Jun 26 2004, 06:56 PM
What's changed in the Tir since the source book came out? I've heard some rumors that their economy has hit the skids. Is that true? What else has changed?
Thanks for your time,
Jun 26 2004, 07:06 PM
Hestaby is on the council of princes.
Jun 26 2004, 07:34 PM
Tir Tairngire got a serious update in SoNA, where the consequences of the close borders policy came to a head. Other events led to Aithne and Lofwyr abandonning the Council of Princes (further detailed in DotSW) and unexpectedly Hestaby joining (also further developed in DotSW). Ehran also announced he would be resigning from the Council in the near future. Did I mention the revolutionaries running round?
The most recent reference is a small note in the Seattle writeup of SSG's Global Report.
Kanada Ten
Jun 26 2004, 07:50 PM
Tir is currently in a massive push for tourism and nuyen as they've opened their borders and scheduled a new Rite of Progression (like that's not more about tourism than politics). Current megacorporations are using the (more) open door policy to buy out the weakened Tiran corps and Shadowrunners are making use of the increased travel to sneak across.
Political tensions are pretty high, as well. Not only is Hestaby on the Council, and Erhan leaving, but Jenna is priming a candidate. Also, Garth Stone has finally made a move to stand on his own two feet instead of bowing to Lugh.
You can keep current on Tir (and the world) with the
NSI (Issues
3, and
Jun 27 2004, 03:39 AM
Basically the closed border and the lack of real trade outside TT have really caused the situation to deteriorate with the difference between rich and poor getting much much wider.
The trouble is the have are much more likely to try and hold on to what htey have than to yield ground to make things better.
Young Freud
Jun 27 2004, 06:46 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Tir...scheduled a new Rite of Progression (like that's not more about tourism than politics). |
That's a funny way of putting it. The way I read it, it's more like postponed indefinitely.
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
Basically the closed border and the lack of real trade outside TT have really caused the situation to deteriorate with the difference between rich and poor getting much much wider. |
You also forgot a civil insurrection (which may or may not be covertly run by one of the Princes) and crushing national debt because of the Princes' (and their relatives) expenses (both of which remind me of the House of Saud), and a potential shooting war with Saito in the south.
Jun 27 2004, 10:51 AM
There's going to be or was a new Rite in either 2062 or 2064, I can't remember which. This is the first one since it was postponed.
The Abstruse One
Kanada Ten
Jun 27 2004, 11:15 PM
2061 - In Tir Tairngire, the "state of emergency" ends and Prince Lugh Surehand announces that a new Rite of Progression will be held in 2063. (Shadows of North America) |
Jun 27 2004, 11:55 PM
so basicly the place have gotten a bad dose of reality

kinda liked the place (alltho i lost my book)...
so now it will turn into yet another corp infested, corruption ridden runners paradise, YAY

i guess its time for me to pack my hermetic librarys, my deck and get on south of the border

have they added a stop on the bullettrain from san fran to seattle?
Jun 28 2004, 12:32 AM
No, infact they are trying to keep a tight rein of people finding out how their elven paradise has nearly collapsed.
Jul 13 2004, 08:30 AM
-- Some of the backstory for the Tir updates hinges on the now vaporous status of Mike Mulvihills novel . . . Which is too bad as it's really interesting (and I'm not a particular fan of the SR novels or metaplot). I haven't seen SoE so maybe they had clearance to release more of the details regarding the backstory events and the machinations of Lofwyr and the Princes.
Jul 13 2004, 08:52 AM
QUOTE ("Tzeentch") |
(and I'm not a particular fan of the SR novels or metaplot). |
Which is why I think they shouldn't have let you write the Tir in SoNA. I love your writing, and I generally agree with you in every area but this one.

Such is life I suppose.
And its not that the section wa sporrly written-quite the contrary, it was well put togtehr. I just didn't like what it did-which is basically demystified my imoortal elf earth dawn connecting meta plot bad asses!

