Fresno Bob
Jul 29 2004, 05:29 AM
Hey, look at that, it's Wednesday night.
Large Mike
Jul 29 2004, 05:31 AM
Which means the deadline has passed. Now quit circling, vultures, so I can solidify the selection.
Large Mike
Jul 29 2004, 05:58 AM
Weasel the Samurai is in.
Sharp the... samurai is in.
Boingo the Physad is in.
Jackal the Samurai is in.
Phyrex, I love you man, but I'll point again to the sign that says no deckers.
You'll notice that the team is very magic-light. This is because no magicians made the cut. I'm adding another... oh, let's say 36 hours, for someone to give me at least one magically active character of some kind. I'd say that cop that FX was going to send me would work. Also, I'm going to need a ninja or ninja-like person of some kind. Assuming he's built like most assassins, that one that BGMFM was going to send me will probably do.
Yeah, so for those of you that missed the boat, another 36 hours.
Everyone else, I need lists of what you have on you. Everything else will have to be left back in Seattle. So dig out those carry and encumbrance rules, because for once in your life they matter.
Jul 29 2004, 06:01 AM
You didn't get my sheet? Damnit, the mail must have bounced. I'll resend it when I get back home.
Fresno Bob
Jul 29 2004, 06:05 AM
Woohoo! Weasel made the cut! Booyaka.
I'll compile a list of what's on him.
Jul 29 2004, 02:50 PM
Oh well. Now I can tweak Phyrex a little more...

EDIT: I'm gonna get my mage in there then. I'll get one of the Eliffs in there!
Large Mike
Jul 29 2004, 10:46 PM
Alright. FX has sent me a private dick, and she's in. An under-the-radar submission at the zero-hour by Fatbox has also been accepted, mostly because the concept is either brilliant or retarded, as well as supplying me with someone with some stealth. The extended deadline is still open, though.
Those of you already in, I need those lists.
Digital Heroin
Jul 29 2004, 10:53 PM
Well... uh... Boingo only owns four things, and he wears two of 'em... so I guess he's got everything on him...
And should we be scared of the brilliant/retarded concept?
spitfire gecko
Jul 29 2004, 11:08 PM
Jackal checking in.
Unless my math is off, he can take all his stuff except for his collection of assault rifle ammunition and his bike. Of the ammo, he's going to bring 3 clips of ExEx and 3 clips of Gel, with 1 clip of each already loaded into a gun.
Digital Heroin
Jul 29 2004, 11:10 PM
Here's a question... we know eachother prior to this little adventure?
Jul 30 2004, 12:31 AM
Everything listed in Mary's sheet is under 10 units of weight, so she's not encumbered, save for her shamanic lodge that is.
Jul 30 2004, 03:22 AM
Sharp the dot-dot-dot samurai checking in as well. Eager to play, and ready become another stone doorstop for Ghostwalker.
I sent the list early this evening. If it didn't go through let me know.
Cheers and be well!
Jul 30 2004, 07:00 AM
QUOTE (Large Mike) |
Alright. FX has sent me a private dick, and she's in. An under-the-radar submission at the zero-hour by Fatbox has also been accepted, mostly because the concept is either brilliant or retarded, as well as supplying me with someone with some stealth. The extended deadline is still open, though.
Those of you already in, I need those lists. |
well, a little from column A, and a little from comlumn B......more B than A though...
Jul 30 2004, 09:17 AM
Sent in a character yesterday...
Jul 30 2004, 03:38 PM
Mike, I'm gonna tweak my Phyrex character a little bit and send him to you. He'll still be a decker, but I'm gonna have him leave his deck at home, and he'll be ready for combat.
Large Mike
Jul 30 2004, 07:20 PM
Alright. The extended deadline has passed now as well. The lineup looks like this.
Weasel the Samurai
Sharp the... samurai
Boingo the Physad
Jackal the Samurai
Kirs the Ninja Exotic
Mary the Shaman Investigator
I'm sorry to those that didn't make the team. More or less solid characters all around. In many cases, the decision was fueled as much by team dynamic and my own devious mechanations as anything else. Also, Voor and DH, stop doing this. You're making it seems like I'm playing favorites *Way* more that I actually am.
