Jul 11 2004, 08:55 PM
Joseph passes over the data packet when he's done. "Looks like a theater in Renton. Probably going to have some significant security around it, if this is a big opening, too."
Jul 12 2004, 04:51 AM
Tallon takes a look at the map, and jots down the address on a little ink pad.
"I can scout the place, but I don't have any surveillance equipment at the moment, so I'll probably need a partner"
Jul 12 2004, 12:12 PM
Joseph nods. "I'll go with, if need be. What I'm worried about now is the potential for some magical security we won't be able to spot. Hell, they can set that stuff up fast, so it might not even be present till the night of. We got a way to deal with that drek?"
Jul 12 2004, 01:47 PM
As entropic looks at the map and comes up with a mental blank he thinks to himself "This is disgusting. I must be getting lazy. Not even a small notion of what could be useful. I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself"
After berating himself, he speaks up.
"Unfortunately I'll be of no assistance in that department, but I can help with the scouting as I happen to have a good friend who makes it his business to know that of other people. I can see what he can do, just give me a list of what we'll need. The more specific the better. In the mean time perhaps we should re-locate this discussion to less public chambers as surely we aren't the only people seeking employment tonight. I can make a quick trip home, pick up my mapchip and bring it to where ever is decided upon, as well as give my friend a call with the requested data."
Jul 13 2004, 05:18 AM
Renton? Which theater is that? Hmmm... Kitty should know something, maybe Diedra, perhaps Dirushi. Let's give it a look.
"Gentlemen, I recommend Hocus Pocus as a place for further discussions tomorrow evening. While the name is quite silly, I have a friend who works there and would most likely allow us the use of the back room. If not, the booths are constructed in such a way as to allow one to 'disappear' if he does not want to be found. I just hope that you don't mind a little magic sideshow while we talk..." says, DarkSky.
"I would also like to scout the theatre as I have a trained eye for physical security. I am hoping that certain friends will be able to get me additional information on security during premiers."
With that he waits for his turn to look at, then record the map, photo, and other details in memory.
Jul 13 2004, 05:31 AM
Tallon nods his agreement.
"I'll be there"
Jul 13 2004, 12:29 PM
Entropic also nods and writes down his ltg number for everyone.
"Sounds good. Count me in as well. What time did you have in mind?"
With that he'll neaten up the small pile of numbers keeping track of who's who and pockets them.
I suppose I'll see if Cobwebs can help, and definitely give Fitz a call.
Jul 15 2004, 05:06 AM
DarkSky says, "Nineteen hundred is the best time for us to meet. The amateur show is over by then and the semi-professional show doesn't start until twenty-one hundred."
Looking around he adds, "That's seven and nine respectively for those that still prefer a twelve hour clock."
Jul 15 2004, 12:59 PM
you hear the voice on the other end of the line respond, "That should be ok, just make sure that you can pay for the private room up front, with your usual discount of course."
Jul 15 2004, 04:04 PM
"Okay then, see you at seven. If there's nothing else, might I suggest we adjourn for the evening, gentlemen?" Entropic suggests as he begins pulling his hood back up and adjusting it for comfort.
Jul 15 2004, 08:01 PM
Joseph nods. "I'm going to take a drive through Renton on the way out. Anyone want to tag along?"
With or without companions, he drives through the area where the strike will be taking place to get a look at the area. He doesn't go slowly, however, and does little to draw attention to himself.
Jul 15 2004, 11:34 PM
Tallon nods.
'I will accompany you.'
He cruises silently with Joseph, speaking only if spoken to.
Jul 16 2004, 04:30 AM
DarkSky nods, "I will also be heading through the area; however, I will be taking my own transportation as otherwise I will not be able to get home. We can compare notes tomorrow night."
DarkSky cruises through the area of Renton with the theatre. He makes a few notes on both main and side roads and also general thoughts on the building (if the theatre is open).
