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Full Version: Metahuman and Changeling Demographics
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I’m looking to assemble a picture of metahumanity in the 2070s, population-wise, and a few other tweaks. This will end up going in our House Rules document (progress on which grinds on, and on, and on…).

Global Demographics

I’ve tried to find some numbers for these in the books, but if they’re there, I’m missing them. Regional demographics, yes, but not global ones. I’m looking to be able to say something like “Ok, on average a typical slice of the Sixth World is 75% human, 10% Ork, 6% Elf, 5% Dwarf, 3% Troll, 1% Other.” Obviously, your mileage may vary if you’re somewhere like Tir na nÓg, but still, some typical numbers would be useful.

Now, it appears that some other people on the net have already tried crunching the numbers from all the regional demographics to assemble a global picture. Unfortunately, their numbers don’t agree in the slightest. I’ve found:

Take 1): Human 66%, Elf 9%, Dwarf 9%, Ork 11%, Troll 4%
Take 2): Human 79%, Elf 0.63%, Dwarf 0.33%, Ork 16.87%, Troll 3.17%

So, does anyone have any suggestions here, or should I just pull some numbers out of midair?

Who’s a Metahuman?

Goblinization, UGE, SURGE, and plain ‘ol Elves, Dwarves, Orks, and Trolls. Is there a way to simply classification here? Why not just call all of them changelings? They would all be humans, except that they have “recessive magical genes” that transformed their bodies (in the womb, if they were born that way). So the actual differentiation seems largely an issue of semantics – you’ve either got metagenes (and are thus a changeling), or you don’t and you’re just a plain Jane human. The fact that some changelings have more stable and common expressions than others (Elves/Dwarves/Orks/Trolls versus the guy with bright orange skin, fuchsia hair, a tail, and six-fingered hands) doesn’t mean that they’re not basically all just changelings. So why not classify them all as such? Changeling (Elf), Changeling (Dwarf), Changeling (Ork), Changeling (Troll), Changeling (Unique) – fairly neat and clean.

Adjusted Metatype Costs

Let’s also adjust the costs of each metatype to more accurately reflect actual benefits gained. Humans are the baseline – anything beyond that costs points (BP). Our version of the Sixth World is also “Earthdawn-compliant” by incorporating races from that setting (though we’ve noted that T’skrang, Windlings, and Obsidimen are rare, and it’s not common that we ever run into them). I should note that the costs for these last three metatypes are my best current approximations, as no one’s ever requested to play one, so if anyone has any suggestions here, please speak up.

Human (0 BP)
Humans no longer get +1 Edge for free.

Elf (30 BP)
Attributes: Agility +1, Charisma +2
Qualities: Class I Changeling (-5 BP), Low-Light Vision (5 BP)

Dwarf (60 BP)
Attributes: Body +1, Strength +2, Willpower +1
Qualities: Class I Changeling (-5 BP), Low-Light Vision (5 BP), Resistance to Pathogens and Toxins +2 (20 BP)

Ork (45 BP)
Attributes: Body +3, Strength +2
Qualities: Class II Changeling (-10 BP), Low-Light Vision (5 BP)

Troll (85 BP)
Attributes: Body +4, Strength +4
Qualities: Class III Changeling (-15 BP), Low-Light Vision (5 BP), Natural Armor +1 (10 BP), Reach +1 (5 BP)

T'skrang (55 BP)
Attributes: Agility +1, Body +1, Charisma +1, Strength +1
Qualities: Class III Changeling (-15 BP), Gills (5 BP), Low-Light Vision (5 BP), Prehensile Tail (10 BP), Underwater Vision (5 BP), Water Sprite (5 BP)

Windling (25 BP)
Attributes: Agility +1, Charisma +1
Qualities: Class II Changeling (-10 BP), Flight (10 BP), Low-Light Vision (5 BP)

Obsidiman (125 BP)
Attributes: Body +4, Strength +4
Qualities: Class III Changeling (-15 BP), Iron Lungs +2 (10 BP), Low-Light Vision (5 BP), Natural Armor +2 (10 BP), Ogre Stomach (5 BP), Reach +1 (5 BP), Resistance to Pathogens and Toxins +2 (20 BP), Sustenance (5 BP)

Unique Changeling (Variable BP)
If you want, you can build a changeling à la carte, using the Qualities in Core Rules Anniversary, Runner's Companion, and Running Wild. However, all such "custom builds" must be specifically approved by a GM.

NOTES: Yes, in some cases, canon lists Thermographic Vision instead of Low-Light Vision, but let’s keep this simple. See in the dark versus see like the Predator (from the films)? Option 1, please.
The only problem I see with this is if you wanted to play an (insert race) Changeling. How would you allow that in your house rules?

Also, your BPs do not reflect the negative of being a Troll or Ork. There is plenty of fluff showing the species discrimination hoisted on those two. Elves and Dwarves are shielded from that.
QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Jun 28 2017, 08:23 PM) *
The only problem I see with this is if you wanted to play an (insert race) Changeling. How would you allow that in your house rules?

Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.

QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Jun 28 2017, 08:23 PM) *
Also, your BPs do not reflect the negative of being a Troll or Ork. There is plenty of fluff showing the species discrimination hoisted on those two. Elves and Dwarves are shielded from that.

