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Full Version: Into the Chaos- Chapter 2 (OOC)
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So have we officially put the Kabosh on part 2 or what?
Well, I'm the last one to have posted, so I was just waiting for someone else to do something…
Seeing that there is no more traffic to this site, basically nowhere to recruit more people and we lost most of the players. I don't mind carrying on, I enjoy the escapism of writing here.
Well, we were kind of stuck on the Hot-Sim issue where Kynos didn't have any more advice to offer.
Hmm, well, I guess I'll post again then.
Etiquette (-4d): 11d6t5 2
I suppose I need to Edge that, so...
Etiquette (-4d) [Edged]: 9d6t5 3

Total of 5. Still not great but hopefully enough.
Since a lot of time has passed then I'll list my notes:

1. You contacted Victor Golovanov which you assume is connected to Alfie Brown (AB).
2. You know (from hacking his comlink) that AB has set a meeting with a coyote named Love, to smuggle him out of Seattle. He is to meet tonight at midnight. In a remote location out of the city.
3. You know that Strawberry checked for astral signs (as the Mafia's mage).

P.S: Is Ennui still around?

P.P.S: The way I read it, you are misleading Victor into thinking that you are going to buy plenty of BTL. The more you keep that up. (considering you are not actually going into the BTL business, but Finestra can actually sell BTL for you. ) He is likely to be more angry with you. As nobody likes to be jerked around, what is lost on me (perhaps language, culture or the way we read the game differently) is why don't you ask him about Alifie Brown. I mean, what changes (except for fun) after one of you enjoy a watered down BTL dream in hot sim? It seems to me that the more you mislead them about buying BTL, it would be more and more difficult to change the subject.
That's how I understood it too.
I am. I hadn't been involved so I wasn't really responding much since there was a big gap and then you were having Nyx do her thing. Just checking in once or twice a week until we started seeing things happen.
The question is ... is Nyx still around wink.gif ? It is getting difficult to play like this.
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