Large Mike
Jul 30 2004, 07:27 PM
Now, does everyone actually want to go through the meet with the Johnson, or can we hammer out a deal here and I'll just write the whole thing up and we can cut to getting inserted into Denver (possibly plus or minus some legwork).
Just as a time-saving device.
That, and this Johnson would probably make seperate deals with the each of you.
Fresno Bob
Jul 30 2004, 07:43 PM
Deals hammered out here would be better.
spitfire gecko
Jul 30 2004, 07:44 PM
Jul 30 2004, 08:04 PM
I'll third it.
Large Mike
Jul 30 2004, 08:05 PM
Motion passed.
The target is what was once a military base in the UCAS sector. It's now not a military base, but there are people living there. There's actually an info-brokerage working out of the place, and the Johnson wants two key operators of the brokerage killed. The equipment and information is to be left alone if at all possible. Also, with the nature of the brokerage, using the matrix to transmit any info about it or trying to make use of a decker would be pure and absolute folly.
The Johnson can get you and any amount of stuff that you can carry into the CAS sector, where there's a pair of motel rooms waiting for you to use if you like. The Johnson can also get you out of the CAS sector one the job is finished. There's a dead drop phone number which you would call with a time and place. Preferably a discreet time and place.
He's got blueprints of how the base used to be laid out, but he can make no guarentees that it is still that way. The walls or meant to withstand bombs, though, so it's not unreasonable that the layout is still the same.
He's offering half a million nuyen (!!). Seriously. In addition, he's offering access to a delta clinic for one surgery. Being as he doesn't want the cash traced to him (this being a highly sensitive situation) should you get yourself thrown between the frying pan and the fire, he can only offer you 20 000 up front. He can also convert it into CAS or UCAS dollars if you like.
Large Mike
Jul 31 2004, 02:28 AM
Where'd everybody go?
spitfire gecko
Jul 31 2004, 02:39 AM
Right here!
He's offering half a million nuyen (!!). Seriously. |
Fresno Bob
Jul 31 2004, 02:46 AM
Oh man would that rule.
Large Mike
Jul 31 2004, 03:27 AM
Yeah. Each.
spitfire gecko
Jul 31 2004, 03:47 AM
For some reason that gives me a dark, foreboding feeling instead of a joyous one.
Jackal is going to buy a book with all the goods on Denver to read on the trip there, since he's never set foot outside of Seattle before. He'll also hit up his contacts to see if they have any insider information on the city, the cops there, the criminal element, and other stuff that isn't included in a tourism guide.
Etiquette rolls for each:
[ Spoiler ]
Tremain: 10 02 01 01
Fastfingers: 04 04 01 01
Weiss: 11 04 03 02
Large Mike
Jul 31 2004, 04:05 AM
Hold up. Wait 'till the OOC is up.
Is the deal according to everyone's liking?
spitfire gecko
Jul 31 2004, 04:15 AM
Oh, okay. Thought you meant we do the legwork here as bad.
Deal sounds fine with me.
Jul 31 2004, 04:15 AM
Half a million for Sharp seems like a nice run to call it a career on.
One question though. Is the deal for 3 mil total? For example, say a couple of guys don't make it back, do the four remaining get to split their share?
Pragmatism rules.
Jul 31 2004, 04:25 AM
Oh yeah, and if we're taking requests here, I'd like my up front cash in CAS currency.
My total fee, if I manage to get through this without reverting to a liquid state, I'd like in UCAS bucks. Grazie.
Large Mike
Jul 31 2004, 04:51 AM
Half a mill a piece. The meets are done seperatly. You won't even see each other until the ride in for insertion.
Jul 31 2004, 05:36 AM
Sounds fishy. But otherwise fine by me.
Large Mike
Jul 31 2004, 07:35 PM
Alright. I'm making the OOC now. We'll deal with some legwork there, and then I'll make the IC.
Jul 31 2004, 11:38 PM
Why do I get the feeling that this is going to go very wrong at some stage or another.....
Digital Heroin
Aug 1 2004, 12:41 AM
Does anything ever go right?
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