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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but with the character generator, how do you add money to a character after finalizing that character?
Eyeless Blond
Well, there are two ways to do it. First off you can add Karma and turn it into cash, but that's kinda ass-backwards. The other way is to add a credstick under "Character basic data"-->Lifestyle.
That's downright bizarre!
Herald of Verjigorm
Well, notice that it is a "character generator," so although it has some in-game features, it's not a character maintenance and updating utility.
Mr. Man
The trick to avoiding this and other pitfalls associated with managing characters in the NSRCG is to always keep an un-finalized copy. I only finalize my characters when I have to print out a new copy and at that point I save the finalized version to a different filename.

I know McMackie worries a lot about people using the NSRCG to cheat, but the sad fact is that if people really want to cheat they'll find a way no matter how the program behaves.

QUOTE (Mr. Man)
I know McMackie worries a lot about people using the NSRCG to cheat, but the sad fact is that if people really want to cheat they'll find a way no matter how the program behaves.

Sorry, I haven't been on the boards lately. New computer and transferal issues.
Yes. people can cheat but I will make as difficult as possible. After all, if a professional crook wants you car or your earthly possesions, he can very easily get them. Locks are to keep honest people honest.
I'm looking at reworking the credstick thing but where would you want me to put it? The location it's at is the best of the available.
Mr. Man
QUOTE (mcmackie @ Jul 11 2004, 05:37 PM)
I'm looking at reworking the credstick thing but where would you want me to put it?  The location it's at is the best of the available.

The location it's at is good, but if you want to add this feature it would involve a second place from which to access it from rather than moving it.

Some way of differentiating certified credsticks, forged credsticks, corp script and (now) paper money would be good. Maybe give credsticks a pop-up window similar to what lifestyles has.
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