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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Pages: 1, 2
Herald of Verjigorm
I thought I sent you my character (in plain text) with the little background.
I can't quite make it in NSRCG without applying some changes to the databeses and giving a false starting BP amount.
I'll send it to you again immediately.

My background is 9 pages long so far and I'm not done yet. I still need to flesh out at least a few more contacts (I might buy some more if I have the cash, which I probably will), where he lives, and the last 4 of the 20 questions.

All in all I'd say I've got at least another page or two. On the plus side all that'll be left is gear, which I've got partially done.
Ronin Soul
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm)
I thought I sent you my character (in plain text) with the little background.
I can't quite make it in NSRCG without applying some changes to the databeses and giving a false starting BP amount.
I'll send it to you again immediately.

Whoops sorry, Herald my bad!


I've got it, yeah.


HMHVV Hunter
Herald of Verjigorm

1 spot left and we can begin!
Dark Scrier
I e-mailed it about 20 minutes ago, in a stupidly long text file.
Ronin Soul
QUOTE (Dark Scrier)
I e-mailed it about 20 minutes ago, in a stupidly long text file.

I'm not on my own computer so I won't get it until later today. I'll take your word for it though biggrin.gif
Dark Scrier
No, seriously it is stupidly long.
Stupidly long is Rambling Old Guy Way! I know that'll be me in 60, 70 years. biggrin.gif


Finished the background for the most part. Just need to answer 10 and finish 11 and I'll be done. If you require descriptions of how I acquired skill and goodies then I'll need to do 7-9 as well.

I'll have sent it by the time you read this.
Ronin Soul
Okay, got Dark Scrier's character sheet.

Barring any objections or final questions, I'll start the OOC and IC threads later today.
(Just remember this has some railroading right off the bat. Shouldn't be too bad though).

And just remember that at the end you guys will have to vote on a MVR (Most Valuable Runner) karma award for the best (however you define it) runner in the group at the end of each chapter. So just watch each other's actions smile.gif .
Howdy. Did you get my Background?
Dark Scrier
Ooh. Game on!
Herald of Verjigorm
I may be less able to post this weekend than usual. I will try to stay up to speed, but can not make any promises on the matter.
HMHVV Hunter
Hell yeah! Game on!

Oh yeah I'm excited to be playing this character.
What will the name be for the game? I'd like to keep an eye out for it.

Also, will this be the ongoing OOC forum...or will you create a new OOC Forum?

Ronin Soul
Sorry for not beginning as soon as I hoped - I came down with a migraine last night (ouch!).

The game will be divided by chapters with the chapter name following. There will be a new OOC thread as well as the IC thread.

Look out for "Chapter 1: Three Sisters IC" and "Chapter 1: Three Sisters OOC"!
RONIN! I need my background sent to me.

Tried to get IE6.0 for a VHS course last night, my computer threw a fit and I had to format it. I just finished. Couldn't even back up files. Fortunately the only thing of any REAL value I lost was my SR character background.

So...if you could send it to me I'd appreciate it. I still have my character sheet and all that since that's on physical paper.
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