May 21 2004, 10:10 PM
Take a look at p. 255 of the BBB and
tell me that's not Morpheus wheeling and dealing
May 21 2004, 10:20 PM
What is the BBB? I see it mentioned alot ont hese boards bt i have no clue what it is.
May 21 2004, 10:29 PM
The Big Black Book, i.e. Shadowrun 3rd Edition rulebook. Just came across the picture while I was leafing through it (so bored).
Luke Hardison
May 21 2004, 10:30 PM
BBB = "Big Black Book" , slang for SR3 (or any main book)
May 21 2004, 10:32 PM
Ahh now that makes sense
May 21 2004, 10:41 PM
Ehhhh... kinda... I can see a resemblance, yes.
May 21 2004, 11:10 PM
I thought it was amusing when I saw it.
...Think Mr. Darke would be Agent Smith?...
...Who would Deus be?...
May 21 2004, 11:35 PM
The Architect.
May 21 2004, 11:37 PM
Same thing I was thinking, actually.
...The Squiddies could be special drones, and I think many of the Matrix hovercrafts are reproducable using R3...
May 21 2004, 11:50 PM
Get cracking, boyos. Let's see a Dumpshock build of the Neb.
May 22 2004, 12:13 AM
Think Niobe would be a rigger and Ghost a weapons specialist?
May 22 2004, 12:17 AM
Everyone would be a sort of cross between a decker and an adept. Except the operators, they would be riggers.
May 22 2004, 12:23 AM
I still say Niobe would be a rigger, too. She's the pilot for the Logos, after all.
EDIT: And a damn good one, at that.
May 22 2004, 12:49 AM
Except none of them have Vehicle Control Rigs, hence they aren't Riggers, they are just people with good vehicle skills.
May 22 2004, 12:56 AM
Eh. I meant in terms of archetype, not equipment...*shrug*
Eyeless Blond
May 22 2004, 01:32 AM
Actually, I'd say that everyone who was born inside the Matrix probably has a VCR pre-installed. At the least they have very high--rating simsense rigs implanted; no way are they working purely off of ASIST.
May 22 2004, 01:52 AM
I still say Niobe was more the Adept/Decker type. Her drive skill was just astronomical. She was the captain and I assume they have to start somewhere, so maybe she was an operator before she got her command.
Know what? I'm going to stop thinking about The Matrix before I remember how much the last one sucked balls and get all pissed off again. Tootles!
May 22 2004, 09:28 AM
QUOTE (Phaeton) |
I thought it was amusing when I saw it.
...Think Mr. Darke would be Agent Smith?...
...Who would Deus be?... |
Despite the quote, a plea to everyone else.
Don't encourage any more of his Matrix theories! Especially not the crossovers...
I'm sure you remember what I did to the last Agent you brought into a roleplay, Phaeton...
May 22 2004, 05:06 PM
Ah, right...Cyberzombie.
May 23 2004, 05:34 AM
Wait, what? That wasn't even in SR.
I corrupted him and destroyed the Matrix. And you were pwned.
May 23 2004, 05:36 AM
...Oooooh yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!...Forgot about that.
May 23 2004, 07:50 AM
Screw the Matrix! What a hype hogging piece of shite.
Neo just woke up/was released by the agents.
His phone rings.
He answers, he hears a voice, it's Morpheus (enemy #1, the most hunted "terrorist" in the Matrix, they can't catch this guy, he's a cyber ninja.)
<Morpheus> I must be brief, this line is tapped...
<paraphrased for amusement>
<Morpheus> Boy I can't believe they let you go! Holy crap you're so lucky! If they knew how important you were they would have NEVER let you go! Did I mention this line was tapped? Sooooo, still wanna meet with me? Uh uh... ya how's the corner of Dufus and Dipshit, under the bridge? Hey did I mention the thing about the line tapping? So woud 30 minutes be good for you? Fantastic! I should really go now, you know... with the line being tapped and all, see you under the bridge!!
How the blarg is this guy still free?
May 23 2004, 08:07 AM
Wow... that never occurred to me before. Now i'm even MORE pissed!
The last one was the worst.
The Architect: (paraphrased) Yeah, so, that rogue Agent Smith guy is going to destroy us machines and that totally sux0rz. What's that Neo? You'll destroy Agent Smith for us? Kewl! What's that you want in return? You want us to let all the humans go, thereby losing us our only power source and effectively destroying us anyway? So our choice is destruction or destruction? You know, the more i think about this plan, the more I LOVE IT! OMG R0X0RZ LOL! Where do I sign?
Eyeless Blond
May 23 2004, 08:16 AM
Yeah, or, um,
Not to mention the Train Man, whom I suspect exists solely because the writers wrote themselves into a hole in movie 2 and didn't know how to get out. There's also the question of how Zion manages to power itself, as it doesn't have an Unconscious Collective to act as its power station, and...
May 23 2004, 08:39 AM
Also, if it's that easy to break that cloud cover above the Earth, would not a form of SOLAR ENERGY work better and be more efficient?
May 23 2004, 09:06 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
There's also the question of how Zion manages to power itself, as it doesn't have an Unconscious Collective to act as its power station |
In The Matrix, it says that the Earth's Core is still warm. Geothermal plants, anyone?
May 23 2004, 06:37 PM
The Matrix is powered entirely by Munchkinite. Munchkinite, however, requires two things to tap its vast powers: one is a living being, and the other is a character that that living being plays. By having everyone on earth roleplay themselves, the machines tap the ultimate power of Munchkinite and rule the world.
May 23 2004, 07:52 PM
Don't you people dare do this. Do not mock and cheapen all things SR. That which we love and cherish. Do not commit the ultimate sacriledge by attempting to convert SR or use SR rules in ANY way shape or form in relation to ANYTHING that is considered mainstream, and especially nothing as stupid as the matrix. They ripped off so much from SR it's not even funny. Even the D20 system is starting to adopt SR rules. Don't encourage this kind of garbage with mainstream crossovers. It's like all the AD&D forums that post "what class is Legolas?" or "Building Legolas" and other shite like that.
Please I beg you.
May 23 2004, 10:49 PM
Lighten up, it's just a bit of fun. Mainstream is subjective, anyway.
What class WOULD Legolas be...?
May 23 2004, 11:50 PM
Probably Fighter/Ranger/Deepwood Sniper.
May 23 2004, 11:53 PM
His class would be Elf. Other classes include Wizard, Dwarf, and Barbarian; no need for more than four.
John Campbell
May 24 2004, 12:10 AM
Wait, so are you saying that they're mocking and cheapening D&D by bringing LotR into it, or that they're mocking and cheapening LotR by bringing D&D into it?
May 24 2004, 08:02 AM
Legolas is a bow ranger with a very good DM who lets the players do anything that sounds cool and cinematic.
Eyeless Blond
May 24 2004, 09:08 AM
QUOTE (Phaeton) |
Probably Fighter/Ranger/Deepwood Sniper. |
Eh, I'd say Order of the Bow Initiate instead of DS. Even in the books, Legolas seems to go for the trick shots and close combat stuff rather than the sneaky, kill-em-from-two-miles-away thing.
Er, I mean, D&D sucks!
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