Feb 6 2005, 07:10 AM
An invisible flow of electrons washes the area around the hanger, and Jester's voice rattles through the speakers.
"Alright, got 1 about 100m to the east, and another one 150m to the south, besides the two that the dragon lady told us about."
Feb 6 2005, 06:18 PM
Joli reaches out and opens the link between her and the small hunter outside. She allows the information to flow between them. Get the one to the south, I'll see what I can do about the one to the east.
"I am going to see what I can do about the one to the east, Sebastian is checking out the one to the south." With that said, she wills her self up and out. Pushing free of her small physical form, she launches from the van and quickly flies east. She feels the focused bloodlust flowing back through her from her companion.
Feb 7 2005, 02:11 AM
Tombstone almost feels like snarling in frustration. He hates these unseen foes, and feeling so unaccustomedly useless... hopefully he'll have an opportunity to release his aggressions when the two new snipers get pinpointed. Although, as always, watching someone go astral, their meat body going limp and lifeless as their consciousness goes elsewhere, freaks him out a bit. It's the same way with deckers, actually.
Taking a few deep breaths (and a few hacking coughs), he steels himself for the second unconscious sniper, coming up, readying himself to help drag the body inside.
Feb 8 2005, 07:38 AM
The two whirling vortexes of air appear before one of the gunmen and he starts, jerking up from his post and snapping the heavy looking rifle up to his shoulder. "Spirits around," he shouts. The shots are soft, obviously muffled, but still a sharp crack in the otherwise quiet night as he fires at the elementals.
The second gunman is standing up from his crouched position as if reacting to a warning when Sebastia appears, the small dragonette grinning as the sound of thunder rols over the tarmac again, and the gunman stumbles back. He still seems game though, tugging a heavy pistol free from the holster at his belt and firing twice in quick succession. "Here too." he shouts back.
Feb 11 2005, 12:59 AM
The first sniper curses as both shots pass harmlessly through the vague forms of the spirits, and he drops to his knees, clutching at his throat as the power of the two elementals overwhelms him.
The last sniper, hearing the sounds through his headseat, fires a few more shots towards the small spirit and turns to run. He gets no more then a few feet away before another thunderclap washes over him, lifting him bodily off the ground and slamming him into the tarmac like a limp rag doll.
Feb 13 2005, 09:55 PM
"Looks like our friends had backup. Jester after we load these two up, let's collect the other two. Once all four are in the van, we need to get the hell out of here."
Feb 14 2005, 10:17 PM
The van moves quickly to each indicated spot, door sliding open as the vehicle slows down just long enough to take in each of the unconcious snipers. He pulls off the tarmac, a long suffering sigh echo'ing over the speakers as you leave the tattered hanger and small airport behind.
"Where to, boss?"
Feb 15 2005, 01:24 PM
Joli's body shudders as she forces her spirit back into the her human shell. Her eyes open and she calls Sebastian to her. The air shimmers as the small dragonette lands in her lap, nursing a sizable wound.
You stupid, over grown gecko. Next time leave when you get shot. Joli immediately mutters a few phrases in Latin as she presses a hand over the wounded area. Sebastian head whips up to smile wickedly at his mistress. You should see the other guy. His voice dripping with smug satisfaction. She shakes her head at his gall and begins speaking to the others in the van.
"What's the plan now?"
Feb 17 2005, 05:51 AM
"Let's get out of here. Head to the Body Mall."
This plan has gone completely south. The team knew where we were before we even got there. Hopefully these guys will have some answers, otherwise it's going to be a very long day. And I still want breakfast...
Eric shakes off his soft soliloquy as the van hits the freeway. He has an interesting morning ahead of him, torture, organ legging and deals with an organized crime family. One of these days his line of work is going to get him in a heap of karmic trouble.
Feb 21 2005, 06:25 PM
Brief directions from Eric is enough to get the van, after about and hour and a half, to the corner of Issaquah-Beaver Lake Road and East Beaver Lake Drive, home of the infamous Body Mall. The slagged reactor that gave Glow City it's name can be seen in the distance.
