QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Oct 8 2016, 05:04 AM)
So your own people can use it without the inconvenience of whipping out a fiberoptic cable like it's 2051. And if you install exclusively wired hardpoints, it's going to take approximately three weeks before someone gets fed up and installs a cheap Signal 2, Firewall 1 repeater at one of the tap points. Congratulations, your security has made itself more insecure by frustrating its users into bypassing it through aftermarket and uncontrollable addons than if you'd just installed a properly-secured wireless interface of your own.
I said *most* infrastructure. Yes, the system will be wirelessly accessible, but that doesn't mean every camera and maglock has to be. There will be one WAP, allowing security to concentrate its Matrix defenses.
QUOTE (Koekepan @ Oct 8 2016, 12:00 PM)
Hope this helps!
Great ideas, thanks!
QUOTE (Mantis @ Oct 8 2016, 02:36 PM)
All this is interesting as far as security ideas go but if the players have no chance to find out about any of it before they enter the site, it's basically saying screw you, you were doomed to fail from the start.
No matter what sort of security a site has, the runners should have a chance to case the place, ask contacts, do matrix research, etc, before ever entering the place. From that they can formulate a plan and head on in. The GM can then use a 'security update' or random patrol if he needs to up the ante a bit. Player screw ups and poor dice rolls usually add enough random badness though.
If your runners aren't even doing the most basic of surveillance and research before entering a site, maybe you need to have a discussion on the type of game you are playing. Make sure they understand that their contacts are there for more than just getting them guns and matrix and magical surveillance of a site is an important step in the whole process as is trying to sneak small drones in to get an actual eye on the facility. All that surveillance gear in the game is there for a reason. Encourage your players to take advantage of it.
Very much on point. I always give them the chance to case a target, but they don't always do it.
QUOTE (Blade @ Oct 10 2016, 09:12 AM)
But do you want the players to actually come up with plans and detailing their security countermeasures, or are you fine with abstracting this in a way?
This is a neat idea, and one that I think would work well for my players. I'm going to try it, thanks.