and sweatshirt and stuffs them in the branches of a tree, revealing the chameleon suit underneath. She takes a few minutes to be sure that everything is where it should be and that the custom flaps she had ordered sewn in are positioned where she can get access to her smuggling compartments.
She looks at Spriggan and whispers into the micro-transceiver to check that comms is up and working. "Alright, showtime. We are going to sneak past the next two houses and make our way to the side of the villa. There is a small study that will allow us access to the main house through a rather large wardrobe. At this time I have no real idea what sort of opposition we will be facing, but I will have a better idea once we get closer and I can use my radar sensor to get a peek inside the building. Now, it occurs to me that the properties we are traversing might have some sensors to detect possible thieves, so can you make us invisible? Ready when you are"
Spriggan does her thing and the two women are concealed from view before moving along the narrow path that leads along the shore of the lake. The two houses they pass each have well-worn paved paths that lead from the house to private docks on the lake. They notice no one as they move stealthily along the path and Amanda pulls off after they pass the second large house. It is still light enough that they can see the area around them, but the shadows from the trees and concealing vegetation give Amanda pause. She turns on her ultrasound sensor to pick out the best path that will allow them to avoid obstacles and whispers to Spriggan to follow in her steps. The two make it up to the side of the house and stop so that Amanda can turn the ultrasound off and the radar on. Fortunately, the villa is a normal house and not a hardened target and the radar punches through the outer walls and sends back images of the nearby interior rooms. She is comforted to see that no one is in the small study, but there is someone on the bed of the master bedroom. She puts her lips to her companion's ear and whispers what she has detected. "I have no one at the point of entry, but there is someone on the bed in the master bedroom. We will take this slowly and carefully by moving up to the small study just there and getting inside. I would like to deal with the known threat before moving on. At this time, my sensors cannot pick out more than a couple of rooms, but that will change once we are inside as the interior walls are going to be less of an obstacle then the outer one is. Please be ready to misdirect the attention of anyone that stumbles on us."
The short move to the side of the house is careful and quiet. When both are at the wall, Amanda examines the door that leads to the small patio she is standing on. The lock is a simple affair and Amanda once again thanks the stars for cheap contractors that use normal locks to save money. She works on the lock, quickly picking it and entering the building quietly, followed by Spriggan. The two remain in the small room while Amanda calibrates her radar and takes a look around what she can now see of the house. She can see most of the house and counts seven forms. Two are standing in the hallway between the master suite and one each in the second bedroom, the family room, the master bedroom and the larger study. The last one is in bedroom three upstairs. She cannot yet see into the dining rooms, sunken living room or the back portion of the upstairs, to include the last bedroom. The forms in the hallway and the study are moving while the others seem to be in one place. Faint voices can be heard from the pair and Amanda focuses her hearing to try to pick up the words. Fortunately, she is familiar with the language and can make out what they are saying. By the tones of speech, she realizes that one of the men is the security team lead and that he feels he is not being properly used to babysit some drek trix manglers. Amanda listens long enough to be able to put the speech patterns into her memory and is rewarded when the second man complains of the ability of some feral cat who seems able to foil all attempts to be kept outside the house.
Amanda smiles as she forms a plan. She whispers for Spriggan to be ready to assist with magic if needed then mimics the meowing sound of a feline in the room. The smile gets larger as she hears the guard leader angrily chastise the other and order him to investigate, telling him to kill the cat. Amanda's radar picks up the movement of one of the men as he leaves the hallway and approaches the study by way of bedroom two and the wardrobe. She has the Parashield ready and makes another small meow, bringing the man into the room, swearing at the cat. He does not stand a chance as Amanda, invisible to him, steps up and fires a dart into his neck from point blank range. The narcoject works instantly and the man collapses into Spriggan's waiting arms. They lower him to the floor and Amanda quickly strips the man of his clothing and secures his legs and arms with restraints and a gag. Searching the clothing, she finds and removes a large pistol that she quickly stashes under the small desk in the room after unloading it completely, including the round in the chamber. The magazine, and two spares are slid under the edge of the bookcases where they will be very hard to retrieve. After removing anything useful from the clothing, she places the pants on top of a bookcase and the shirt on another where they are out of casual sight and slips the man's credstick and wallet into the compartment of her left arm before picking up his 'link and putting the ear bud in one of her ears. Using the voice tones of the unconscious man, she calls to the other man, using the same deferential tone and term of address she had overheard him use. She uses as few words as possible to say that the cat has been caught, but there is something interesting in the study. The guard leader swears then tells the man to hold on. Soon after, there are two unconscious naked men on the floor of the study, both secured and gagged. Like with the first man, the second guard's pistol is unloaded and the chamber round and magazines are slid under the bookshelves. A second credstick and wallet join the first and Amanda swaps out the 'link she took from the first man for the new one, reasoning that he might receive a communication from his superiors that the other man might not have access to. She hands the first 'link to Spriggan so that she can also hear what the guards might be saying.
