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Iblis unzips the large duffel and strips down to her form fit body armor. She begins to assemble her light security armor, decorated like a sci-fi rave suit from Mars. She straps on holsters for her 2 heavy pistols on her belt. She slides on a pair of wrist sheathes for a set of long knives. She snuggles into her deck pack, pausing to slide the two light pistols into the straps of the pack. She quickly powers up the ruthenium polymers to make sure they work properly. She pull on the helmet and turns on the HUD, beginning to coordinate the feeds for the run.
Nameless nods. "We got this." Quickly strapping on the harness and adjusting it with his long coat, he turns to Steel. Flashing a quick grin at her, he says, "Here we go again. Ready for this?"
The Ingrams seem almost ready to leap into Steel's hands of their own volition. She flashes Nameless a quick smile. "I was born ready."
After Donning all the armor he can fit inside his disguise Diesel Loads his many guns tightens the straps and looks at the water a moment before turning to Schnell

"Hey ya wouldnt happen to have any fishing poles on this rig would ya? I always wanted to try deep sea fishing amd while im here with an hour or so to kill why not."
Nameless smiles back, a bit sadly. "You and me both girl. You and me both..." Masking the emotion quickly behind a chuckle, albeit a slightly forced one, he leans back in his seat and adds, "I mean, can you imagine if we weren't doing this? We'd be bored stiff." With the mood brightened once again, he continues, "Just make sure neither of us is a stiff before all's said and done, eh?"

Turning to Diesel, he cracks, "Of all the times to go fishing, you wanna go now? Here's an idea. Why don't you drop a grenade in the water, and we can just catch the fish out of the air? Why don't we try that?"
Schnell gives half a chuckle at Diesel's request.

"I've got the poles, but you really need a full day to do it justice. Let me know if you've got the time after this job and I'll take you out sometime."

An hour or two passes, with the team trying it's best to relax with the gentle jokes and jibes, all nervous, only Loki obviously displaying the energy.

Slowly, running lights come over the horizon, easy to pick out in the surrounding darkness. They slide forward, covering much more distance then a boat that size should be able to. A mile or so away from the boat, the lights drift to a stop.

Schnell ducks back into the cabin, the ship purring to life at a much quieter tone, and sliding forward. As it draws close, the bulk of the frieghter appears out of the darkness in front of you, rising at least 30-40 metres in the air out of the water, and you know it's probably another quarter again under the water line. There are a few lights in various places along the deck, pointing inward, showing a few figures walking along the railings that line the sides. Schnell brings the boat alongside the massive ship, pausing just inches from the hull.
Your radio's crackle to life with his voice. "Alright kiddies, rides over. I'll be listening, and I'll wait here till I get the word from you. I've got two drones if you need them, both rotor'd with high-powered rifles, but remember that's extra," he says, chuckling a bit.
Jake silently waits until the lights have passed by the small boat that the runners rest on and pulls out the stealth grapple gun. Launching the line up the boat, he hooks it over the rails and motions for the insertion team to head on up.

Glancing down at his tactical wrist display, Jake looks to see where they stand in relation to the gas release points.
Silently, Nameless motions to Steel and Iblis that he'll go up first, and the female samurai should follow, so they can both cover the world's greatest action decker as she climbs up.

Quickly and quietly, he begins climbing the rope, listening extremely carefully for any signs that there's someone above him. When he gets to the top, he quickly conceals himself as best he can, ensuring that it's also decent cover in case they're spotted and a firefight breaks out. Using the subdermals, he relays the situation on deck to the rest of the team and signals for the other two to come up.
Steel waits in the boat while Nameless goes up the rope; she tries hard not to fidget but she can't stop from drumming her fingers against her thigh while she waits.

When Nameless gives the signal, Steel swarms silently up the rope. Her duster flares out a bit as she hoists herself over the gunwale and her Ingram gleams dully in the moonlight. She draws the guns silently and prepares to cover Iblis.
After stuffing his armaments and armored jacket into one massive duffle bag and positioning it on his back Diesel waits for the boat to arrive. with the others on deck and gives giving a grin at Namelesses remark.