Jul 21 2004, 02:27 AM
@ all
As you cruise through the area around the Hocus Pocus, you can see how this Bar might stand out just a little bit. it is the only Bar in the area that doesn't feature a large sign advertising the strength of its brew, instead a small sign over the top of a small back door is all that would let it be seen, unless you had the directions from Darksky you likely would have missed it entirely.
As you enter into the bar it is obvious this place is slightly out of place. The bar caters to the magical type, connected with them are the paintings on the walls, and a few materials and such on the stage.
As the bartender sees you enter he takes you to a small back room, saying to all of you, "I can't garuntee this is secure, but none of my customers or others will bother you," looking to Darksky he holds his hand slightly out with the palm up.
Jul 21 2004, 04:56 AM
DarkSky reaches out and presses the right amount of "magic" into Benny's up-turned hand. "Don't make it all disappear at once," he grins.
Turning to the others he waits for Benny to clear out and then motions for the group to sit down.
Darksky says, "This is what I know. Security is light at these events; most often they don't even pat you down. I can't comment on Matrix or magical security. It IS Azzie property, however, and they have jurisdiction; therefore, anyone on the "wrong" side of the fence when things go down is most likely going to get hurt."
"I rode by last night and noted that the place is pretty sparse. A well placed sniper would do well to get people off us if things got in a hurry. I don't advocate killing people if it can be avoided."
"Here's what I propose: Let's find out a little more on the Matrix/magical security end and review the interior of the place. I would like to attend the theatre on the same night as our target. If I can get close to him then I might be able to steer him away from more crowded areas. With the proper distraction his contingent of body guards will be busy while I am leading the mark to "safety." Before he realizes that he is nabbed, we have him and no-one is the wiser. What do you think?"
With that, DarkSky takes a look at those around him and awaits their responses.
Jul 21 2004, 08:05 AM
"I've got a bit more information on the security. I was hoping to perhaps black out the area, but this is a no-go because the security is top notch and most of its off the matrix trid. Any hacking will have to be done on-site. According to my source there's been several orders for more guards to be at the event, but the pair of bodyguards the target will have are superior to the entire building. Getting in shouldn't be hard but getting out is going to be difficult at best. Its been brought to my attention that there are three windows facing the road on the second story. Anyone who's got rappelling gear or feels like taking a plunge would do well to take this avenue. This is all the information I have unfortunately."
After taking a breath and getting a bit more comfortable he continues.
"I have with me my pocket secretary with a mapchip of seattle for us to browse. Its extremely good and should be useful for planning our arrival and departure routes."
With that he sits down and lets the experienced get to work.
Jul 22 2004, 04:51 PM
Tallon wrinkles his brow in thought.
'I admit my own tendencies tend towards geeking him and making scarce, the presence of a bonus makes working harder seem to be worth it. If these bodyguards are so wiz, maybe we should maneuver to take them out to ensure they can't cause problems for us later. I can also position myself in the windows or roof, I am a proficient rapeller.'
Jul 24 2004, 05:53 AM
DarkSky, glances around the table and looks at each person waiting for someone to add something more. When it is apparent that a lull is developing he says, "Ok. I see two options. One: we do this outside as they are heading into the theatre. Two: we do this inside and then work our way out."
"Option one is easier, there is no doubt; however, it could be messy. Option two is more difficult, but has a degree of style and sophistication that option one doesn't have.
I prefer option two as it is the way that I like to do business. Hiding in broad daylight often provides more cover than skulking at night. If we have two or more persons inside the theatre and can cause a diversion, say a false fire alarm, then we could tranq patch the body guards and our target. One person could call for help and carry the unconscious persons out of range. A truck made up to look like an ambulance would be a nice addition to the mix as well. We would appear to be concerned citizens doing our part to help out other people. The ambulance would carry the target to a distant location for safe keeping.
The only problem that I see is that we might get noticed. However, pulling guns after trying subtlety can work where pulling guns before subtlety usually does not."
With that he sits back and looks at the rest of the team. You've said your piece, let them say theirs.