Business is brisk, with a steady flow of people pulling in and out of the abandoned hospitals parking lot. A steady rain pours down, nothing new in Seattle, but welcomed by those that spend their life within spitting distance of a melted-down nuclear reactor.
Feb 27 2005, 09:28 PM
Tombstone dozes during the trip, and feels perhaps slightly better when they arrive at the Body Mall. He snorts at the sprawling, run-down building - he would never let any of those butchers put any 'ware in him.
Hopefully they can get some answers out of the snipers, one way or another. And maybe they have some 'ware that the ripper-docs can harvest, or at least a few organs that they haven't already done in with one vice or another. The Yak only needs enough to identify them, after all. After that, the team can spit up and go crash, getting the gear they need and some much-needed rest, before meeting up again.
Normally he would not be so callous, but his brush with near-death was very unnerving, and he doesn't want any of these fraggers alive after this. Looks like the main job won't happen until next evening; and if the Yak doesn't like that, he can work on having more operational security than, say, a sieve. The group sure as hell didn't alert the hitters - while revenge is an occasional hazard of the shadows, most people do it after you've hit them. Wonder who the traitor in the Yak's organization is? No concern of his. After the job, he plans on having nothing more to do with them.
Mar 2 2005, 12:10 PM
"Ok, let's get the bodies unloaded and inside. Second floor down at the South end was a doc named McCoy. I don't know if he's still here but he's done good work in the past. If not there won't be a shortage of burned out rooms we can use to interrogate these guys in."
Scooping Bloodmoon into a fireman's carry, Eric moves towards the door. Looking to his left for the stairwell that should still be there.
Mar 2 2005, 12:38 PM
Blackjack nods and moves to try and help steady Eric as he steps out of the van. She steps out after him and follows his lead.
With all the death around her, Blackjack is feeling a bit stressed, as evidenced by the worried look upon her brow. She tries to steady her breathing with bravado. Only a faint shuttering is detectable in her exhalations.
Mar 2 2005, 03:26 PM
Joli steps out of the van, feeling like a desperate housewife out to liven up her marriage. She looks down and shakes her head. I need to get some real clothes before someone asks me for a free peep show. She calls out to Eric. "Does anyone have any idea where I can get some new clothes?" Sebastian slips into the astral and hovers around his companion, keeping an eye out for any problems that may pop up.
Mar 2 2005, 03:41 PM
"Depending on how many questions you don't ask, you could get some from a doc inside. Otherwise I can loan you my over shirt until we are able to get to a real mall or back to your apartment."
Mar 2 2005, 03:49 PM
"As long as they're passable then fine. I can hit a store later for more clothes. Normally I have a set or two but I really didn't think things would go down the way they did." Joli follows in the groups wake, she only pauses for a brief moment to extend her awareness and cloak the group in her protection.
Mar 2 2005, 04:14 PM
The crowds vary between furtive and aggressive, some glaring in your direction as you walk by, others quickly moving away at even a hint of movement in their direction. The clientele is different but the same, sleek, body-hugging jumpsuits sharing the space with armored trench coats and visible assault rifles. A pair of orcs lounge outside the closest and most easily accessible doors. The orcs both sport bright orange rain slickers over their armor, and over their shoulder you can see a few more of the garishly colored raincoats moving around inside the mall. One stops your group with a raised hand, both with shotguns held loose.
"What's yeah business?" he growls, his partner leering at Joli.
Mar 2 2005, 08:19 PM
I'm so not up for this, right now...
Sighing deeply under the wait of his teammates body, Eric steps in front of Joli towards the two orcs.
"We're here for some of McCoy's services if he's in otherwise we'll see whoever's running his old shop. Fewer questions asked, fewer things that you'll have to lie about later."
Mar 3 2005, 03:01 PM
The orc grunts, shifting his hold on the shotgun. "Smart-ass breeder. McCoy's on the third floor, room 4A. Watch out he don't eat your girlfriend there."