"Now you know Im always up for fishing the old fashoned way but this time I want to try something different and use poles"

Once the boat arrives and The stealth team begins up the rope Diesel secures his Subdermal min and conceals the wire to the radio as best he can with his disguise then heads over to the rope to wait for Jake to give him the ok.
With a smile and a jaunty wave, Iblis begins the climb up the side of the ship. She makes her way up and hops over the egde to crouch near the rest of the insertion team.
Calling upon Katie to aid him, Loki reaches out to the shamanic plane of the sea. Straining against the demands of summoning a great form spirit, he just barely manages to squeeze a single service out of the spirit without draining his aura. He orders the spirit to use its movement power to slow down the ship.
:: Last. Moe takes a deep breath as she grabs hold of the rope and pulls herself up. She's a bit slower than her 4 companions, but she is surprised at the ease in which she accomplished the task. It wasn't something she was used to doing, but perhaps her adreneline pumped enough to boost her. ::

:: Landing on soft soled shoes, she's nearly silent as she taps Nameless to give him a point of reference for her. Then checks in over comms. ::

"Ok. I'm ready."
Wednesday, April 8th, 2064 - 3:17 am

The deck of the stopped ship is fairly empty, with just 3 people that you can see strolling around the railings, SMG's cradled in their hands. There may be more, but the view of the rest of the ship is blocked by part of the superstructure. The group assembles on the bow, apparently un-heard and un-noticed for the moment, in a pool of darkness between the deck lights.
Jake looks down at his wrist display to make sure the system is tracking the team's movements. He signals Diesel to wait a moment.

Alright, boy and girls...get the show on the road. Don't die on me either."

The Italian shaman then switches his gaze over to the ethereal realms of magic and the hidden layers of truth. He locks his gaze on each of the women moving into the ship spreading his protection over them before looking around the rest of the vessel trying to find any spirits or wards that will slow down their progression.
As Jake sweeps his gaze over the ship, you see the mana wrapped around the huge vessels form, ensuring any movement will be drastically slowed. You also see several small astral forms dotted around the ship, one just off the bow and racing towards the superstructure rising above the deck. You also spot another, larger spirit moving towards the ship as well, apparently heading for the same location as the smaller watcher spirit.
Jake curses under his breath. A brief glance to his large companion as he raises his hand to touch his sword.

"Catch me."

The shaman's astral form tears out of his body pulling the pulsing blade with him. With scant thought to the watcher spirits that are supposed to accompany him on this little outing, he thrusts off towards the fleeing spirits.
Recalling the layout of the ship, their planned gas dispersal point, and their current position, Nameless scans the deck, trying to see if they have a clear path to their target or if it looks like they'll have to fight their way there.

Flashing into Astral Perception, he scans the area for any other guards his mundane senses may have missed, as well as any magical action goin on in the astral he should be aware of.
Diesel dashes as quickly as he can to catch Jake before he falls and gently eases him to the ground. At seeing his boss work his mojo so early in the run he quickly tears off his disguise dons his jacket and readys his assault cannon. Looking at the area through thermo he readys himself to defend his boss.
Still watching through the astral, Nameless whispers into the mike, "Boss? Loki? We got three on deck, can you guys take them as per the plan? If you can't, we're going to take them and hustle for the gas dispersion point."

Watching Jake's speeding form race towards the deck, and the various spirits running around, Nameless curses under his breath.

Turning to the others and switching back to normal vision, he whispers, "We've got a problem. Astral combat looks imminent. If Loki doesn't take them down, we'll do it ourselves and hustle to the gas dispersion point. Iblis, put everything you got into one guy. Steel, you take the other two. I'll get whoever you two don't. Moe, watch for anyone who we either missed or shows up as a result of the shooting. They're yours. OK, we'll give our mageboys a few, if they don't make a move, we'll make ours. Either way, if it looks like the bad guys made us, take them down with extreme prejudice."

