QUOTE (Bertramn @ Apr 27 2018, 01:26 AM)
On p206 in the Sr3 book, when describing the cyberdeck, it states "If the decker increased his Bod Rating by 2,...".
I found no Action or System Operation that mentions that the Persona Programs can be shifted in this way. Is this just badly written, or am I overlooking something that enables a player to shift these values in or between decking runs?
Well, it's certainly not one of the highlights in terms of writing but SR3 (and other version) do have a fair share of stuff with worse descriptions.
Page 206 merely spells out the difference between those two MPCP ratings examples of MPCP8/6/6/6/6 vs. MPCP8/8/5/6/5. The first and most important thing to note is this: Persona Programs are programs that run on firmware level within the hardware. They come on specialzied optical chips (OCC) - an equivalent to PROM technology. You can write the desired code onto the chip once and after that cannot be altered unless replaced with a different chip with different code. Unfortunately the core rules do a really bad job of spelling that out and in the Matrix rule book you have to read much of the custruction rules to get that information.
=> There's no direct shifting mechanism that would allow a decker to alter current Persona Program rating on the fly. The core rules assume that a decker decides which ratings his persona chips have when buying the deck, repeating the process whenever he gets a new deck (unless of course he finds a used one with a specific chip setup already in place). Core rules also lack regulations on how to aquire and install different persona chips. But once you use the deck constructions rules from the Matrix rule book it's possible to program, cook and install new persona chips on your own. Programming and cooking each take their own times, actual installation takes a base time of 1 hour per chip and requires an appropriate tool kit. Within those rules it's possible to buy programmed and cooked persona chips from third parties and then just install those instead - provided that MPCP limitations are respected.
Stricly speaking the rules don't even disallow to have the Persona Programs running on OMCs (rewritable chips) but actually allowing that in game would just open up a can of worms with no real benefits because the decker would still have to swap the chips physically.
QUOTE (Bertramn @ Apr 28 2018, 08:05 PM)
Including the "Matrix" rulebook from 2000, I have not found a reference anywhere as to how long this would take, or if it is even possible, aside from the passage I quoted earlier.
Pointers on sources:
P. 54 MATRIX - Optical Chips and Encoders
P. 55 MATRIX - Cooking Tests
P. 59 MATRIX - Persona Chips
QUOTE (Bertramn @ Apr 28 2018, 08:05 PM)
I'd tend to agree with you, but I might even go as far as to say that the Persona Programs are basically Hardware, which would mean you'd have to swap out some chips to influence their makeup, which would at least require you to jack out, turn off the deck, and do an Electronics Test. Having a backup deck would make sense here.
They are hardware and they require jacking out in order to be replaced ... and it's Computer B/R test against TN of the chips rating.
QUOTE (Bertramn @ Apr 28 2018, 08:05 PM)
It states on p223 under the Initiative header of the Cybercombat section: "The Initiative of a decker is based on the Reaction Attribute of the decker’s persona."
My problem: The persona has the B.E.M.S. Attributes, none for Reaction. What do they mean here?
Is the Reaction Attribute of the Decker's Persona their meat-Reaction modified by their Response Increase?
p. 223 (final paragaph left column) - Initiative: Icons with a reaction attribute determine initiative in accordance to standard rules -> Yes a decker icon is one that has a reaction attribute (the reaction of the decker)
p. 223 (right column) - Decker Initiative: Special rules on what affects said Decker initiative in terms of reaction modifications.
So yes, it's natural reaction which in turn stems from (natural quickness + natural intelligence)/2 plus 1D6 base initiative further modified by Response Increase of the used deck. Determining natural reaction can be bit of a mess because Bioware implants do alter attributes as if it was a natural thing in general but with special rules as per implant description. Bioware implants that partially affect decker reaction / initiative:
- Adrenalin Pump (Reaction but no double dipping on Quickness)
- Suprathyroid Gland (Reaction and Quickness bonus can increase Reaction further)
- Cerebral Booster (Increase to Intelligence affects Reaction - Level 2 will add 1 Task Pool die)