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Full Version: Seeking a special player
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Hi all, I am in the process of moving a long running PBP Shadowrun campaign to this forum, I am leaving the Catalyst forum because it just doesn't seem like they care about maintaining it, and I hope this are different here.

Just prior to the most recent round of technical difficulties we lost one of our players, they just stopped posting altogether. If anyone knows Hydroraven in that forum, and can reach out with news of any kind, I would truly appreciate it, but that is not the reason for this topic

The problem is the player left in the middle of a scenario, without a good way to either write the character out or replace her at the moment. So I need a new player, one that would be welcome to start their own character eventually, but they need to take over the missing player's character immediately.

We are playing 4th edition, and the charater is a female orc of Japanese decent who is a former Yak bodyguard, all bioware mods, no cyber who is the tank for the team as well as the tactical expert. The character that would eventually replace her could be anything, as I expect some shuffling around once this scenario is done, but we are well covered in magical and social aspects.

If you are interested in just taking over Clementine, that would be fine too, and it is actually a really good fit for a newer player who may be unfamiliar with the system, so newbs are okay to apply.

Feel free to pm me, or post your interest in reply and I will be in touch,.
I can cover for the missing player. I'm not very familiar with the 4e rules any more (and don't have easy access to them right now), but I am a quick study.

If you find someone who is more enthusiastic, by all means go with them.

I'm offering to fill in for the good of your game.
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