Red Swami
Aug 4 2004, 04:40 PM
I really like the specific martial arts rules given in the back of CC. Due to oversight and point shortage, though, my character doesn't have any unarmed combat skill. So until he can train up to a decent level, I was thinking of giving him a skillsoft. Now I know skill advancement gets a little awkward once maneuvers get thrown in there, and I was wondering how skillsofts would reflect that. First of all, would a specific martial arts style count as a specialization? Second, how would maneuvers add to the cost (or would they be available at all)? Increase the program multiplier by 1, maybe, or just a flat rate per maneuver?
Oh, and just for my edification, I'm correct in thinking that Enhanced Articulation gives its skill bonus even if defaulting or using activesofts, right?
Unrelatedly, I've seen "BBB" used around here a lot. What's the B stand for that isn't either "Basic" or "Book" (as I'm assuming two of the B's are)? "Big"? "Bodacious"?" "Baffling"? "BeentoolongsinceIreaditandnowIhavetolookupanotherdamnruleIforgot"?
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 4 2004, 04:56 PM
BBB ~= Big Black Book, although not all of them are black.
Aug 4 2004, 05:39 PM
I'm pretty sure that the Martial Arts rules in CC do cover the issue of MAs on chip ...
1. MAs do count as regular skills not specializations.
2. MA chips come with the appropriate number of manuevers according to chip's rating. The exact maneuvers have to be specified upon purchase. These maneuvers do not change anything with chip rating / size multiplier
3. There are no rules on additional maneuvers (those that can be purchased at 8 karma for regular MAs)
Aug 5 2004, 01:53 AM
We use MA skillsofts in our current campaign. We looked at the rules and got a bit confused too. So we've done this.
1. MA skillsofts are general not specialised.
2. The MA skillsoft comes with rating/2 maneovers.
3. Each maneover costs an additional 10% of the base cost of the chip
4. Additional maneovers can be purchased, but can only be used in conjunction with a chipjack driver.
5. If you attempt to use a MA skillsoft of a higher rating than a close-combat skill or athletics you must make a damage check against moderate skillsoft rating-appropriate skill +1 stun wound. If a character has no appropriate skill the wound is physical.
The reason for rule 4 is that additional maneovers are added in by computer admendment not from tracking down wider trained fighters. The chipjack driver gives the additional control required as a by-product of the its main function.
The reason for rule 5 is stop physically unfit characters turning into Jet Li. How many people to you know who drop into the splits or punch with 2 fingers. But I find that my climbing helps immensly with fencing. High rating martial arts skills require years of phyical training day after day.
But, hey, this is our world, feel to use or discard as you see fit. We felt that these rules fitted to spirit if not the canon concepts for these skills.
Red Swami
Aug 5 2004, 01:55 PM
Intriguing... I think I like those rules, may have to run them by my GM. So would enhanced articulation help ease the test in rule 5, then?
And in general, does EA help with defaulting? So, for example, defaulting to Athletics I'd get Strength + 1 dice (or Quickness, can't remember what Athletics default is right now) but at a +4 TN? And would it get added to said MA skillsoft?
Aug 6 2004, 10:40 AM
So would enhanced articulation help ease the test in rule 5, then?
If you argued well and picked an acrobatic style, I'd let you apply the EA benefit to the resist damage test only.
And in general, does EA help with defaulting? So, for example, defaulting to Athletics I'd get Strength + 1 dice (or Quickness, can't remember what Athletics default is right now) but at a +4 TN? And would it get added to said MA skillsoft? |
EA adds 1 addtional die to Combat, Physical, Technical, & B/R skill tests. So as long as you're performing a physical or techincal action, whether defaulting attribute or not, you would receive the bonus.
Only a chipjack driver helps a skillsoft. An activesoft program has nothing to do with your actual skills, abilities, and physical fitness. We stuck in rule 5 because we feel that no matter how good your skillwires are, if you're untrained, your body simply can't sprint 100m in under 10secs or carry-out a 2 finger punch.
QUOTE (Red Swami) |
Oh, and just for my edification, I'm correct in thinking that Enhanced Articulation gives its skill bonus even if defaulting or using activesofts, right?
No. Enhanced Articulation and all bioware only improves natural skills. It does help when defaulting from a natural skill or attribute.
Necro Tech
Aug 6 2004, 07:37 PM
Although they do help knowledge skill chips (like the mnemonic enhancer III).
Aug 7 2004, 10:44 AM
QUOTE (Arz) |
No. Enhanced Articulation and all bioware only improves natural skills. |
Care to provide a quote?
Enhanced Articulation improves the body performance. Your movement becomes more precise, etc. Why wouldn't the skill wires be able to make use of that improved body once they start taking control?
Ol' Scratch
Aug 7 2004, 01:44 PM
There is no quote to back that statement up. Enhanced Articulation clearly states that it applies to any Success Tests involving the listed types of skills. That includes defaulting to or from those skills.
Aug 7 2004, 08:04 PM
QUOTE (Cochise) |
Enhanced Articulation improves the body performance. Your movement becomes more precise, etc. Why wouldn't the skill wires be able to make use of that improved body once they start taking control? |
They do in the 5 point rules above. Just that EA would help the movement side of MA not with the lack of musclature necessary for the 2-finger punch example when using MA skillwires.
So, Ju Jitzu yes, shaolin monking no.
Aug 8 2004, 12:40 PM
I wasn't talking about your house rules
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