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Large Mike

I just thought I'd see if I could get any bites on a dark and aweful game featuring out-of-towners in Denver.

Drop a line if you wouldn't mind jumping borders, walls and fences, evading six different kinds of cops, working with a new and not-necissarily-trustworthy set of contacts, all in the back yard of arguably the most vicious dragon around.

(If you're smart, your pet runner will just stay in bed that day.)
Beast of Revolutions
I would try it.
One of those super-depressing dark and gritty dystopia kind of games? Ooh, count me in!
Sounds.... Interesting.
Digital Heroin
I'm in like Flynn.... whatever that means... biggrin.gif
So your idea of Denver has walls? wink.gif
If its starts after this week, and I dont need to finish a sheet this week, I'm in for it.
I'm in like Flynn.... whatever that means...

Ahhh... kids. Flynn, Erol. Master ladies man. He (at the time) got more play than todays biggest Mac. If you did something that was impressive to the ladies in the room you would be "In like Flynn". You would be well thought off by them.

Ray Becker
Hell I'll give it ago sounds like fun till I die that is.
Large Mike

Thanos, you get bonus points.

Alright, since I know I have interest, I'll put it together, and put up character creation rules Wednesday.
Fresno Bob
I want to be in!
Large Mike

I was wondering how long you were going to take, Voor. Again, come back Wednesday.
Digital Heroin
Is it Wednesday yet?
Its wednesday here...I'm interested!!
Large Mike
Alright. Here's the deal. You have one week to make characters. It's best come first served, so make 'em good. Backround and story always get you bonus points. No Riggers or Deckers, mostly because I'm still to lazy to learn the rules.

No Drakes, Shapeshifters, Vampires, so on and so forth.

No selling spell points.

I'm not sure if this is a house rule or not, but at character creation, if you have the foci, it's bonded to you.

No more than four total edges and flaws.

Starting level characters.

Priority or Sum-to-10 build.

Also, a reason to leave Seattle other than strictly for work is a bonus. All runners must be based normally in Seattle. You may have a contact in Denver only with the Friends Abroad edge, and be prepared for me to tell you no for absolutly no reason at all.

Drop them in my inbox at evilwins at
Digital Heroin
No BPs?

*again has an adept, though with a different style*
Large Mike

Like it or leave it.
Digital Heroin
For one of your games, I'll work with it... biggrin.gif
Sounds fun. I'll give 'er a go
Digital Heroin
Cooked up the sheet for a Sum-10 adept named Boingo, elven kid runner, fresh to the feild, but no stranger to the streets. Just need to cook up his background, and he'll be on his way.
I made an ex-cop/forensic mage/detective named Madeline Nightingale. Very cliched type Noir detective complete with revolver and smokes.

Probably going to be an ex-cop. Want her to start as a cop or an ex-cop? If she starts as a cop then she'll have to break away from LS somehow then.
Digital Heroin
*eyes Boingo's criminal record, eyes the copper, collar tug*


Heck, you vandalize one Humanis goon's limo and look what it gets ya...
QUOTE (FXcalibur)
I made an ex-cop/forensic mage/detective named Madeline Nightingale. Very cliched type Noir detective complete with revolver and smokes.

Probably going to be an ex-cop. Want her to start as a cop or an ex-cop? If she starts as a cop then she'll have to break away from LS somehow then.

Dang FX, that's the type of character I half-made for the Living in the Shadows game. ex-forensic and also had cross trained in the other areas of magic since Lone Star is stretched thin for mages (well, the story I was using), but not a mage, actually a sorceror adept. Having such spells as preserve, detect life (great for telling the entry team how many people in the next room), mass agony (felt like something different), hot potato, clauraudience and also wanted to get sterilize (when he left the force).... oh and some rudimentary cyber. Hmmm... maybe I should finish making him.... nyahnyah.gif
Digital Heroin
Uh... well in Boingo's case it got him a rap sheet and a criminal SIN...
What a coincidence. I built her as a sorcerer too with much the same spells.
Ray Becker
I've sent you my Chracter, an elf desined entyrly for speed,(quickness 12, hydrolic jack[5] and cyberskates) he gets into trouble fast and out again a whole lot faster. I wasn't sure what too class him as though he doesn't macth anything I'd say a street sam was or anything else for that matter.
Large Mike

Go ex-cop for that one character.
Large Mike

Oh, and I almost forgot. Copy-paste your character into the body of your email. I'm more or less computer illiterate, and I don't want to embarass myself by asking whoever's nearby to help me figure out how to read the damn thing.