(Yeah yeah-dead horse, beat all that...)
Jul 13 2004, 04:51 PM
QUOTE (Tzeentch) |
I haven't seen SoE so maybe they had clearance to release more of the details regarding the backstory events and the machinations of Lofwyr and the Princes. |
If they gave a clearance, it wasn't to me. I don't remember anything in
SoE that could be related to Lofwyr and Tir Tairngire. We barely had enough room to deal with the countries of Western Europe, so for
Oregon, sorry but...
Jul 13 2004, 06:01 PM
-- Note that some of the Tir events I had
no control over as it was part of the novel and we were just staying ahead of the metaplot curve. Which didn't bother me as it was cool

-- I was not a particular fan of how the Tir was originally presented to be honest, Shadowrun at least tries to have a thin veneer of authenticity and realism and I think it failed those tests (Oregon is simply not self-sufficient for a technological economy and its political climate was already unstable in 2054!). I'll admit I went into it with some ideas to "blow up" Tir Tairngire but that wasn't very realistic and ended up less plausible (within the SR context) then the original Tir. Just as in SONA you had to approach it from a "ok, some of the original stuff doesn't make
any sense and is contradictory to boot, how can we fix it without saying "Dannicker was a lying SOB" and the original author was insane?

-- Look, you have to admit that the original Tir was a little over the top regarding the difficulty of entry and shadowrunning. That sort of defeats the purpose of
having the area in a game called, oddly enough, Shadowrun. It was the orders from on high that these areas be "opened up" and given a bit of spice (my words, not theirs) to make it more gamable. I consider the Tir to be my biggest contribution to the Shadowrun canon (you never hear people talk about Salish-Shidhe for example heh) and I'm really happy with how it turned out -- although I wish the rules for Sperenthiel and Carromeleg had survived editing
Jul 13 2004, 07:03 PM
I wonder what the OTHER Ti (you know...Nan Og, which for some reason they always put the "n" in the wrong place) thinks of Tairngire's troubles...
Jul 13 2004, 07:40 PM
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys) |
I wonder what the OTHER Ti (you know...Nan Og, which for some reason they always put the "n" in the wrong place) thinks of Tairngire's troubles... |
They'd be laughing behind their hands if they weren't so busy.

(Btw, either spelling seems correct. Google accepts both without suggested corrections.)
Jul 13 2004, 10:50 PM
How do you say Tairngire anyway. I always make it sound like tangerine.
Herald of Verjigorm
Jul 13 2004, 11:07 PM
Hmm.... a group of elves, outcast from both Na nOg and Tairngire move south to start their own new elven country. After discussion and a taste of the local crops, Tir Tangerine is founded in 2065.
Jul 13 2004, 11:14 PM
QUOTE (Pistons) |
They'd be laughing behind their hands if they weren't so busy. (Btw, either spelling seems correct. Google accepts both without suggested corrections.) |
Crossing my fingers that you did a suitably equal job on Tir Na nOg.
Jul 14 2004, 01:06 AM
QUOTE (Bigity) |
How do you say Tairngire anyway. I always make it sound like tangerine. |
Heh, my runners and I just call it "Tir Tangreen"

I think it's more along the lines of tarn-gre.
Jul 14 2004, 07:44 AM
Tihr (long eihre sound) Tahngrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
That's how I've always sort of pronounced it.
This suddenly brings the question, is there an SR pronounciation guide anywhere (we had a 4 page thread at fanpro about pronouncing Lofwyr).
Jul 14 2004, 07:57 AM
Low-f-veer, seeing as he's based in Germany...
Tier Tay-urn-guy-er is how I always pronounced it.
Just my guesses though.
The Abstruse One
Jul 14 2004, 11:43 AM
QUOTE (Tzeentch) |
-- Look, you have to admit that the original Tir was a little over the top regarding the difficulty of entry and shadowrunning. |
Yeah I agree.
Jul 14 2004, 11:49 AM
QUOTE (Abstruse) |
Low-f-veer, seeing as he's based in Germany...
Tier Tay-urn-guy-er is how I always pronounced it.
Just my guesses though.
The Abstruse One |
:: Gives these two the Bastard Stamp of Approval::
Though, I think Lofwyr is better without the cartoon accent, "Lof" as "loft" and "weer" as in "weird"
Jul 14 2004, 07:28 PM
-- I always pronounced it "Tear Taih-ahrn-gire"
Jul 15 2004, 12:36 AM
We had a thread about this on the previous incarnation of the boards, I believe. Unfortunately, I can't find whatever website I pointed to then, but I believe it is pronounced "Tear Tairn gir eh" with the Rs short and rolled, accent on the first syllable of the second word.
At least, that's also how I remember it being pronounced in the Celtic Literature class I took ages ago.
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