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Ancient History
Right. Now then, Allied German States people, those who've read the German books...what happend with Schwarzkoppe and Schwarzkopf? twirl.gif
Originally, he was living on the Schwarzkoppe mountain, being a nice self-proclaimed extortionist. He took the mountain from a coven of witches, of which one was still planning against him as of 2062, I believe.

There's probably a reference in DotSW, however lacking that book, I can only surmise, based on the SoE book, that he played a role in protecting the Marienbad council lands against the megas during the orchichalcum rush. According to SoE, this sets up his dominion of the Marienbad council, leading to its joining with the Czech Republic. Aside from that, I don't really know. I'd have to get access to my copy of DidSII to look at some of his more modern goals.

This is where some of the guys with more books answer. The Germany sourcebook does have record that Schwartzkopf's mountain is a powersite, hence his taking it tweaked off the witches. It's in the back about German magic.

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