Well, then we to stat out some specific Qualities to reflect that. I was trying to use Changeling Class I, II, and III for that very purpose, as the higher up the scale you go, the freakier you look and the worse random strangers treat you. Any suggestions on a Social Outcast Negative Quality instead to replace that?
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Jun 29 2017, 01:03 AM) *
Well, then we to stat out some specific Qualities to reflect that. I was trying to use Changeling Class I, II, and III for that very purpose, as the higher up the scale you go, the freakier you look and the worse random strangers treat you. Any suggestions on a Social Outcast Negative Quality instead to replace that?

Actually, you can have level 3 Changeling and as long as you don't take anything visible you can have no (or very little) negative social effects. My combat medic mage only has a balance tail (fox) and fox ears and he's a level 3 changeling.
QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Jun 28 2017, 10:12 PM) *
Actually, you can have level 3 Changeling and as long as you don't take anything visible you can have no (or very little) negative social effects. My combat medic mage only has a balance tail (fox) and fox ears and he's a level 3 changeling.

Like I said, then we need to create a custom Negative Quality to use instead. Any thoughts?
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Jun 29 2017, 01:17 AM) *
Like I said, then we need to create a custom Negative Quality to use instead. Any thoughts?

Custom Negative trait -- Racial Profile (5 BP level): For each level of this trait the character has, he or she suffers negative societal effects. Each level subtracts 1 from any social rolls that the character makes, and any social interaction steps one shift toward hostile. This flaw can can not be bought off without getting gene therapy.

Elves and Dwarves: level 1
Orks: level 2
Trolls: level 3

In universe examples (not trying to be insulting to anyone here... just what I think would be the "typical" racial profiling of metahumans. If I have offended anyone here, then I do apologize):

Elves: You know those smug bastards think they're better than everyone else.
Elves are rich! They've don't get old and don't retire! Kick the pointy ear bastards to the curb so real humans can get a job!

Dwarves: Short fat fraker! You know those short bastards have all the money!
EW! He's eye level with my privates! Must be a pervert!
My boss is a dwarf, and he's such an ass! Everything's got to work like a well oiled machine!

Orks: Tuskers are just violent breeders! Have one come into the neighborhood and you'll have hundreds!
Those breeders are just so stupid! I mean I don't know how they walk and chew gum at the same time.

Trolls: My God, look at that ugly bastard! I mean just look at him! You know he's just looking for an excuse to kill someone!
Do trolls do anything other than commit crime? I mean honestly, if I were a troll, I'd just kill myself!
Perfect. smile.gif

I'll patch it up tomorrow and add this Quality to our House Rules.
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Jun 29 2017, 01:33 AM) *
Perfect. smile.gif

I'll patch it up tomorrow and add this Quality to our House Rules.

Thank you.

Also, if you are adding things to your house rules, then make sure that people with cyber/bioware tails also suffer the "Freaks" drawback that Changelings have. I mean a tail is a tail.
Maybe this helps a little:

There is neither population number for all countries nor a distribution of metatypes for all those that have a number. But the distribution could be computed for a subset of the world population.

As rule of thumb I would say trolls tend to have the lowest percentage. Elfs and dwarfs are probably in a similar range. Orks have the highest percentage after humans who still dominate.
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Jun 29 2017, 01:33 AM) *
Global Demographics

I’ve tried to find some numbers for these in the books, but if they’re there, I’m missing them. Regional demographics, yes, but not global ones. I’m looking to be able to say something like “Ok, on average a typical slice of the Sixth World is 75% human, 10% Ork, 6% Elf, 5% Dwarf, 3% Troll, 1% Other.” Obviously, your mileage may vary if you’re somewhere like Tir na nÓg, but still, some typical numbers would be useful.

Now, it appears that some other people on the net have already tried crunching the numbers from all the regional demographics to assemble a global picture. Unfortunately, their numbers don’t agree in the slightest. I’ve found:

Take 1): Human 66%, Elf 9%, Dwarf 9%, Ork 11%, Troll 4%
Take 2): Human 79%, Elf 0.63%, Dwarf 0.33%, Ork 16.87%, Troll 3.17%

So, does anyone have any suggestions here, or should I just pull some numbers out of midair?

I can't say. None of these numbers line up with my own calculation, which are sourced on Shadows of North America, Shadows of Europe and Shadows of Asia, circa 2063. I had Human 73%, Elf 7%, Dwarf 6%, Ork 11% and Troll 3%. That may still not be an accurate picture, because of the lack of sources for the population of Africa, Middle East, China and Indonesia (India alone accounts for 40% of my data).

So I clearly have no idea where the aforementioned numbers comes from.
QUOTE (Nath @ Jun 29 2017, 11:58 AM) *
I can't say. None of these numbers line up with my own calculation, which are sourced on Shadows of North America, Shadows of Europe and Shadows of Asia, circa 2063. I had Human 73%, Elf 7%, Dwarf 6%, Ork 11% and Troll 3%. That may still not be an accurate picture, because of the lack of sources for the population of Africa, Middle East, China and Indonesia (India alone accounts for 40% of my data).

So I clearly have no idea where the aforementioned numbers comes from.

Thanks much, Nath. I've downloaded a copy of your spreadsheet for our records. We'll just use these, I think, but I'll nip one percent off of Human to use for Other (the three other Earthdawn races and unique changelings).
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