Digital Heroin
QUOTE (Ray Becker)
I've sent you my Chracter, an elf desined entyrly for speed,(quickness 12, hydrolic jack[5] and cyberskates) he gets into trouble fast and out again a whole lot faster. I wasn't sure what too class him as though he doesn't macth anything I'd say a street sam was or anything else for that matter.

Great... so now Boingo's useless, considering he was the adept equivalent to that...
Fresno Bob
I sent a demolitions expert...
I have an adept who needs a little cyber.
Any problems with Gaesa at character Generation?

And the adept Handybook?
Ray Becker
QUOTE (Digital Heroin)
QUOTE (Ray Becker @ Jul 22 2004, 11:09 AM)
I've sent you my Chracter, an elf desined entyrly for speed,(quickness 12, hydrolic jack[5] and cyberskates) he gets into trouble fast and out again a whole lot faster.  I wasn't sure what too class him as though he doesn't macth anything I'd say a street sam was or anything else for that matter.

Great... so now Boingo's useless, considering he was the adept equivalent to that...

No probs I have another chracter or two just sitting around on my computer that I could submit instead.

An Orc Archer.
A Dwarven Italian Assosiated with the mafia and desined for combat.
And various others.
Large Mike
Geas are subject to individual scrutiny, and the handybook is out.

And send as many as you like, and don't assume that your character is useless because someone else's is similar. There's no guarentee that I'll accept either of them. So, send as many as you like. Within reason.
Digital Heroin
'twas me being uselessly reactionary due to lack of sleep and other online influence... is all good... *nod* Might submit Berk too... could have fun playing Berk... Berk is odd...
Is there room in this run for one more?
Large Mike

The selections havn't been made. Send characters.
Digital Heroin
Boingo is away... gonna check over Berk, and see about sending him too.
Ray Becker
I've sent all my chracters should have arrived with Large Mike earlier today Biographys are a bit skecthy but any of them can easily be expanded.
Digital Heroin
Oi... thought for a moment I'd have to completely re-make Berk to play, as he was a BP character... but it turns out that 125 BPs is the perfect number to be replicated in Sum 10, provided you've spent the BPs right... it's uncanny, he came out the exact same in both systems... so away he shall go.

That leaves me submitting a hyperkinetic club weilding Adept, and a nutter of an ex-Ganger turned street muscle.
Alright then. I've almost got a character done, just need to finish off his gear and make a backstory. Then, my combat decker will be ready to inspect. I'll get it to you sometime between now and Monday.
Nick Nihil, world Class assassin who recently got hit with a massive amount of Laes. He's forgotten lots of his skills and abilities and contacts, but still has the reputation he's developed over the years.

Sheet in soon.
Large Mike
QUOTE (Large Mike)
No Riggers or Deckers, mostly because I'm still to lazy to learn the rules.

So... sorry to waste your time...

If you're up to it, I'd still love to see a character out of you, though.
Hey Mike, Raygun's guns? Custom gear/guns? I assume standard modifications are cool (adding internal SLs, foregrips, etc...).
Large Mike

Raygun's guns, and seperate ammo for each type of weapon, but none of his other rules. (Not that I don't love you, Raygun). Standard modifications are fine. Custom gear/guns only if it's central to the character. Subject to induvidual approval.
Digital Heroin
I'm gonna go ahead and submit Berk as well as Boingo, though I'd much prefer Boingo, Berk might fit better, though I'm not sure.
Well, if there's still space count me in...though I can't get you a character sheet 'till Wednesday(ish) (it's currently Monday), as tonight I'm watching Aliens, thus giving me tomorrow to work on it and Wednesday morning to type it up properly...

So, any spots left?
Character sheet on the way, Mike.
Large Mike

No one has been picked, so there's room for all comers right now. Deadline is Wednesday afternoon/evening.
Phyrexus Eliff is on the way. If I have time, I'll get the other two Eliffs up and running.
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