Jun 12 2017, 01:30 PM
Overwatch Score: RD no DS yes
Resisted: RD no DS yes
Fading: RD yes DS no
Am I reading this correctly?
Jun 12 2017, 08:25 PM
Resonance Spike is a Complex Form, meaning it can only be performed by Technomancers. It causes Fading (as do all complex forms), but does not generate any Overwatch Score. It is performed using a Software + Resonance test, and is opposed by a Willpower+Firewall test. It deals 1 Matrix damage per net hit (no further resistance).
Data Spike is a general Matrix Action, so it is available to anyone that has an Attack attribute (Technomancers or Deckers). It does not cause any Fading (for technomancers), but it generates an Overwatch Score as it is an illegal Attack action. It is performed using a Cybercombat + Logic test, and opposed by Intuition + Firewall. It deals Matrix damage equal to your Attack value plus net hits and also gets bonuses based on marks and other programs you might be running. This total damage is then resisted with DR + Firewall.
So yes, overall the summation is correct.
Jun 12 2017, 09:05 PM
Okay no over watch, right there is a huge thing. A matrix attack that doesn't incress your over watch.
Jun 12 2017, 10:06 PM
Yeah, sure. But it does a comparably small amount of damage, with no real way to increase it dramatically. Plus its only available to Technomancers (and causes Fading).
Data Spike on the other hand can do massive amounts of damage if you set yourself up right. I've seen someone with properly set-up Data Spike have a base damage of 18 before net hits (7 Attack, +2 Hammer, +9 from Marks (3 Marks at 2/mark + 1/mark from Mugger). Against the right device that's instant brick.
Jun 12 2017, 11:37 PM
Technomancers OP
Jun 13 2017, 03:03 AM
Resonance Spike also won't alert the owner that the device is being attacked, as its not an attack Matrix action. Meaning you can brick a device without the owner knowing it until its too late.
Jun 14 2017, 10:30 AM
QUOTE (DeathStrobe @ Jun 12 2017, 11:03 PM)

Resonance Spike also won't alert the owner that the device is being attacked, as its not an attack Matrix action. Meaning you can brick a device without the owner knowing it until its too late.
That's an interesting assertion which is neither supported nor refuted by RAW.
And since Catylst doesn't really answer question, who know about RAI.
So Savar, I'd ask your GM if this interpretation is correct in his game.
Jun 14 2017, 05:41 PM
QUOTE (PraetorGradivus @ Jun 14 2017, 04:30 AM)

That's an interesting assertion which is neither supported nor refuted by RAW.
And since Catylst doesn't really answer question, who know about RAI.
So Savar, I'd ask your GM if this interpretation is correct in his game.
Hmmm as I am the GM.
I would allow the target to know something is going on, but they need to find the source.
Jun 15 2017, 02:19 AM
Resonance spike is not powerful, and TMs are kind of extremely bad in SR5. Unless you never want to see Resonance Spike, why not just let it have it's niche? That being stealth bricking.
It is also RAW that Complex Forms are not illegal Matrix Actions, do not build OS, and do not follow the standard Matrix rules for being noticed.
Some Matrix actions are illegal, making them more risky than legal actions. ... The list of illegal actions is pretty simple: all Attack and Sleaze actions are illegal.
Threading is accomplished with Thread Complex Form, a Resonance action (not a Matrix action).
Resonance Spike is not an illegal action, and doesn't follow the normal rules of Data Spike.
Jun 15 2017, 03:20 AM
QUOTE (DeathStrobe @ Jun 14 2017, 09:19 PM)

Resonance spike is not powerful, and TMs are kind of extremely bad in SR5. Unless you never want to see Resonance Spike, why not just let it have it's niche? That being stealth bricking.
It is also RAW that Complex Forms are not illegal Matrix Actions, do not build OS, and do not follow the standard Matrix rules for being noticed.
Resonance Spike is not an illegal action, and doesn't follow the normal rules of Data Spike.
I believe that to be a rule oversight from Catalyst. A Resonance spike is just as bad as a data spike and do you really thing that, in-universe, that the police/military/corps would not have that labeled as a crime?
Jun 15 2017, 03:27 AM
Resonance Actions are not legal actions either. They are illegal, because they break the rules of the Matrix. However, the automated systems in the Matrix do not recognize complex forms, so will not alert the owner because it doesn't know what it is.
When the book says Illegal Matrix Action, its specifically talking about Attack and Sleaze Actions. As the automated systems in the Matrix will flag a user with OS every time they perform one of these actions.
Resonance Actions are illegal, by law, but are not able to be flagged by the system, since they don't produce OS, unless otherwise stated, like summoning a sprite.
Jun 15 2017, 04:00 AM
QUOTE (DeathStrobe @ Jun 14 2017, 07:27 PM)

