Dec 6 2016, 10:39 PM
I'm working on building a Rigger for my team and I have looked through the Core and Rigger 5 books. Is it just me or are there alot less flying drones that other editions?
I seem to remember a cool Vector Thrust one that i cant find rules for. Are there other books with drones in them?
Dec 7 2016, 01:34 AM
I think that is all there is so far. 4th ed had This Old Drone, Milspec Tech 1 and 2, Unfriendly Skies, Deadly Waves, WAR! and Hazard Pay (plus others I may be missing) to help round out the drones from Arsenal and the Core book. No such splat books are available for 5th ed yet.
Modular Man
Dec 7 2016, 11:15 PM
Additionally, "Bullets and Bandages" lists two niché drones - one humanoid medic and one MedEvac VTOL drone.
It's one of those rulebooks that has stats for both fourth and fifth edition. In SR4, those two drones are pretty powerful. No idea for SR5, though.
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