Jul 24 2004, 02:32 PM
Joseph ponders the situation. "My thoughts, exactly. If we're going to say to drek with the bonus, number one will work out very well. If we're going for the bonus, though, that's too much heat for us to deal with for the duration of our babysitting."
He licks his lips. "If we've got a decker capable person, I suggest we compromise the site's system well before showtime. Security should be lighter ahead of time, and we'll have a more comfortable window of time to work with.
Jul 24 2004, 04:33 PM
"I agree with a plan along the lines of option two. I'm no decker and my source most likely won't agree to going on site, but I can make suggestions about diversion and extraction. Do any of you have stun batons or perhaps shock gloves? My thinking is a quick zap to the spinal cord could put down one of the guards, at which point we make a racket about a heart attack. We could as Mr.Darksky suggested trip the fire alarm. This may distract the guards just long enough for a quick zap to the target. This would have the appearance of him having a heart attack or fainting. The guards could be dispatched with tranq patches and syringes filled with a knock out drug. One of us would slip away while the other two attend to the downed victims. It would appear that we are concerned citizens and I'm sure in the pandemonium no one is really going to care or take much notice. Security cameras may cause a problem which is why I suggest shock gloves as the are less obtrusive and easier to hide. These "concerned citizens" would wait until the remaining two show up dressed as paramedics and remove the target on a stretcher to a pre-determined location. Now I suggest if we are to do something along this line that we note the routes of the firetrucks and possibly ambulances, perhaps travelling them and timing the journey. No public servants getting in the way is generally preferable I imagine. We would also have to make sure our exit route does not coincide with the arrival as suspicion may arise for its better to be safe than sorry as I'm sure you've all heard."
Having spoken his mind for the moment Phantom looks around the table, awaiting further discussion.
Jul 27 2004, 05:11 AM
Darksky says, "Stun batons I have, but no shock gloves. I am sure that my medkit has several traq patches along with other goodies. I agree with you Phantom on avoiding attention if at all possible. Perhaps as part of our system tampering, we could set the cameras to fail when the fire alarm goes off? I am not sure that changing clothes would work very well. Perhaps those that will be acting as paramedics could be hiding in the wings or under a tear away suit.
I volunteer to scout out the interior of the theatre. I am quite accustomed to looking for places to hide and ways to avoid cameras. Phantom, you seem to have a knack for understanding the city, why don't you work out the timing and routes.
Tallon, Joseph, I understand that your skills often revolve around more direct methods of extraction. May I suggest that one of you stand watch with a large caliber weapon and the other act as one of the paramedics. A good med kit can hold more than medicine if you know what I mean. I would also like to suggest gel rounds to limit collateral damage. If we do this right; however, no ammo should be needed.
Archer, I do not wish to monopolize the conversation. Please feel free to join in at any time. Perhaps you could also be one of the paramedics?
Do we have a driver and an appropriate vehichle? While I have no contacts on the matrix side of things, I do have an old fried that could be asked to drive. He IS a little on the crazy side though...
Crash, a little crazy? Well maybe a lot crazy but they don't need to know that.
Aug 7 2004, 09:32 PM
As the conversation winds down to nothing DarkSky looks around the table until he can't stand it any more.
He breaks the silence by saying, "Very, well. I assume then that we are in agreement that we will use the paramedic routine. If anyone objects to the tentative assignments please speak up. I will contact a friend known as Crash - do not let the name fool you - he is quite competent behind the wheel but even more so with fixing a set of wheels. Our offer will be contingent on getting the target out alive and limit his liability to dropping us off at a location of our choosing. I will not use any of my hideouts as he will know them. What amount would be adequate for his use? I further recomend that we meet tomorrow after performing a little reconnaissance. I do not have a problem with meeting here again; however, my general paranoria won't let me. I will be looking for ways in and out of the theatre and procuring tickets for myself and one or two more for the show. Is there anything else?"
Whit that he sits back and looks at table around him.
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