Mar 29 2018, 10:02 PM
Hello all,
Page 266
Whenever the vehicle or other device you’re jumped
into takes Physical damage, the feedback can hurt you.
Whenever the vehicle or drone you’re jumped into takes
boxes of damage, you must resist half (rounded up) of
that damage as Biofeedback damage (p. 229).
So - do people play this as the total damage done to the drone, or is it capped by how much damage the drone can take?
If I'm in a drone with Condition Monitor of 6, and it gets hit by an AR that does a modified DV of 16, and it resists none of the damage, is the jumped in rigger resisting 3 boxes (half the condition monitor of the drone) or 8 boxes (half the DV of the attack).
I believe it is the latter, but I figured I would ask it here as we just had a Rigger start bleeding out when the Noizsquito he was jumped into got shot. (he had some damage previously, but the 14 boxes of damage the drone took made him resist 7 boxes, which put him unconscious and bleeding to death.
Mar 30 2018, 09:41 AM
I think "that damage" refers to the "Physical damage" in the first sentence, not to the "boxes of damage" in the sentence. A better english speaker might solve this, but I would thus tend to agree with you.
Aside from that, and considering the poor rigger's fate, I'm really wondering if that rule makes anysense, especially when you consider a remote controlled drone.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Mar 30 2018, 03:10 PM
QUOTE (freudqo @ Mar 30 2018, 03:41 AM)
I think "that damage" refers to the "Physical damage" in the first sentence, not to the "boxes of damage" in the sentence. A better english speaker might solve this, but I would thus tend to agree with you.
Aside from that, and considering the poor rigger's fate, I'm really wondering if that rule makes anysense, especially when you consider a remote controlled drone.
If you are remote controlling a drone, you are not "Jumped In"
We have always used half the DV, not half of what the Vehicle could absorb.
Mar 30 2018, 07:26 PM
I don't know the meaning of terms in the present edition, but can't you be "jumped in" a drone using wireless communications?
Apr 2 2018, 07:19 AM
"Jumped in" means "being" the drone: you're using your Vehicle Control Rig to control the drone as if it were your body. Remote control, in this context, means issuing commands, either verbally or with an input device like a touchpad or joystick.
Apr 2 2018, 06:32 PM
IMO the "boxes of damage" is just to make clear that biofeedback is based on damage after the soak roll. If that damage after soak rolls exceeds the vehicle's CM, it still takes that much damage. Although I agree it would make sense to houserule a cap.
Apr 3 2018, 03:48 AM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Apr 2 2018, 01:32 PM)
IMO the "boxes of damage" is just to make clear that biofeedback is based on damage after the soak roll. If that damage after soak rolls exceeds the vehicle's CM, it still takes that much damage. Although I agree it would make sense to houserule a cap.
I would say the cap would be the damage capacity of the drone in question. Simpler drones (smaller condition monitor) wouldn't give as much feed back.
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