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Ancient History

Lady Brane Deigh has been described as beautiful, with amber skin, incredibly fine fair hair, and eyes which seem to shift from an almost trasnparent blue to a nearly luminous green. Brane Deigh was, according to offical records, born in 2011 to a Connaught family of little note; and married Liam O'Connor, the founder of Tir na nÓg in 2041. Liam spent two years securing his wife's political power before his dissapearence in 2043, supposedly to walk his final path. Lady Brane Deigh declared herself Rian ("Queen") of the Seelie Court, an independant non-legislative body in Tir na nÓg whose prime focus appears to be magical, elven and spiritual affairs. This declaration was not challenged by any Tir na nÓg authority, and Lady Brane Deigh has reigned since. Around 2051 Lady Brane Deigh was involved in a web of plots surrounding the shadowrunner Hart; whom she viewed as her milessaratish and agent against the Hidden Circle, and the Catholic Order of Saint Sylvester. In 2056, Lady Deigh and the Seelie Court were approached by Aina for aid against the Horror Ysrthgrathe. Brane Deigh has apparently been (and possibly is still being) advised by Alachia, who has skewed Lady Deigh's view of others somewhat. Despite her position, Lady Deigh is very young and is far less magically potent than her peers. She makes for this in part by the large number of artifacts and cutting-edge technology the Seelie Court has available, as well as the number of other magicians who make up her court that she may call on. While apparently not powerful enough to use it on her own, Lady Deigh at least has access to or knowledge of the metamagical technique required to summon the Wild Hunt. It is also likely that she is skilled in the magic of illusions that enshrouds the Seelie Court; she possibly has some affinity or ability with the faerie creatures who are also at home in the Seelie Court. As holder of the Arcana Lady Deigh wields great influence in Tir na nÓg, though this influence is more spiritual than political. It has also been said that, though fit to rule and not Alachia's creature, Lady Brane rules at the sufferance of the Elder elves. It has been claimed that Lady Brane Deigh is rich, but whether this is her own ealth, or that of the Seelie Court, is unclear.

The Seelie Court itself has been described a fragmented metaplane, holding no exact physical location and hidden at all times by spirits and illusion magic. Many, if not all of the court's members are elves; and many, if not all, of the Court's members are magicians (most of the Elven Paths). And most, if not all, of the Court's members are beatuiful (either naturally or through benefit of glamour) and steeped in plots, contests and pranks among their peers. Dwarves and various fairykind, such as leshy, munchkins and gruagach, also populate the Court.

The physical presence of the Seelie Court has been described as a verdant forest city, located on the isle of Hy Braesail (which supposedly rises out of the sea every seven years, but which has apparently been called up and maintained by the Seelie Court--it is possible this isle is actually an alchera of some sort, or indeed a fragment of a metaplane that can act as such).

Any or all of the following, accurate as of 2050, descriptions of the Seelie Court, may be illusions (or else no longer he case, the Court was to the SOuth and West of Dublin in 2050, it may have been moved to the isle of Hy Braesil later):
The Queen conducts her public business in the inner court, as opposed to the outer court where, presumably, all other members of the Seelie Court stay while they visit it. The arched great double doors to the inner court are orichalcum, and set in walls made of interwoven vines. After entry, a supplicant walks in darkness along an earthen path, and eventually it seems as if they walk in a night-time forest with stars overhead (no matter what the true time). The clearing is a lane of ancient rowan and hawthorne trees, which leads to a raised mound of packed earth. Here, there are three thrones, behind which lies a particualrly massive oak tree covered in mistletoe.

The first throne, nearest the edge, is masterfully carved with small, brightly colored carvings, symbols of life and energy that represent youth and make the throne seem larger than it is. The second throne, also carved by a amster, is set well back in shadows so that few details of its carvings may be glimpsed. The third throne, situated fully in the light, is comprised of bold reliefs accentuated by subtle painted to appear to actually stand out from the throne. Here sits the Rian of the Seelie Court.

This is only one of the clearings within the Seelie Court, which is half forest and half palace. Only one such clearing is used at a time; the rest of the forest remains darkened.

Meals are served in the Court's Great Hall.

The court has at least one modern helipad, cloaked in illusion, that brings in supplies and serves as transportation.

The Seelie Court makes good use of high technology, including a number of modern holding cells, but masks such technology with illusions to maintain their image. The more mundane service passageways of the Court are not cloaked in illusion.

