QUOTE (Larsenex @ May 6 2016, 07:31 PM)

I went out and got SR5 thinking it was an improvement. What is the difference between the two editions? Sorry thats probably a long answer.
The two Editions are quite similar and interchangeable
( one of the Games I'm running plays in 2055 and is a mixture of SR4A and SR5 Rules)
SR5 HAS some advantages and even some better rules ( I like the Initiative and the fixed +4 Max Attributes,Armor has only one value, f.E)
the Devs also tried to erase some of the SR4A bad Rules (Manablast is too effective a Spell, max Skill Level of 6 is too low)
but instead of fixing it in a good /perfect way ( Manablast Damage 1/2 Force + Net Hits, Skill Level 9) they ..."Overdid " it ( Manablast Damage is now only Net Hits, Skill Level 12 is too high and to costly in Karma).
So SR5 is a mixed Blessing which has its own faulty Rules (ImO even more bad Rules than SR4A ).
ImO if you want the best Game of Shadowrun, get the 4A Rules, compare them and use the best of the two as houserules.
By itself raw SR5 is not as much Fun to play as SR4A.
The general tendency of the 5th Rules(as I see it) is to harmstring Playerchars (Bricking, extreme expensive 'ware, Limits, less Karma and ¥ Payment, less effective Martial Arts, less effective & expensive Weapon Mods or Vehicle Mod Rules , the Technomancers abilities are terribly nerfed,
Bricking an Item(by Default ) causes small fire, electrical discharge, a scorced Item....now Imagine what this would mean to a Char how has 'ware impalntd to his Spine ( wired Reflexes & REA Enhancer ) or his Brain (Cybereyes ,Datajack)....

And contrary to what Critias wrote, Cybereyes with Smart link and/or Vision Enhancement need to be WiFi to function the way they used to work in former Editions.
WiFi is a Stick disguised as a Carrot to lure Player Chars into the WiFi Matrix so that enemy Deckers can brick them.
( and if you want to play is a classical Run into a Megacorp( to steal the McGuffin ), guess how may Deckers a Megacon can summon in a few seconds, once there is an Intruder Alarm....Mundane Corp Security is not even a Fraction of the Difficulties the Chars could face)
And what irritates me to some extend....:
In one of the official Runs from CGL the NPCs have turned the WiFi off so that they can't be bricked (It makes perfect sense Ingame, no one who's not as dumb as molded Bread would leave WiFi on, but Out-of-Game its a Kick in the Teeth to all Players because they're supposed to be Online in the Matrix but the NPCs aren't)
lots of smaller and bigger examples of how the Rules try to keep Characters down and Low and there's much,much more of them.
In SR4A I got the contrary impression, lots of smaller and larger examples to aid the Char, to Improve him(sometimes they overdid it f.E. Climbing Claws gave +2 Dice to climb, a Char with 2 sets at his Hands and 2 at his Feet got +8 Dice.Too much ImO

but generally I see more ...benevolent Rules Mechanism and Fluff in 4A than in SR5.
I play it nonetheless ( I'm in 5 SR Games 2 are SR4A, 2 are SR5 and one is said mixed Game, and I most often play Shadowrun at Conventions)
But for SR5 I play (like any sane Player should

) mostly awakend Chars ...only one of my 12 Chars is totally Mundane .The others are either awakened or withh latent awakening ( they start as Mundane but any Time ingame they can and will awaken)
with a sane Dance