Nov 19 2017, 06:21 PM
Is there a drone that is a metahuman shape that a rigger could jump into that could be?
A) disguised as a metahuman
B) use unarmed combat
C) use guns
D) physically drive a vehicle
Thinking of a rigger that wants to starry back but wants a body near the team?
Nov 20 2017, 02:15 AM
There is in 4th ed but I'm not familiar enough with what made the transition to 5th to tell. Basically you are looking for an anthroform drone. 2 legs, 2 arms and roughly metahuman shape. Did the Otomo or manservant or anything like that make it to 5th?
Nov 20 2017, 04:59 AM
There's a bunch in Rigger 5, including the i-Doll by Shiawase (did they buy Apple?), which can be as robotic looking or lifelike as you like. But if something a little less human and more combat oriented is what you're wanting then the Direktionssekretar by Saeder-Krupp is probably more your game. Both are relatively human in scale. Or you can go bigger and stronger, and clumsier, in the outdated Kenchiku-Kikai by MCT; big and strong like an ork, but autonomously it's almost as smart.
As far as the Manservant, there's a cheap knockoff called the Criado Juan by Aztechnology (also in Rigger 5).