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Full Version: [ShadowsOfEurope] Errata
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
It is inevitable, so we might as well open this thread to.
Typos left and right, but most of them seem to be made in Shadowtalk, so we can blame bad tpying by the dekcers on that one ^_-

The Abstruse One
I've already pm:ed Synner about this, but they made Ericsson a finnish company. Turns out someone made a misstake in editing.
LD, pointed out that one myself a few days ago. It is also spelled Eriksson in a few places.
In the part of the Denmark-chapter where the flood is described, Jutland is stated as the eastern-most isle in Denmark. It isn't; it's the western most. Somehow it slipped trough all the proof-reading....

I take full responsibility

page 24b - Kasai should ask for Osaka's board approval, since that's where Shiawase is headquartered. What he can get from Tokyo would only concern Shiwase Biotech division.

page 27a - "Malaysian International Bank" instead of Malaysian Independent Bank

page132 (box) and page 173b - "Heimdall Security" was the original name for the corporation Tyr Inc. described in the Scandinanvian chapter.

page 169b - the best Swiss code-crackers and datastealers come more probably from Lausanne and not "Lousanne", but after all Red Wraith is not a local.
Crimsondude 2.0
When did it become International?
Never. I'm saying exactly the opposite. Look at what's in the book: "International" has been wrongly written instead of "Independent".
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