He grins at them, feeling the tension, hoping that it's not the last time he'll see them, and yet preparing himself for the possibility. Finding his center, he calms himself, and then whispers with a dark smile, "It's showtime..."
:: Moe, wide eyed under the shimmering cowl, smiles back with a childlike glee, devoid of any fear whatsoever. With a curt nod, she grips her weapon firmly, the oversized pistol looking almost comical in her hands giving off an almost 20th century anime look. ::

"I luv intrusion...mooch more thrillin' than bein' on tha couch."
As Jake falls limp into Diesel's arms, Jake can see the spirits quite clearly blink away into the superstructure, moving at the speed of thought.
With a quick glance, Iblis confirms that Jake has left his body and that Loki is still grounded in his body. She quickly looks over the side, seeing the small boat 50 meters down. I don't think Loki will be dropping these fellas from down there so that leaves us. With a mental command she floods her comm channel with her theme song letting Moe know the fun can begin.

"She's the greatest!! She's fantastic!! She's the greatest action decker in the world!!"
A muffled succession of shots ring out from Iblis's twin guns, and two of the guards on deck drop. The third turns, obviously hearing the noise.

As the spirits kick in the juice, Jake flashes past the team at the speed of thought. He is determined to catch the little watcher spirit which is probably headed back to its master.

Here's to hoping he's easier to handle than that stupid awakened bear.

Not sparing the time to see if reinforcements are indeed coming to help him, he plunges through the superstructure of the ship.
After readying his favorate toy Diesel Places himself in front of Jake giving him as much cover as possible with his massive frame.

"The boss is having another one of his outta body experiences so I'm guarding him but if ya need me holla."

Diesel says subdermally into his mic
Jake - You plunge through the superstructure of the ship, grimacing as you feel the odd sensation of non-living matter pass through your body...always a little unsettling. You arrive in small room, witha slim figure sitting in a chair at a desk, glancing up as a watcher spirit starts to materialize.
The night is punctuated by another series of gunshots, Steel's bullets impacting solidly on the body of the sailor, knocking him back against the rail as a dozen rounds puncture armor, clothes, flesh, and vital organs. His gun clatters across the deck, lifeless body crumpling to the deck.
With a quick scan of the deck, Nameless satisfies himself that the team has no more unwanted company left on the deck. Motioning the team towards the gas dispersal point, they silently but swiftly advance, ready to complete the first part of the run.
Nameless - Nobody else in plain sight, but you know the sounds would have alerted other members of the crew.

Loki focuses briefly, wrapping himself in a brief coccoon of mana and rising slightly above the deck of the boat. He murmurs to nothing in the darkness.
Steel lifts her guns and fires with an almost audible sound of relief. She unloads a dozen shots into the remaining guard and then strides forward towards the gas dispersal point.
Glancing around, the deck is almost eerily silent in the nanosecond wake of the submachine gun fire. The three of you stand on deck, surrounding by the dispersing cloud of cordite smoke, and are alone, at least for the moment.
Iblis's voice comes over the comms. This is your flight attendant, the captain has illuminated the 'lethal' sign. Please be advised.
Satisfied that the three guards are down, at least for now, Nameless begins quickly but cautiously moving towards the door that best leads to the gas dispersal point, motioning for Steel and Iblis to make sure the bodies stay down, while he and Moe hold the door and wait for them to catch up.

Glancing from side to side, he pays extremely close attention to his surroundings, waiting and ready for any signs of hostiles in the area.
Steel shrugs and walks over to the nearest body. She puts her foot on his neck while waiting for Nameless's signal.
Nameless slides forward through the alternating pools of dark and light, heading for the door the leads below-decks and to the central air circulation plant and filtration system.

Loki gives Katie a last pat and whispers something, twisting flows of mana around him and rising a few feet above the deck of the boat, the form of the troll guarding Jake's body still looming over him in the darkness.

