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Full Version: yet again, hit locations and armor rules
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So I've been putting off re-spec'ing armor for piecemeal coverage to use with my hit location system. Now that I'm getting ready to do it, I find Andy's site (used to be linked from Raygun's) has gone down, and Ray's only mirrored two of the three pages. The info I wanted, specific armor ratings and coverage stats, was on page it's gone.

If those of y'all with these sorts of systems were interested in sharing the stats they'd come up with - for armor alone, I've already got my rules worked out for the rest - I'd love to see 'em. My search-fu is weak; I tried a few but no dice. And Ray (or anyone else), if you happen to have page 3 of Andy's stuff lying around, I'd love it too.

These threads clog up quick, and the info's probably not of much use to anyone else; you can send the info to req (at) u (dot) washington (dot) edu.

Thanks all.
Austere Emancipator
What sort of thing are you interested in? Do you just want a table with armor ratings, coverage, weight, concealability, price, availability, street index, etc?
Exactly. I want to see how other people have approached things. Raygun's site has suggested ratings for NIJ Types I, II, etc. That's a help as well. I know I'll have to customize stuff to fit with my rules for penetration, my custom damage codes, my still-prototype encumbrance system (if it ever pans out), etc etc, but having some other works to look at will help me figure out the ballpark figures.

So yeah. Looking at rules would be interesting (and god knows I've done enough of that) but the armor table is what I want to see right now. Yours would certainly be helpful as well, AE. smile.gif
Hi Req. I hope to see you at one of our Shadowrun Missions games here in Redmond, or we might hold one down near Southcenter.

You might try and type in the link that no longer works. They may have a copy of Andy's web site archived.
Reg you still looking?
Cynic project
The way I deal with armor and location is this. Take the area of the body said armor is covering ,and times it by how small it is. So a vest witch covers half the body (or at least vital areas people aim for) Gives twice as much armor if you are aiming for that area over just that person. On loose rules Head is times 6,arms times 3-4, chest times 2-3. THis only when dealing with armor that covers some of the body but not all.Say Helmets. that give you some armour when you are hit,by non tartgeted attacks, normally, but six times the the armour on head shots.
Cynic, that's good.
But it also means an Armored Jacket gives more protection to the arms than it does the chest.
Still looking... web.archive seems to have the site stored, but it's hidden behind a flash intro page which doesn't seem to have archived well at all.

edit: got 'em. Turns out they don't actually make all that much sense...ratings seem to be uniformly low across the board. But it's a starting point.

I'd still like to see anyone else's examples tho. again, either post or email 'em to me... req (at) u (dot) washington (dot) edu.
Cynic project
QUOTE (TheScamp)
But it also means an Armored Jacket gives more protection to the arms than it does the chest.

Well, I said loose house rules. Also note that when hit in the arm you have less chance of being killed than being hit in the chest. If a bullet hits your vest and doesn't break threw, it is more likely to slow you down than if hit your arm and did not break threw.
If a bullet hits your vest and doesn't break threw, it is more likely to slow you down than if hit your arm and did not break threw.

Well, that's a judgement call. Shattered elbows suck balls.
Cynic project
QUOTE (TheScamp)
If a bullet hits your vest and doesn't break threw, it is more likely to slow you down than if hit your arm and did not break threw.

Well, that's a judgement call. Shattered elbows suck balls.

Yea, and lungs full of blood is so much fun.Or Sharp impact to the heart. I am not saying that wounded arms are fun,I am just saying that you can live with your arm blown off, you can't when your chest is blown off. It is not that you are fucked it is the level of being fucked.
Heh. I know this is dumpshock, but can we stay on topic? biggrin.gif This is not the place for another discussion of hit-location rules; I just want to see your armor stats. Thanks.
Austere Emancipator
I'm still trying to figure out if I have anything that could be described as a "table" for armor. For the last 6 months of gaming, I've just pulled all armor figures out of my ass. wink.gif

But I'll get one to you eventually. I'll try to put some thought into it along the lines of "This armor should be enough to reduce trauma from medium caliber non-armor piercing pistol shots to insignificant levels" instead of just a bunch of numbers.
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