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I'm curious if anyone has used Greece as a setting for shadowrun? if so, what sources did you use, and what information is out there?
Ancient History
Greece is iffy right about now, like the Ukraine, do to possible ED connections, but it has seen a fair amount of paranormal animal activity.
Look for it in the upcoming Shadows of Europe.
Ancient History
Not unless you want to be dissapointed.

[/edit] That is to say, Greece is not one of the countries covered in SoE. I have heard tell it will be covered in an upcoming product at some point.
Greece got cut? Well I have been out of the loop for a long while. You might want to look up the old Paranormal Animals of Europe since there are a number of animals from the area covered. There was also a very brief mention on Athens and Greece in general in SotA- the tourism section I believe.
Unfortunately yes, the Federal Republic of Hellas (aka Greece) was cut in development of SoE. The EuroSB crew had considerable material on the current situation for use in the book, but exactly because of Greece's historic peculiarities it was decided to leave it out for a eventual book where it would get significantly more attention.

However, some of the EuroSB-spawned Greece material did see the light of day in SOTA63's Culture Shock section (thanks, Michelle) and suggested in the Merc section (thanks, Jon) too.

As Flak has already mentioned Paranormal Animals of Europe has several references to Greece being an Awakened hotspot.
Unfortunately yes, the Federal Republic of Hellas (aka Greece) was cut in development of SoE. The EuroSB crew had considerable material on the current situation for use in the book, but exactly because of Greece's historic peculiarities it was decided to leave it out for a eventual book where it would get significantly more attention.

Think it can make it into a Target: Awakened Lands 2?
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