Resonance Actions are illegal, by law, but are not able to be flagged by the system, since they don't produce OS, unless otherwise stated, like summoning a sprite.
Wait, are you saying that *being* a Technomancer is an illegal act in 5e? I learn new reasons to happy we stuck with 4e every week.
Jun 15 2017, 05:05 AM
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Jun 15 2017, 12:00 AM)

Wait, are you saying that *being* a Technomancer is an illegal act in 5e? I learn new reasons to happy we stuck with 4e every week.
You kidding? Technomancers were never on the happy side of legal, even in 4e.
They're the equivalent of Magic out on the Matrix, the general public (who can't understand what Technomancers do) are afraid of what them so they're vilified. Any action they take is automatically viewed in the harshest way possible and their very existence is essentially treated as walking around with an illegal unlicensed cyberdeck.
The only reason why you might think they were less illegal in 4e is because the rules for what was legal vs illegal as far as the Matrix is concerned was a joke in 4th edition. Everyone and their grandmother could hack the matrix in 4e.
Jun 15 2017, 06:35 AM
Still not anything even remotely approaching a reason to upgrade to 5th.
Jun 16 2017, 01:59 AM
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Jun 14 2017, 09:00 PM)

Wait, are you saying that *being* a Technomancer is an illegal act in 5e? I learn new reasons to happy we stuck with 4e every week.
It was like that in 4e too. But anyway, its nice for it to have some practical in game ramifications, rather then just being some fluff that people will ignore.
In general, it's thematic as hell for people to be persecuted for their natural abilities which they themselves are not responsible for. It's exactly how the awaken were treated at the start of the Awakening at the dawn of the century. Persecuting people with the natural ability to interface with cyberspace is about as cyberpunk as cyberpunk can be.
Jun 16 2017, 02:28 AM
QUOTE (DeathStrobe @ Jun 15 2017, 06:59 PM)

It was like that in 4e too. But anyway, its nice for it to have some practical in game ramifications, rather then just being some fluff that people will ignore.
In general, it's thematic as hell for people to be persecuted for their natural abilities which they themselves are not responsible for. It's exactly how the awaken were treated at the start of the Awakening at the dawn of the century. Persecuting people with the natural ability to interface with cyberspace is about as cyberpunk as cyberpunk can be.
Last I checked in 4e, they were pushing mandatory registration laws (as per magicians), and a few corps still had bounties on them, so I'd say this is new. When corps like Horizon and Evo are openly hiring them, it's hard to claim that global law is "all of you are illegal beings, now please turn yourselves in for an orderly execution."
Jun 16 2017, 04:11 AM
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Jun 15 2017, 10:28 PM)

Last I checked in 4e, they were pushing mandatory registration laws (as per magicians), and a few corps still had bounties on them, so I'd say this is new. When corps like Horizon and Evo are openly hiring them, it's hard to claim that global law is "all of you are illegal beings, now please turn yourselves in for an orderly execution."
Yeah, mandatory registration laws means that if you are an unlicensed Technomancer, it's illegal. And if there are people out there with bounties on Technomancers, who in their right mind is going to voluntarily go out and say "hi, I'm a Technomancer, hunt me down."
That's exactly the situation I think of when I say that Technomancers' legal status is the same in 5th as it is in 4th.
Jun 16 2017, 06:23 AM
QUOTE (Kiirnodel @ Jun 15 2017, 08:11 PM)

Yeah, mandatory registration laws means that if you are an unlicensed Technomancer, it's illegal. And if there are people out there with bounties on Technomancers, who in their right mind is going to voluntarily go out and say "hi, I'm a Technomancer, hunt me down."
That's exactly the situation I think of when I say that Technomancers' legal status is the same in 5th as it is in 4th.
That's not the same as "Resonance Actions are not legal actions either. They are illegal, because they break the rules of the Matrix." If technomancers register and gain legal employment, then their Resonance actions (in the course of their jobs) are
not illegal.
A corrected statement would then be "Being
caught online as an unregistered technomancer will go badly for you."
Jun 16 2017, 01:11 PM
Lol, there is two different illegals here. The law of court, yes illegal. The rules of the matrix can not be enforced agenst resonance actions because it can't detect them. Now runners should not care about the court as they are already breaking multiple laws. The rules of the matrix matter because of GOD, demiGOD, and/or host defences.
I guess the question is weather the Technomancer being able to bypass the rules of the matrix worth the less ability then a decker who has to follow the rules but has better tools at lest starting.
Part of the answer will vary from game to game as the rules have points of interpretation and it is up to the GM the make the ruling for his game. So some games it will be worthless to be a Technomancer and other gamers they might rock.
My two cents. Even if I started this thread I did get what I asked for what was different interpretations to help me decide for a game I am going to be trying to run.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jun 16 2017, 03:23 PM
My 5th Edition Technomancer Rocks.
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