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Full Version: Ally spirit spells and powers
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If you could pick any one spell for an Ally spirit to have, what would it be?

Second, exactly which powers do Ally spirits have?
1. I'm partial to foreboding for my ally spirits. Its just cool.

2. All ally spirits have aid power, inhabiting, materialization, sorcery, telepathic, link and 3-d movement for free. Sense link costs five karma to add.
Magic in the Shadows P. 111
Thanks. I've read that. I was wondering if there was anything else that wasn't clearly spelled out in MiTS.
A Clockwork Lime
Actually they have either Inhabiting or Materialization, not both.
Ally spirits get Sorcery at the same level as their summoner.

If a mage has Sorcery = 0, they can default to their Magic Attribute, right? So if your ally spirit has Sorcery = 0, would it cast by defaulting to its Force?
There is no default for Magical Skills. You either have it or you don't.
Right. Conjurers get the weakest ally's. Funny huh?
Technically, a Conjurer is not prohibited from having the skill Sorcery, just from using it. The only requirement to learning the skill is having a Magic Rating of at least one.

Thus a Conjuring Aspected Mage could learn the skill, and therefore teach it to his Ally, but he himself would never be able to use it.

EDIT: I suppose a Conjuring Adept could also use Sorcery for Astral Combat, (like an Adept) as well.
That's cruel. rotfl.gif
If they have inhabiting, they give up 3D movement, as it is a power requiring materialization.

I'm wondering, if an ally with inhabiting goes free, can it use the Possession power?
Alright, alright. I was just quoting straight from the powers section, sue me. smile.gif
tisoz: The power description of Inhabiting says that once an ally inhabits a body it cannot leave it, so no, not unless its body was destroyed and it came back in manifest form.
QUOTE (tjn)
EDIT: I suppose a Conjuring Adept could also use Sorcery for Astral Combat, (like an Adept) as well.

I was always under the impression that astral combat was limited to projecting mages. And since adepts and aspeted magicians cannot project they cannot use it.
Well, they could always hang around mana shallows, I guess. Or know a free spirit with the astral gate power. But yeah, it would be pretty useless in general.
IIRC, astral perception allows you to interact with astral beings (since it makes you dual natured) and thus an aspected magician, or even an adept with Astral perception as a power, could use Sorcery in Astral Combat.
QUOTE (Prospero)
tisoz: The power description of Inhabiting says that once an ally inhabits a body it cannot leave it, so no, not unless its body was destroyed and it came back in manifest form.

I don't think it could Manifest, the rules say something about a mage creating another host or doing a ritual of change for it.

I was thinking the free spirit power might supercede the ally power.
I don't think it could Manifest, the rules say something about a mage creating another host or doing a ritual of change for it.

I was thinking the free spirit power might supercede the ally power.

Right - it couldn't manifest unless it's disrupted first and the mage performs a ritual of change to call it back from the metaplanes in manifest form. Or, if its free and it gets disrupted then it has to be rescued by someone knowing its true name, etc. We're on the same page; I just wasn't clear enough in how I said it.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I don't think the free spirit power supersedes the ally power, either. Becoming free doesn't really change the spirit's innate powers/limitations, it just gives them more.
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