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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Is there a drone that is a metahuman shape that a rigger could jump into that could be?
A) disguised as a metahuman
B) use unarmed combat
C) use guns
D) physically drive a vehicle
Thinking of a rigger that wants to starry back but wants a body near the team?
There is in 4th ed but I'm not familiar enough with what made the transition to 5th to tell. Basically you are looking for an anthroform drone. 2 legs, 2 arms and roughly metahuman shape. Did the Otomo or manservant or anything like that make it to 5th?
There's a bunch in Rigger 5, including the i-Doll by Shiawase (did they buy Apple?), which can be as robotic looking or lifelike as you like. But if something a little less human and more combat oriented is what you're wanting then the Direktionssekretar by Saeder-Krupp is probably more your game. Both are relatively human in scale. Or you can go bigger and stronger, and clumsier, in the outdated Kenchiku-Kikai by MCT; big and strong like an ork, but autonomously it's almost as smart.

As far as the Manservant, there's a cheap knockoff called the Criado Juan by Aztechnology (also in Rigger 5).
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