Got a 4e game coming up, and I'm filling the role of party face, and face-breaker. Focus is on being a tough guy but the party needs some one to do the talking, and their characters are too anti-social and or paranoid to fill the role. Concept is a heavily augmented Oni, Ork metavariant. Low-to-mid level Yakuza enforcer. Game is set in Seattle and he's associated with the sect of Yakuza who are begrudgingly accepting metahumans. He's ethnically Japanese and takes pride in working with the Yakuza, sharing their values on tradition and honor. He's strong, and determined, but also has a soft side for the lower caste and children. He's the type of guy who'll leave a dish of food out for the stray cats, after a night of breaking people's limbs for failing to repay their yakuza debts. He enjoys drinking, smoking, fast motorcycles and karaoke. As long as you stay on his good side (and his employer's) he's a nice guy to have around. Gregarious and kind, if a bit short tempered some times.
Build 400 BP
Metavariant : Oni [-25]
Attributes: [-200]
Nuyen: 250,000 [-50]
Positive Qualities: Bilingual [-5], Made Man [-10], Restricted Gear x3 [-15]
Negative Qualities: Moderate Addiction: Nicotine (gets edgy with out his cigs)[+10], SINNER (Criminal record. Street Racing, Fighting/Assault charges in Japan) [+10], Thrill-seeker [+5], Vindictive [+10]
Body: 6 [-20]
Agility: 5 [-40]
Reaction: 3 [-20]
Strength: 5 [-20]
Charisma: 4 [-30]
Intuition: 4 [-30]
Logic: 2 [-10]
Willpower: 4 [-30]
Wired Reflexes rating 2
Muscle Toner rating 4
Tailored Pharamones rating 3
Bone Density rating 2
(Might drop Muscle Toner down to 3, and take Suprathyroid Gland to raise agi, one and boost the other physicals stats).
Remaining nuyen for gear, guns and lifestyle.
130 BP to spend on contacts and skills. Aiming for Influence group of around 3. Automatics and Dodge will be the two 5s, followed by pilot ground vehicles at 3 or 4. Some unarmed and basic perception.
Its been a long day so if my math is off feel free to let me know. I'm not 100% on the augs. That's an awful lot and leaves me with very little essence. I'd love some critique and or ideas on how to improve/optimize this guy.
TLRD; Street Samurai with a minor in face. What can I do to optimize his augmentations? Are my attributes alright? Whats some good gear i should consider?