Sorry for reviving this, but I have a few comments on the subject.
Night Blindness is stated specifically to not apply in the Matrix and through Sensors. Technically cybereyes are sensors, replacing your normal eyes with electronic sensors, if you add low-light vision, where's the argument that the internal contrast that is sent to your optic nerve is not boosted slightly to compensate for your brains weaker light discerning ability? - Up cost to reflect it?
Or if cybereyes do not count as sensors, then surely getting a helmet with low-light equipment would remove the penalty?
What about the Adept sensory powers? - You are naturally disposed to see poorly at night, but if you take low-light vision as a boosted sense, the penalty should vanish, no? - What if you buy Low-light vision Twice? - Once to normalize vision, once to gain the bonus.
If even one of these option make you go, "well in this case the modifier should be alleviated", then the other two should have the same effect.
Its true that Night Blindness is probably the least impacting albinism flaw, but its also a flaw thats available to everyone else.
Its a really mild flaw, worth only 1 point to characters who are expected to do most of their work through sensors. - And people with this flaw will surely find ways to compensate for their poor eyes, thermo goggles, increased contrast on your HUD in your helmet etc.
An Adept has to pay 0,25 points for low-light vision. Thats 1/4 of an initiation, so around 3 karma.
The cybereyes costs a few thousand, after streetindex and assuming you get Alphaware.
The helmet with HUD display and a suite of visionsystems are also a few thousand.
As for contrast, if you are a magic type and you have chosen to never get cyberware, then technically Sensitive System and Bio-Rejection are not worth any flaw points at all.
Colorblind, well, its only a problem if you need to pick out one color vs. another. Its perfect greyscale vision in the SR universe. A smart Rigger will use striped wires in his own gear, a burglar has a problem, but everyone else would not be hurt by the flaw at all.
To my eyes, the only flaw that Hurts is the Low Pain Tolerance one. And voila, its also the one scored at 4 points and not just 1 or 2 as the others.
Night Blindness is the only flaw that gives a concrete modifier that comes into play in every single run. Why the hate?

- Why not let people compensate for it? - Its NOT specified as being neurological, its IS specified that you can ignore it through sensors.