A quick look around with her radar sensor indicates that it appears no alarm has been raised. Amanda smiles at Spriggan and whispers, "I would like to deal with the men in the master bedroom and bedroom two before moving out into the house. We can access both bedrooms without exposing ourselves to anyone in the family or living rooms. Any objections?"
Aug 15 2016, 03:42 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1801, Target Villa, Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
Before Spriggan could respond, the captured earbud in Tanya's ear crackled to life in rapid-fire, gutter Japanese. It was a commanding tone.
Then a convoy of three black vehicles - two sedans and a van - slid up to the house and came to a stop outside the front door.
Aug 15 2016, 02:30 PM
Amanda thinks quickly then says "Hai" into the mike, using the guard leader's voice before turning to Spriggan. "I need help to make me look like this second man. I am going to change my face and torso to match his, so can you get me his pants and shirt?" In less than a minute, her chest is flat and her face and hair alter to look exactly like the man on the floor. While this is happening, she is putting on the clothes of the man. "Thanks. Keep listening on the channel and be ready to jump in with some magic to create an illusion to allow me to escape if things go south. Now wish me luck. Oh wait." She quickly bends over the man and looks at his hands, noting the missing pinky finger on one. "Damn. Almost forgot that. You will need to craft the illusion of a missing finger."
Amanda shakes her arms then settles into the role of a Yakuza soldier. She has had dealings with the criminal organization in the past and has observed how the soldiers act in the presence of their superiors. She will have to trust that her knowledge is enough to get her through. Slipping the dart pistol into an outer pocket of the man's jacket, she slips it on and walks out to the front of the villa to meet his boss. Fortunately, she expects that the boss will do all of the talking and relies a bit on the greatest illusion of all; that the man will see what he expects to see.
Aug 15 2016, 05:54 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1801, Target Villa, Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
Twelve men piled out of the three vehicles, including the drivers. About half - the ones from the cars - were in black suits, flashily colored silk shirts and ties, and shades. The van disgorged the other half - young Japanese men in much more casual clothing, all intended to look like expensive street chic, but easily identifiable to Tanya as knock-offs. They also wore shades and two carried heavy duffel bags.
They poured into the foyer. The oldest was maybe fifty and his neatly trimmed moustache and goatee were the only facial hair in the group. Though graying at the temples, he was big for a Japanese and appeared fit and possibly augmented. He strode up to Tanya with a guttural "Oi, Tanaka-kun, get you shit-stained ass over here."
Tanya rushed up with head down, her extensive study of the world's etiquettes allowing her to do an acceptable bow. As she did so, the two duffel bags hit the marble floor with a thud and a clank. The chimpira - the lower level thugs - started grabbing ballistic vests from one and weapons from the other, mostly sawed off shotguns and Uzis.
"You dogs go and double up the current guard positions." The young men looked at Tanya for instructions, as if to ask where those positions were. Tanya was accessing her photographic memory for those positions she already knew about and wondering what to about the man who was naked in the study when the older man shouted more loudly, "The house is not that big, losers, go!"
He then said to the men in suits, "You three go upstairs and join the other guards with the assets. You two take a walk outside." As they headed out, he added - take off your jackets, look natural, hold hands like you're okama or something." They smiled and gave him the finger, and he laughed as well.
Within a few seconds, the newcomer and Tanaka were alone in the entry hall. "The higher-ups are worried those damned witches will attack this place tonight. Not a word, but we think this location's compromised. I wanted to move, but they said not tonight. And with those damned witch bitches around, I wanted a sorceror, but their all tasked..." he gave Tanya a knowing look "...elsewhere tonight. So I brought my best men plus those other idiots. Try not to get shot by them if things go crazy. Now where's the bar in this place?"