The orc gives his partner a tusky grin, and the partner laughs as the group walks in.
The interior of the Body Mall is definitely reminiscent of the original structure, with obvious space for waiting rooms, and a broken down reception desk that has been pushed off to one side to make room. Old chairs and other bits of broken furniture and refuse litter the entry area. A few orcs and trolls, all sporting bright orange slickers over obvious armor, lounge around the entry way, shotguns and rifles held loose. Flourescent lighting flickers out of existence occasionally, deepening the shadows, and a garbled 'ding' calls your attention to a bank of elevators as an elf, head and arm swathed in banadages, stumbles out of one of the cars and towards the exit.
Mar 3 2005, 09:19 PM
Eric turns to look back over one shoulder as the team hesitantly leers at the rundown hospital.
"Let's double-time it boys! We don't have all morning."
Hefting Bloodmoon back up into a carrying position from where she had slumped down, the decker moves past the bouncers. If Lonestar decided to roll out here en masse, everyone in the Body Mall would definitely have time to hustle out before they breached the front door. Of course, that would take full scale rioting like a few years back for them to even turn the lights on this far out...
Hitting the button for the elevator, the Englishman struggles under the wait of his load while his teammates catch up.
Mar 4 2005, 04:19 AM
Blackjack does her best to keep pace withEric as he makes swift progress through the mall. The surroundings are unfamiliar and foreboding to her, and she finds herself easily distracted and staring at people as she walks past.
"Come on, guys!" she says, feigning cheeriness with a half smile.
Put on a happy face, even if you don't feel it, and things will look brighter. You'll stay pretty longer too.
My god! What have I gotten into?
These are Blackjack's only thoughts as she follows Eric carrying Bloodmoon over his shoulder through the mall.
Mar 4 2005, 07:46 AM
Tombstone glides through the dilapitated hospital after Eric, his lanky legs easily matching the human's shorter strides. He smirks at the surroundings - having something to sneer has brightened his mood a bit, and the Body Mall is very sneerable.
As Eric finally pauses his sprint, waiting at the elevator, Tombstone raises a sardonic eyebrow.
"Hey, I appreciate someone else stepping up to be the leader, but maybe you could, ah, delegate a bit of the grunt work." The tall ork holds out his arms, indicating the still unconscious Bloodmoon.
Mar 4 2005, 08:10 AM
Eric looks dumb founded as his companions join him leaving the assassins in the van with the rigger.
"Did you forget the four bodies in the van? They all need to come in with us so we can question them. I can carry her, the others I don't have a chance lifting on my own."
Mar 5 2005, 06:25 AM
Tombstone looks slightly irritated. "Of course I didn't forget those punks... but let's get Bloodmoon in to the doc, then bring the rest of them in. And we'll make more than one trip if we have to. I don't want all of us to have our hands full at the same time in hostile territory."
Mar 5 2005, 04:48 PM
Eric gladly hands over Bloodmoon's limp form to the large ork. Shifting the weight under his coat, he resettles the sling for the shotgun and waits for the elevator to finish its groaning descent and open.
Mar 6 2005, 07:30 AM
After they put Bloodmoon in capable medical hands, Tombstone helps carry the snipers into the building. Although the lean ork is the logical choice for moving the bodies, the ex-bodyguard still finds the role-reversal unnerving as the others cover his back. The whole place doesn't do much for his peace of mind... he is grateful that Eric seems to have some connections here.
When the snipers are in a more private area, where the group can interrogate them, he takes some time to study them more closely as the others prepare the "meds". He turns to the group. "You want to call the Johnson first, or after we interrogate these guys? We may want to talk to them first. I'm leaning towards a leak in his organization rather than a deliberate betrayal, but I could be wrong."
