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Full Version: Cyber Eyes and ears
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Ok, so i'm trying to make a cybered up character (wich i've never really done before) Mostly i've worked with the adept types. And i'm a little confused.

When implanting Cyber Eyes and Ears, do I have to pay the additional essence cost for add-ons like Low light vision? or do they come installed into the Cybereye and I just pay the cost of the cyber-mod?

Thanks for the help in advance
Cybereyes and ears come with a buffer of 0.5 essence, in which you can stick mods, like low light, for only the money cost. After the 0.5 has run out, you have to pay essence costs for any other mods in that area.
That buffer is the same no matter the grade of your ware, so you can fit more Alphaware mods into cybereyes than standard ones.
QUOTE (SomeGuy)
When implanting Cyber Eyes and Ears, do I have to pay the additional essence cost for add-ons like Low light vision? or do they come installed into the Cybereye and I just pay the cost of the cyber-mod?

Yes, you do both. smile.gif

At first, cybereyes and ears have a "buffer" space that can hold some options (like low light) without costing extra essence.

I don't recall the cyberear "buffer" space size (don't use cyberears much), but cybereyes have a 0.5 essence "buffer" capacity.

What this means is that you could fit in Low Light, Thermographic, and Flare Compensation (total 0.5 essence) to a set of plain cybereyes and you'd only pay the nuyen cost for the options, plus the nuyen cost of the cybereyes, and the Essence cost of the cybereyes (0.2 essence).

BUT, after installing that 0.5 essence worth of options to the eyes, their "buffer" space is used up. If you added a display link (0.1 essence), you would have to pay it's essence cost and nuyen cost.
QUOTE (FXcalibur)
That buffer is the same no matter the grade of your ware, so you can fit more Alphaware mods into cybereyes than standard ones.

Actually i thought that was FAQ, in that you adjust the space by the Alpha multiplier, thus you end up with the same space, not more.
Ol' Scratch
It was in the FAQ at one time until they actual read the source material and realized that they were completely wrong.
Nope, you still get the bonus for alpha, beta or deltaware. IE: More options in the same space (0.5 Essence). There are additional rules about exactly what you can and can't fit into these senseware systems in Man and Machine, mainly to do with the maximum possible gizmos you can cram in due to physical size restrictions. IE: Camera and laser systems, etc.
But IIRC, if you have alpha replacements, the subsystems (low-light, hearing dampener, etc) have to be alpha grade as well.

Not sure about having alpha grade subsystems in regular grade replacements though.
QUOTE (Bigity)
Not sure about having alpha grade subsystems in regular grade replacements though.

Components have to be the same grade as the eye or ear is or better.
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