Aug 16 2016, 02:03 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1804, Target Villa, Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
While the big man is exchanging rifs with his prize boys, Tanya/Tanaka uses the invisible microphone at her neck to send a warning to Spriggan, letting her know that she may have company soon and that the security of the villa has been increased by twelve people. When the leader turns back, Tanaka bows again and leads the older man to the living room and family room, where the bar is located, setting him up with a good drink. Her radar sensor is tracking the movements of the men she can see on the display. The risk of being caught is infusing her with adrenaline, lifting her to a high she has only ever experienced once before when her parachute failed during a jump. Her mind is already calculating the pros and cons of several acts and fastens on one with a high potential degree of success, but could mean serious problems if she fails. The risk factor alone almost demands her to choose this plan.
After serving the drink, Tanaka says, “I will see to food.” He then disappears to the kitchen. Pulling up the files on Tanaka’s open ‘link, she is pleased to note that the man is an amateur chef and has files fro recipes. She had been prepared to use the man’s ‘link to pull something off the matrix, but this is much better. Looking about the extremely well appointed kitchen she thinks that Monique might be jealous of, she begins gathering the food and utensils she will need to cook up a good meal. Thinking of another use of the man’s ‘link, she uses it to call up the Renraku language translator software and downloads the file that corresponds to the dialect these men are using. Finally, she links several of her devices to the comlink, creating her own PAN in his system and so completely off of her own system, then turns the wireless back on for these devices.
The wheels are turning in her mind
Aug 16 2016, 02:11 AM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1801, Target Villa, Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
Based on where several of the men went when told to guard the assets, and the further radar scans as she ventured into the bar and kitchen areas, Tanya was fairly certain the rear upstairs bedroom was where the deckers were. She couldn't be sure, however, as the room's walls had baffling that blocked her sensor. There were certainly a lot of guards around there, though.
Out at the bar, the older yak was chattering away. "Forgot you were some sort of closet chef, Tanaka. Not very manly, in my book...but I wouldn't say no to a snack. Just something quick for you and me, though. No time to be cooking for everyone, and those dogs don't need feeding anyway. We have to look sharp. Did you see what those witches did to Hitotsuyanagi?"
Hiding in the study, Spriggan could hear the boss's loud voice. And now she could ear footsteps and a voice approaching her position. The voice kept calling: "Ando, Ando. Doko darou? Chikusho!"
Aug 16 2016, 04:19 AM
Tanya watches her radar sensor monitor to keep track of the movements of the men around the house, watching for anyone who might be approaching Spriggan. hiding spot, so she sees as the guard approaches the study and can hear the words. She takes the opportunity to send a voice message to the changeling via microphone. "Hey. Guards coming. Can you hide? You can drop this one if you need to."
She had noticed some fresh gyoza in the refrigerator while she was looking for food to prepare and pulls a tray of it out and sets it on the counter. Pouring some oil into a wok, Tanya fires up the stove burner and waits for the oil to heat up. She feels that she can pass a momentary muster even if Spriggan has to drop whatever spell she put on her. She is hoping that Spriggan will manage, but is prepared to react if something goes very wrong in the study and contingencies 3 and 4 are already in her mind.
Aug 16 2016, 12:04 PM
Soundlessly Spriggan stepped away from the door, looking for a likely place of concealment to aid the spell that she had wrapped around herself...for now she kept her grip on the spell concealing Lady T's deficiency in not missing a finger, there would still be time to release it if she really needed to act...and not for the first time she felt the adrenalin rush mix with the quiet mental note of caution...just what had she got herself in to this time? Playing with the Yaks, especially ones as jumpy as these seemed to be, on their own turf and without the proper introductions was a sure fire way to get herself into trouble...she loved it!
Aug 16 2016, 01:07 PM
Friday, 22 November, 2075, 1804, Target Villa, Seattle, Seattle Metroplex
The door flies open, nearly hitting Spriggan in the nose where she is hiding behind it, and an annoyed looking young man in shades and a dark suit barges in. His bright pink shirt and splashily floral tie stand in stark contrast to the suit and black shades. Not content with just glancing into the room, he strides to the exterior door and tries the lock.
Spriggan held her breath. If he returned to the door he came in by turning right, she might be safe, but if he turned left his eyes would pass over the two unconscious men behind the desk. The man paused. Sniffed. Sniffed some more with a quizzical look on his face. Turned right and strode out of the room shouting in Japanese.
Tanya hears him yelling, "Tanaka, onna ga ita?" Tanaka, have you had women in here?
Aug 16 2016, 01:44 PM
Tanya has already given that question some thought so is able to answer immediately. "House agent sent a cleaning lady over. I only let her in ground floor. Sending her away would have been suspicious. Why do you ask?"