Moving forward ahead of the group, Nameless can hear the shouts and orders of what is probably the rest of the deck security crew coming around the superstructure that dominates the center of the large ship. One of them rounds the corner, SMG clenched tight in his fists as he mutters into his radio.
:: As Moe watches the plan begin to disolve as the crew is alerted and begins to respond, she takes a moment to think before going on comms. ::

"Per'aps I should do tha' tha rest o' you pin d'ese slags down until i' kin take effect?"
Nameless quickly assesses the situation before going on comms.

::Heads up everyone, we have hostiles coming around the superstructure now. Iblis and Steel, take cover. We're going to hold them off until Moe can disperse the gas. Jake, Loki, a little magical support might be nice. Diesel, you're the calvary, be ready to ride in if we need you. All right Moe, gas dispersal is on you. We'll watch your back. You need someone to go with you?::
::The radio quietly squawks next to Jake's limp form. Neural impulses transmit information down synaptic pathways to his brain. With his consciousness and spirit projected hundreds of meters away, the cry for support falls on deaf ears.::
:: Moe shakes her head once indicating she can handle the situation on her own and takes a deep breath before she begins the slow and stealthy trip to the waypoint. ::
As Moe begins crawling away, Nameless makes sure he's behind some hard cover first.

Definitely don't want to be behind something that'll get shot to pieces in the first five seconds this could be a while he thinks to himself.

As the first guard turns the corner, Nameless assumes a firing position from behind cover and lets out a quick, well-aimed burst. Immediately after the first, he pauses for a microsecond, waiting to see if his first target was still standing or if he'd need to acquire a new one. As soon as he makes that decision, he cuts loose with another controlled burst, letting the gas vent system fight the recoil down, keeping his shots online.

::Steel, Iblis, I have contact. Hostiles coming around the superstructure. Watch each other's backs, make sure they can't sneak up on us, and prepare to engage::
The guard jogs around the corner, the look of surprise almost comical as the SMG rings out, stitching two lines across his chest as multiple slugs slam into his torso. He gives a garbled cry, knocked backwards by the force of the bursts, gun clattering to the deck several feet away as he lands.
Jake - There's an almost audible sense of slowing as the spirits begin to manifest into the real world, astral form shimmering as their presence is extended into the other plane.
Sensing the momentary weakness of his quarry, Jake moves forward with the darting energy of a hunting cat. His sword weaves through the space between him and the astral form, using the superior reach to disrupt his opponent before it has a chance to report.

Jupiter and Mars, destroy this creature and send his fragmented essence back to the world beyond.

The humming blade strikes forward aiming for the center chakras.
"If yall need me ill come but Ill have to leave the boss unguarded"
Iblis grins at the group in the darkness, a soft click the only warning before the slim elf goes darting off across the deck, well lubricated in-line wheels making soft swishing sounds as she skates towards the opposite side of the ship.
The astral form of the watcher spirit slides cleanly in half as the enchanted blade and the wielder's will cleave through the bounds of mana holding the spirit coalesced in this world.

At the desk, the man studying the seems relaxed and completely unware, an odd contrast to the violence just rendered in astral space. On the desk, a walkie talkie with a headset crackles to life, spewing out a series of rapid-fire words in Russian. The man on the desk visibly starts, and scrabbles at the unit, tugging the headset on and listening intently.
Steel nods as Nameless's voice hums in her ears. She grinds her boot a little harder into the fallen guard's neck to make sure he's really down, then slides along after Iblis, glancing back over her shoulder to make sure she's not followed.

::Nameless, I'm going to back up the Roller Queen. Let me know if you need a hand over there.::
There's a sickening crunch as Steel collapses flesh and bone beneath her heel.

Closer to Nameless, and visible as they run towards the super structure, there are several more guards, guns at ready, calling back and forth, still several hundred meters off. The crackle of radio static can clearly be heard above the din of them moving in the otherwise still night.
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