Mar 6 2005, 05:31 PM
The elevator rattles to a stop, doors wheezing open to disgorge a couple of orcs, severely wounded by the amount of bandaging covering their body. The growl as they push past the group, leaving the elevator open and unoccupied. The small car reeks of blood and the floor is covered with various bodily fluids, spilled and long dried. Several of the buttons on the panel appear to be busted out, but the third floor button still appears functional, and even dings softly when you press it.
4A is the only room on the floor with a light shining out, the opening covered with a heavy plastic drape. Another troll in the bright orange slicker gives you a grunt and a nod as exit the vertically moving deathtrap.
McCoy's office appears to actually be a converted operating room, with chairs and a small desk in the area that would have been used for pre-op procedures, and a heavy, air-tight door leading into another room towards the back. A bored looking human girl, probably no more then 15, blinks back to consciousness with a disinterested look on her face, piercings and face paint adorning her features.
"Doc's in the back, you'll have to wait a while." She motions towards a couple of ratty looking chairs, and seems very unconcerned as you pile bodies in the corner. Her eyes roll back as she settles back into her personal bit of oblivion.
Mar 7 2005, 04:09 PM
Joli looks around, her skin crawls at the sights and sounds around her. "Let's hope it's not too long for the doctor."
Mar 7 2005, 04:48 PM
A few moments later the doctor steps out of the door, stripping a blood-splattered surgical gown off and tossing it into a pile of similar garmets by the door. Gloves follow, and the tall, thin man, reflective sunglasses glinting in the flourescent light, gives you all a feral smile.
"How can I help you gentlemen? Ah, and Eric, so good to see you bringing some light into my dreary life once more. Something serious, I hope?"
Mar 8 2005, 02:26 AM
"Doctor, we've got some minor burns that need touched up, but what I really need is a quiet room where we can interrogate the four in the corner. When we're done, I was hoping that you'd be able to find a use for the spare parts left over. You certainly know many more people in that line of work."
Eric moves forward to shake hands with the man he's worked with on occassion and knows that for the appropriate payments, most medical needs can be met.
Mar 8 2005, 06:45 AM
The doctor shakes his head, always surprisingly strong for someone in a white collar field. The faint scent of decaying meat still clings to the doctor, despite the prescence of several other, less pleasant odors. The doctor nods in response to the request.
"I do, of course. It must have been my stars that led me here to this place to provide this service for you." The doctor seems slightly bitter behind the mirrored shades.
"My room," and he gestures to the space behind the sealed door, "is always for rent, and cheaper if I'm not required to pay attendance. Give me a moment to clear out my tools, and it's yours for 50

an hour."
He kicks the teenagers feet from a chair where they were propped, and her eyes blink into focus in the real world. A brief comment and a nod, and she follows the doctor into the room, returning several minutes later with a heavy black bag in both hands, almost dragging it towards the door. The doctor follows, obviously much less lightly burnded, and nods to
Eric as he passes.
"I'll be on the first floor when you're done. If that light flashes," as he indicates a naked red bulb crudely wired above the door inside the room. "Exit as quickly as possible, as it indicates a Star raid. I won't be returning for anything."
He gives another toothy smile, and heads out of the makeshift clinic.
Mar 8 2005, 08:56 AM
Blackjack keeps her eyes low and tries not to look at anything or anyone as she pretends that the 'clinic' is in fact a normal clinic and that there are not several bodies piled up beside her. She fights back nausea and the urge to shed tears at the whole affair. The whole situation made her revile on the inside, a reaction she was trying to keep from reaching her exterior for its own expression. She closes her eyes and starts whispering a prayer to God to protect her and get her out of this.
Mar 8 2005, 03:03 PM
"This will be all over soon, I promise." Eric whispers to his fellow decker.
"Alright, let's get moving, the clock is ticking. Evans, Joli help me strip them down--No weapons, armor or clothing. It'd be nice to do a cyberware scan to make sure they don't have a bomb, but I don't know if we have the time. Tombstone get on the horn with our employer, find out how he wants his proof that the team has been removed. I also need you to keep an eye on Bloodmoon until she comes to."
