THE AWARE(PRIORITY D; MAGIC 3, ONE RATING 4 MAGICAL SKILL)While most “sparks” have so little magic that they’re not worth consideration, one type, the aware, are. The aware have astral perception as their lone magical ability, a truly minor ability that nonetheless sets them higher than the truly mun-dane. The aware have been known for ages as read-ers of auras, palms, or other forms of psychome-try, but simply being able to see magical activity is power enough to serve them as researchers, ob-serving the magic used by others and taking note. The largest place for them, by far, is in the world of security, serving in personal security details to ensure no magic is used to influence negotiations, to keep an eye out for spiritual intrusion, or to di-rect security details against enchanted intruders. Several have found a place as musicians as well, as being able to read the emotional state of a crowd and adjusting their performance to it is a signifi-cant asset.
What magic skills could this char learn? Arcana, Assensing, Astral combat?