In 2056, the Court, whether it had previously been there or not, was located on Hy-Braesail, which at the time was mainfest somewhere past the Aran Islands. In Hy-Breasial, Spring holds sway no matter the season in Tir na nÓg, and the isle is surrounded by a turquoise glow. Here, the Court is within a castle perched on top of a cliff. The faery are still present, including sprites. The great double doors to this castle are made of oak, two stories high, and banded in brass because the fae hate iron.

The Seelie Court numbers many magicians and powerful artifacts among it's ranks, as well as the support of at least one and possibly more Immortal Elves. It has shown that it can summon the Wild Hunt, call the faerykind on Earth(and other planes), raise Hy Braesail from the sea and erect a castle upon it, and is very skilled in illusion magics.

The Seelie Court makes great show of being opposed by the Unseelie Court, which plots the downfall of the Tir and is as ugly as the Seelie Court is beautiful. No hard confirmation of the existence of the Unseelie Court exists save persistent rumor.

Sources: The London Sourcebook, Tir na nOg, Paranormal Animals of Europe, novel: Choose Your Enemies Carefully, novel: Worlds Without End

All that aside, the Seelie Court appears to be the modern incarnation of the Elven Court of Wyrm Wood. Unlike that Court, the current incarnation appears less concerned with political matters than magical ones, and the spiritual aspect of the court is lessened (though perhaps not for elves born in the Tir). This incarantion of the Court is well under the thumb of several immortal elves, with Alachia holding a prominent place there instructing Lady Brane Deigh (the fact that Alachia has not, apparently, made a bid to be Queen may be an example of the long memories and close scrutiny of the other immortals. They do not wish a repeat of Blood Wood.)

Alachia's instruction of Lady Brane Deigh appears to be incomplete, leaving out significant events (such as the Ritual of Thorns) and coloring the young elf's views of many subjects.
As always, perritaesa, very well done.
You need to break up that first paragraph into at least two, or more, new paragraphs. Massive blocks of text are not good.
Ancient History
Yee-aaah. I should mention that my "fragments" are files full of notes on different subjects that I decree to small or uncalled for to classify as full Files. I wwas doing something else and decided to post this one here. Thanks, Toturi
A couple of questions.
Are the paths of the Wheel of life(Draesis ti’Morel) described in Tir Na NOg? do they have rules or are they just for rp porpoises.

Are all of the elves of the court following one of the paths of the wheel of life??

I'm guessing that to be able to follow the paths(at least the stric followers) you should have magic. You could start being and adept to follow the warrior way(Mes ti’Meraerthsa ), and if you are an strick follower you could buy later on the power that lets you sling spells. To move on to the other paths. I'm guessing that if you are a free follower of the paths you don't need magic at all.

Does Alachia still has thorns? I'm guessing she doesn't, since the there is not enough mana. Will the thorned elves appear once the mana level get to its higher point?? Why hasn't anyone kill her off? I'm betting Aithine Oakfores could, since he was a blood wader and all.

Did I get off topic??

Ancient History
A couple of questions.
Are the paths of the Wheel of life(Draesis ti’Morel) described in Tir Na NOg? do they have rules or are they just for rp porpoises.

Yes, yes, and according to some people, yes.


Are all of the elves of the court following one of the paths of the wheel of life??

No. Many do, but not all.

I'm guessing that to be able to follow the paths(at least the strict followers) you should have magic. You could start being and adept to follow the warrior way(Mes ti’Meraerthsa ), and if you are an strick follower you could buy later on the power that lets you sling spells. To move on to the other paths. I'm guessing that if you are a free follower of the paths you don't need magic at all.

The Wheel of Life has changed significantly from the Age of Legend. The current mythology focuses on the elves walking a single path in a lifetime, and then the next path when they reincarnate in the next lifetime; rather than trying to walk all five paths in the same lifetime. There are no "Strict" followers versus "loose" followers anymore; you either are a follower and part of an initiate group (called an Order) for your path, or you are not a follower. Non-magician elves may support theese groups, but are not full followers.

Does Alachia still has thorns? I'm guessing she doesn't, since the there is not enough mana. Will the thorned elves appear once the mana level get to its higher point?? Why hasn't anyone kill her off? I'm betting Aithine Oakfores could, since he was a blood wader and all.