Then with a sense of disgust barely overcome by the shreds of professionalism left to him, Eric moves forward and drags the first assassin into the operating theater and begins stripping him down.
Mar 9 2005, 05:52 AM
Joli gives a sigh and begins stripping the runners of the their armor and gear. She quickly creates piles of gear, things they might be able to use or sell off. She keeps an eye out for any clothing that might fit her. Sebastian phases in from the astral and sniffs around the bodies as she works.
Mar 9 2005, 07:25 AM
Tombstone, about to make the call, pauses. "I asked before, but are you sure you want me calling him before we interrogate these guys? Sure, let's get ahold of him before we start taking out spare parts, but I'd rather have whatever information we can extract from these punks first." He shrugs. "I leave it up to you, though."
Mar 9 2005, 09:01 PM
Blackjakc glances up at Eric and nods. She goes back to brooding and suddenly finds the strength to watch what is happening around her.
Eric always did have that affect on her when the situation was bad. She was glad they had remained friends after their dating relationship ended instead of becoming personal enemies.
Here I am cyring like a child.. 'Keep your chin up!' He's right. It won't be like this forever. Maybe a few days at worst. These guys.. how did they know where to find us so quickly? It's like.. they were told. Even if someone managed to trace me from their network, they got to the hangar awfully fast, and I'm sure I managed to log off gracefully.. Still..
Blackjack takes a deep breath an exhales as she focuses on what is happening around her.
Mar 10 2005, 12:29 AM
"Unless the informant has another team of assassins that wants to tango past the guards downstairs and try to kill us again, we are as safe as our profession allows."
Eric takes a deep breath, fondly remembering mornings where he could leisurely eat breakfast while sending smart agents to fetch information from public hosts.
"Be that as it may, let's wait. We'll extract what we need, in case a name comes out that may yield further fruit."
With the first body stripped down, Eric bends to lift and drag the assassin on to the cold steel operating table and pull the surgical restraints tight.
Mar 10 2005, 12:32 AM
Limp, dead weight is hard to manuver, but the table seems to be designed with restraint in mind, with straps for the head, neck, chest, biceps, forearms, abdomen, hips, thights, and shins.
The timing seems to be right though, because the other runners are already showing vague signs of concsiousness, barely 30 minutes after the initial scramble.
Mar 10 2005, 12:51 AM
"Evans keep them sedated...I don't want to have to do old fashioned greco-roman wrestling with a bunch of naked professionals."
Fu-Man Chu
Mar 10 2005, 05:41 AM
More gracefully that the first time, Bloodmoon begins to stir slightly as her body works furiously at purging itself of the poison coursing in her veins. Even as she begins to regain conciousness, her jumbled thoughts of concern for Spectre and the others manifest in her mumblings. Soon, her eyes start flickering open...
Mar 10 2005, 04:42 PM
Eric glances down at Bloodmoon's quaking body. He takes a deep breath, but bites back the order to sedate her again when she opens her eyes without screaming.
"Welcome back." A quick smile gets thrown her way, before he turns back to the problem at hand.
"Tombstone bring her up to speed, then check in with Jester to make sure we are not going to be surprised by anything."
His full attention on the restrained assassin, the Englishman does a quick search up and down his body to check for identifying marks or tattoos.
Mar 11 2005, 02:45 AM
Blackjack turns to Bloodmoon and asks gingerly, "Are you ok?"
Mar 11 2005, 03:23 PM
Evans moves among the assassins quickly, with little protest from each thanks to their bound state. He hesitates only as he gets to the one actually strapped to the table. "Should I put this one under too, or did you want to talk to him?"
Eric - Your search reveals several tattoo's, but none that seem consistent across the assassins and of course, no personal credsticks or identification.
