Jul 30 2004, 02:42 PM
New update on, the
European megacorporations with ratings and brief profiles. I know a few people were already begging for them. It was originally written to go into a Games Unplugged issue, and so as far as possible you should be able to understand and use it without
SoE (rather call it an incentive to go buy
). You can blame me for everything in it: all the idea weren't mine originally, but it would have been my duty to catch and push out the bad ones.
Jul 30 2004, 02:57 PM
S-K's rating is 91? I thought it had a much higher value in Corporate Download...
Jul 30 2004, 04:44 PM
91 is the same rating that's in
Corporate Download. Some of the numbers in the different categories may have changed (I didn't check on that specifically), but as CD says these numbers can fluctuate over time and are meant to be general benchmarks that gamemasters can work from. Also, while S-K is global, what they profit from in North America may be a little different from where the profit is in Europe.
Jul 30 2004, 05:04 PM
Sol Media got a 10 for Entertainment?
Ares Global Entertainment only nets Ares a 7.
All of MCT's media holdings gets an 8.
And last I heard the biggest media corp in Europe was DeMeKo out of Germany. ( Did I spell that right? )
Any chance we'll hear some updates on the German corps that were left out of SoE?
Teltech Holdings ( out of Berlin )
Shering Pharma (out of Berlin, I think I blew the name )
I bet they were all in the second Germany Sourcebook. ( The one that was never translated )
Jul 30 2004, 05:10 PM
A transparent PNG version of the logo would have been nice with this addon. Especially the 2 or 3 corps without a logo in the landbook
Jul 30 2004, 08:20 PM
Sol Media got a 10 for Entertainment? |
Yep that's their field and they're the success story of the decade. Don't forget they have extensive assets in South America and the merger with Finninvest made them the top dog in Europe.
Ares Global Entertainment only nets Ares a 7. |
Entertainment is not Ares forte. They don't possess that many assets and AGE trails globally.
All of MCT's media holdings gets an 8. |
With Japan and North Am its major markets and a number of other high yield fields of interest, it should still lose out to corps that make it their sole area of interest.
And last I heard the biggest media corp in Europe was DeMeKo out of Germany. ( Did I spell that right? ) |
That info is slightly out of date by 2063 and while DeMeKo ranks pretty high its not as diversified as the Sol Group (which also dabbles in MSPs, luxury and tourism industries) and so fell just outside the Eurocorp Top 15 in SoE (it was in the top 20 though).
Any chance we'll hear some updates on the German corps that were left out of SoE? Rhurmetall, IFMU, DeMeKo, Teltech Holdings (out of Berlin), Shering Pharma (out of Berlin, I think I blew the name) |
I think Nath probably has our writeups for Rhurmetall, IFMU, DeMeKo, Eurotronics Consortium and European Motor Company somewhere. Don't remember Teltech but both Mueller-Schluter Infotech (see SoE p.25) and Schering Pharma are part of AG Chemie (the latter was too specialized to mention). Note that Stern Pharma one of the AG Chemie consortium's core members belongs to Spinrad Industries.
QUOTE (Jeremie) |
transparent PNG version of the logo would have been nice with this addon. Especially the 2 or 3 corps without a logo in the landbook |
In the works, some of them slightly modified so they're not so dark.
Jul 30 2004, 08:22 PM
QUOTE (booklord) |
And last I heard the biggest media corp in Europe was DeMeKo out of Germany. ( Did I spell that right? ) |
Yes, you spelled it right.
DeMeKo is short for "Deutsche Medien- und Kommunikations-AG" (German Media and Communications Corporation).
Shering Pharma (out of Berlin, I think I blew the name ) |
It's "Schering" - the sound that Anglophones write SH is spelled SCH in German.
According to "Walzer, Punks & Schwarzes ICE" Schering is a subsidiary of AG Chemie Europa.
That fact became public during the corporate takeover of Berlin in 2055.
