Aug 3 2004, 09:23 PM
Aug 3 2004, 10:56 PM
Just build a lance of BattleMechs and hurry up about it, me and the Clans are ready to defect and invade!
Aug 4 2004, 12:10 AM
"We essentially call the 2010 soldier an 'F- 16 on legs' because it gives the soldier the same capabilities as they would normally have on aircraft and other platforms," DeGay explained. The F-16 is an Air Force fighter jet.
They needed a better writer for that piece
But back to the topic, thats cool. I didn't know they were that close on some of that gear. The only problem I foresee is if the forces deployed are fighting someone who has and knows how to use triagulation equipment. Someone who can see the position of the soldiers and their condition as well as the commander.
Slight problem that
Fygg Nuuton
Aug 4 2004, 12:54 AM
id imagine theyd encrypt that information up the yin-yang and wazoo respectively
Aug 4 2004, 01:38 AM
Encryption only matters if you want to read the data. No difference if you are satisfied only with their position.
Aug 4 2004, 02:35 AM
It is awfully written isn't it?
The second uniform system, the Vision 2020 Future Warrior concept, will follow the 2010 Future Force Warrior with more advanced nanotechnology. Nanotechnology deals with the creation of incredibly small materials, devices or systems with a scaled-down size of 100 nanometers or less. A nanometer is a metric measurement equivalent to one billionth of a meter. |
That's one of the more laboured passages I've seen in a while, and I'm lawyer...
I'd take the promise of this tech with a massive grain of salt - there's no better way to make a butload of cash than selling the US military on a trendy high-tech solution, and nothing right now is more trendy than nanotech. For every (moderately) succesful high tech acquisition there are a dozen projects that never make it past field testing...
Aug 4 2004, 04:24 AM
QUOTE (sidartha) |
Encryption only matters if you want to read the data. No difference if you are satisfied only with their position. |
Not necessarily. To verify that something is actually a target you'd need some coherent data. Throw some signal-producers around, and you've got instant decoys.
Aug 4 2004, 09:53 AM
You would have some success hiding your signal sources by using microburst transmissions and frequency skipping on a specified algorithm linked to a specified gps signal can also reduce the chances of them targeting you. Also, I would expect that optical (laser) comms would be used except when a line of site cannot be established and the transceivers being used would be 'listening' on the specified frequencies for those times when LOS is interrupted. using multiple repeaters, both optical and radio would also make the triangulation more difficult. For the optical repeaters, they could look like an olive drab Chistmas ornament and all of the troops place them sporadically as they make the infiltration, or they could be preplaced by drones, spirits, trained squirrels or what have you.
But I gotta admit, that was a poorly written article.
Austere Emancipator
Aug 4 2004, 12:27 PM
Microburst transmissions and frequency skipping (as in the AN/PRC-117 SINCGARS) are "old" tech by now, it would be a miracle if those were not fully taken advantage of by the comm packages in those things.
Aug 4 2004, 12:33 PM
The whole microburst / hopping thingy is not totally proof against an enemy getting a general position. And if he has any reason to consider you dangerous (Say a lot of traffic) he just might consider a 500x500m Grid to be "close enough"
Artillery is a beautiful thing for that. 18 barrels x 10 rnd/minute kann waste a huge area in no time at all.
Aug 4 2004, 01:49 PM
I always thought (in SR terms) that the rating of the radio equalled how sophistimicated it was, with the frequency hopping and the acronyms and so forth. I always used the rating as the target to triangulate, because I'm a lawyer too so what the hell do I know about frequency hopping. I figure it's yet another "build a better mousetrap/build a better mouse" type situation with military technology - there's measures and countermeasures and responses and so on, so the way to avoid your signal being intercepted and triangulated is basically to spend a large wad of cash.
Austere Emancipator
Aug 4 2004, 02:58 PM
QUOTE (Birdy) |
The whole microburst / hopping thingy is not totally proof against an enemy getting a general position. And if he has any reason to consider you dangerous (Say a lot of traffic) he just might consider a 500x500m Grid to be "close enough" |
Of course the only thing totally proof against triangulation or other EM wave detection is total radio silence, but considering how much radio traffic a mechanised infantry company already causes all the fricken time, I don't think this the triangulators' job any easier.
Aug 4 2004, 05:42 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
QUOTE (Birdy) | The whole microburst / hopping thingy is not totally proof against an enemy getting a general position. And if he has any reason to consider you dangerous (Say a lot of traffic) he just might consider a 500x500m Grid to be "close enough" |
Of course the only thing totally proof against triangulation or other EM wave detection is total radio silence, but considering how much radio traffic a mechanised infantry company already causes all the fricken time, I don't think this the triangulators' job any easier.
A lot. Artillery doesn't know friend and foe, just juicy targets. If you tell them "you can reduce a square kilometer to fine rubble because we locate the enemy more closely" you're declared a "honorable artilleryman" and given some of their special charges (read:beer)
If you tell them they get to play with Anti-Matter...
Birdy (currently reading Hell's Faire)
The Question Man
Aug 4 2004, 09:56 PM
Alternatively, you could use OpticComm Units
IIRC. Various Frequencies of light bounced off a Blimp Drone or Coordinated by satellite relays. Triangulation can be spoofed by rotating frequencies, jamming, and variations on jamming including flooding the entire bandwith.
Radiation Comms are scary but, satillite imaging can sense and identify variations of radioactivity . The Science and Mechanics escape me.
Cheerful thoughts
Young Freud
Aug 5 2004, 09:23 AM
QUOTE (The Question Man) |
Alternatively, you could use OpticComm Units
IIRC. Various Frequencies of light bounced off a Blimp Drone or Coordinated by satellite relays. Triangulation can be spoofed by rotating frequencies, jamming, and variations on jamming including flooding the entire bandwith. |
OptiComm units?! Wouldn't that be even more prone to interference in the battlefield than radio communications? Granted, you probably won't get any evesdroppers with a OptiComm system, but beams of light can be "jammed" by simple smoke and dust, which gets coughed up way too much in a combat situation.
The Question Man
Aug 9 2004, 07:06 PM
QUOTE (Young Freud) |
QUOTE (The Question Man) | Alternatively, you could use OpticComm Units
IIRC. Various Frequencies of light bounced off a Blimp Drone or Coordinated by satellite relays. Triangulation can be spoofed by rotating frequencies, jamming, and variations on jamming including flooding the entire bandwith. |
OptiComm units?! Wouldn't that be even more prone to interference in the battlefield than radio communications? Granted, you probably won't get any evesdroppers with a OptiComm system, but beams of light can be "jammed" by simple smoke and dust, which gets coughed up way too much in a combat situation.
OptiComm technologies are advanceing faster than Laser Technologies. Using various frequencies of Light allows penetration of smoke, cloud cover etc... Also a Satilite can project the Light over a large area and recievers ... Well you get the point. While area OptiComms are vulnerable to detection and interception. The time it take to decipher that coded transmissions ... well it's to late.
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