Aug 10 2004, 02:14 AM
Can't find prices or information for gear for non-datajack having characters using trodes to ride the matrix. Can anyone lend a hand?
Kanada Ten
Aug 10 2004, 02:17 AM
Name: Trode Jack Availability: Always Cost: 500 Street Index: 1 Legality: 8P-U Book.Page: mat.169 |
Thank you McMackie.
Aug 10 2004, 02:32 PM
Trodes [Matrix p17] – An electrode net that slips over a user’s head. It takes 3 combat turns to adjust to a proper fit. These aren’t as efficient as datajacks; Reaction is halved (rd minimum of 1) and the maximum number of initiative dice allowed is 2D6.
Aug 10 2004, 11:46 PM
As a fringe benefit, you can't get scorched by IC, but you can suffer dump shock.
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