None of the surviving Blood Elves have thorns. Whether or not the thorns will reappear depends on a number of factors which no one knows yet, such as how Blood Wood ended, whether the personal Ritual of Thorns ended when Blood Wood did, and whether the plant elementals within the Blood Elves' were banished or destroyed somehow. It is possible that Osteochronocuspis from SURGE is some sort of karmic reminder of the Thorn Elves.

Alachia is not without power, making her difficult to outright destroy, and well connected politically. Aside from that, there seems to be a general attitude that the IEs don't want to kill each other (although it is possible, as Harlequin's little chal'han scared Ehran into thinking.)

If the thorns come back, it is highly likely Alachia and Aithne will both suffer from them again.


Did I get off topic??


Entropy Kid
Does Sperethiel have its own pronunciation or should I be looking for Gaelic phonetics?
Ancient History
Go with Gaelic, Sperethiel has not yet published pronounciation.
Um, just to give some spoilers and because I don't know, AH what actually happened in Blood Wood and when did it go in the crapper? The ritual to protect them from the horrors made them blood elves, but beyond that?

Ancient History
Nobody knows (or they're not telling). If the mana dropped below the point needed to sustain the Ritual of Thorns first, the maybe the whole thing fizzled. If the corruption at the heart of Blood Wood reached the outer edge first, the whole Wood could have depatterned, taking most of the elves with it. But nobody really knows what happened, because it hasn't happened in ED yet.
So AH...

When EarthDawn Classic comes out...

Which timeline are following: RedBrick or LRG?

Personally, I still don't know my own answer.. just curious what a better historian than I thinks.
Ancient History
RedBrick and Living Room Games are apparently keeping in touch so that their metaplots do not overtly conflict; same with they and FanPro. Therefore I'll follow and catalogue both lines, noting any glaring inconsistencies on important points as they come up.
I think it's been proven that the seelie court uses lots of illusion to hide the fact they are just metahumans too.

the court of "light and illusion" pretty much says it all.
Earthdawn Classic???? could I get a link please??


Zeel De Mort

This looks like their homepage. Didn't know anything about it 'til just now..
So what's the difference between the LRG Earthdawn (which I understand to be the continuation of what FASA put out) and Earthdwan Classic from Redbrick? And why does the world need two Earthdawn games from two different publishers?
QUOTE (Connor)
So what's the difference between the LRG Earthdawn (which I understand to be the continuation of what FASA put out) and Earthdwan Classic from Redbrick? And why does the world need two Earthdawn games from two different publishers?

Your question must be a frequently asked question because you see, it's answered in the Frequently Asked Question of RedBrick's Earthdawn Classic website.
Hmm, okay. I guess I could have read that before asking.

I still have to wonder if there's a need for two different versions of Earthdawn however.
Ancient History
Three, if you count the German (or was it Austrian?) license. There might not be a need, but as long as everyone agrees to play nice it should go well enough. LRG and RedBrick both look to be covering different areas.
QUOTE (Connor)
So what's the difference between the LRG Earthdawn (which I understand to be the continuation of what FASA put out) and Earthdwan Classic from Redbrick? And why does the world need two Earthdawn games from two different publishers?

From what I understand, some people weren't happy with the amount of metaplot that was cropping up in Earthdawn books so Redbrick are putting out their own versions, using the previous rules edition, with less of it- going back to what some would consider the character of the first books. Basically means that instead of just ignoring the metaplot, you can now buy books that do it for you. Feh. All a bit stupid if you ask me.
I hope that the Artwork in EDC is better than the one LRG has. Because it sucks!!!
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Jun 14 2004, 03:01 AM)
QUOTE (Gigapulse)
A couple of questions. Are the paths of the Wheel of life(Draesis ti’Morel) described in Tir Na NOg? do they have rules or are they just for rp porpoises.

Yes, yes, and according to some people, yes.

While the Paths are described and given rules in the Tir Na nOg sb, the latter are no longer relevant in SR3. They have been updated (and toned down) in Magic in the Shadows. Relevant roleplaying and background information on the various Path Orders, their role in TNO society, the Danaan and the Seelie Court will all be revisited and updated in the upcoming Shadows of Europe.

BTW - For a second there I was wondering where the hell the roleplaying dolphins fit into the picture. wobble.gif
I still prefer the much more powerful and muchie Tir na nOg Paths. You can pry them from my cold dead Path of the Righ hands! nyahnyah.gif
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