Jul 30 2004, 11:23 PM
I just wanted to thank the writers and people over at srrpg for getting this info out. Its lack was my one major complaint about SoE, and now that I've got it, I couldn't be happier. Thanks again and great work! Keep it coming!
Jul 30 2004, 11:26 PM
Thank you for not putting it in Games Unplugged.
Hmm...AG Chemie Europe is a 69. I wonder what Yakashima is, then. Maybe 70 or 71. Possibly equal with or above Novatech. Well, hopefully Shadows of Asia will tell us.
Jul 30 2004, 11:35 PM
Well the general plan as I understood it was for things to be published in GU and then to be later added to the site after a set period- a couple of months I think it was. Not sure what's happening with the whole thing now though.
Jul 31 2004, 03:23 AM
Games Unplugged is under new management and no longer with Fast Forward, and has returned to talking about games in general.
Jul 31 2004, 03:37 AM
Actually, GU has already gone tits-up again. 3rd death is a charm, right? and have follow-up information.
Jul 31 2004, 03:40 AM
Wow. That magazine's worse than the Hope Diamond.

Good luck to Tony Lee. May he somehow escape this industry with his life and sanity intact.
Jul 31 2004, 01:45 PM
QUOTE (KosherPickle) |
Hmm...AG Chemie Europe is a 69. I wonder what Yakashima is, then. Maybe 70 or 71. Possibly equal with or above Novatech. Well, hopefully Shadows of Asia will tell us. |
I don't remember any particular reference to Yakashima size. They just happen to be cited regularly. At least until 2057, their strategy was only to buy out companies, dismantle them and make a profit over it. Not the way you accumulate hard assets (in 2057, Dunkelzahn gave them 150 millions to be used only for R&D, which could have impulsed a change of policy). In theory it should be smaller than Monobe International, which according to Blood in the Boardroom was the candidate for a Japanese "Big Eleventh" (supported by Shiawase, Mitsuhama and Renraku to recreate a Japanese power block on the Corporate Court after the fall of Fuchi and the depart of Yamatetsu).
Besides, as any stats, the CDL rating system has its flaws and do not adequately represent the complete truth. A company with very weak assets in every sector easily outdoes a specialized world leader. Just to try adequately rate Lone Star or DocWagon (or Wal-Mart for that matter), you're going to get disapointing numbers. Also, sectors like Magic, Military tech and Cybernetics weight as much as very broad categories like Services (transport+security+hostellery+...) or Heavy Industry (energy+carmaking+construction+...). If I had to justify the system somehow, I'd say it does not show relative size but rather a corporation's stability against the markets' ups and downs that can occur in the different segment of the world economy, or something like that. Extraterritoriality cannot be granted to unstable corps, no matter who big they are, if they can crumble overnight (think 'dot anything') and leave enclaves and citizens out in the open.
Oh, an it's Zeta-ImpChem who get the 69.
Aug 2 2004, 05:58 AM
QUOTE (Pistons) |
91 is the same rating that's in Corporate Download. Some of the numbers in the different categories may have changed (I didn't check on that specifically), but as CD says these numbers can fluctuate over time and are meant to be general benchmarks that gamemasters can work from. Also, while S-K is global, what they profit from in North America may be a little different from where the profit is in Europe. |
Yes, my bad. I just read again CD yesterday.
Aug 2 2004, 06:06 AM
I'd say never forget these ratings are in constant Flux. SK maybe a 91 this week, maybe next week they are 92, or a 95. (Good fiscal week.) By using these ratings as a guide post you can easily determine your own ratings to suit your game.
Sol Media suddenly experiencing some technical difficulty courtsey of a jealous Ares Global entertainment? Change their ratings.
The point system is pretty flexible, and can be changed around pretty easily.
Aug 3 2004, 08:42 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
QUOTE (Jeremie) | transparent PNG version of the logo would have been nice with this addon. Especially the 2 or 3 corps without a logo in the landbook |
In the works, some of them slightly modified so they're not so dark.
Thx, you're the man
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