Mar 11 2005, 05:19 PM
Joli shudders a little as she puts on the "borrowed" clothing but steels herself to the task at hand. "These folks were well equipped and we need to do something about these." She points to the DocWagon bracelets. "I have no desire to deal with an HTR team." Sebastian hops over and gathers up the four bracelets. His voice comes out deep and throaty. "I'll drop these off on some sort of moving vehicle." He chuckles darkly to himself as he wings off through the hall heading for the outside.
Mar 11 2005, 05:43 PM
"Leave this one awake. We have some questions to ask."
Stepping into the other room, Eric looks through his own thoughts and tries to build up a list of things that would terrify him. Looking at the team, his gaze stops a few times but he says nothing until he has finished his mental list.
"Joli, Evans, Tombstone are the three of you up to helping me? Blackjack can watch over Bloodmoon while we work. What I need is fire, a surgical scalpel, and some Orkish muscle..."
Mar 13 2005, 04:08 AM
After concisely but thoroughly bringing Bloodmoon up to speed on the situation, then checking in with the rigger, Tombstone waits impassively as Eric seems to be gathering his thoughts together. He tilts his head quizically when he is finished. "Depends on what you have in mind. Doubt I'll have any, ah, moral objections, but I may have some input to offer."
"I'm glad he already found a way to get Blackjack out of the room... she seems like she might be a bit too squeamish for this." he thinks.
Mar 13 2005, 06:33 AM
Joli pales as the current of emotions in the room turns darkly. "Count me out but Sebastian will.............help." With that the small dragonette pops into the space with a grin brimming with teeth. "We should hurry though. We've bought some time with moving the DocWagon bands but they'll back track to here and with platinum contracts they'll toss this place looking for them." She takes a breath. "So call the Johnson and find out what we need to collect and get this over with."
Mar 14 2005, 12:36 PM
Blackjack tries to comfort Bloodmoon of any pain she may still be in, using her first aid knowledge and TLC. She winces each time a scream eminates from the room where the torture is happening. Trying to pretend it isn't real, Blackjack attempts to strike up a conversation about various small subjects with Bloodmoon.
Fu-Man Chu
Mar 14 2005, 03:54 PM
QUOTE (Leowulf @ Mar 10 2005, 06:45 PM) |
Blackjack turns to Bloodmoon and asks gingerly, "Are you ok?" |
With the more gentle arrival back into conciousness this time around, the soothing words of Blackjack and Tombstone penetrate into Bloodmoon's hazed recollections. It took some repetition before the asian woman began to comprehend the situation. Nevertheless, forefront in her mind were thoughts about Spectre, Reaper, and the others.
Sitting up, she forced herself into the rhythmic breathing that would initiate the restoration of her spirit. First came the ordering of her physical senses - reigning in each muscle, each organ, every single nerve back into their place. As she did so, she could see the poison in her blood being purged as her kidneys collected to toxic substances. Next came the calming of the emotional turmoil, the storing of fear into its proper place, the cessation of the urgent desire to rush off in search of the Wraiths, the focusing of anger into a discrete force. This exercise flowed naturally into the separation of the turbulent thoughts into their own areas, containing them and store them away - assigning them priorities in which to be dealth; just preceeding the need to find Spectre, was the foremost need to figure out who it was that had ambushed them.
The sudden surge of Power through her her mind, body, and soul manifested as the abrupt crackling of ionizing air. It was now that she was once again at Balance. The ritual completed in the span of heartbeats, Bloodmoon looked with restored eyes once again at Blackjack. Giving the young woman a smile to assure her of her own well-being, she stood up. Laying a brief hand on her shoulder, Bloodmoon whispers a quick "Thank you."
"Come, let us show these men the fitting way to gain information without their barbarism."
Mar 14 2005, 04:21 PM
The newly restored mage steps into the room, walking abruptly from peace into a scene of violence. The mangled and abused body of the assassin lays strapped to the table, various parts showing evidence of the various techniques used to inflict the pain.
At the same moment, the lights dim significantly, and the naked, red bulb strung crudely in the waiting room begins to flash. There's a shout and the sounds of activity out in the Body Mall.